
  1. 这为未来医院信息系统实现基因组信息表达做出了探索。

    It is an exploration to express information of genomics in future .

  2. 未来医院应分为特级医院、高级医院、中级医院与社区医院4类;

    The future hospitals should be made of special-class hospitals , advanced hospitals , middle-class hospitals and community hospitals .

  3. 未来医院的生存竞争不再是某一方面、某一层次的竞争,而是全方位、整体性的组织形象的竞争。

    The competitive advantage of existence for future hospitals is no longer in one aspect or on one level , but in the all-dimensional and integral competition .

  4. 实践证明,循证管理能够提高管理品质,促进医院的良性发展,是未来医院管理的趋势。

    It has been proved that Evidence Based management , the tendency of future hospital management , can improve management quality and promote virtuous development of hospitals .

  5. 这也是未来现代化医院的趋势。

    This is the future trend of the modern hospital .

  6. 未来的医院未来医院工作人员的供求

    The hospital of the future Staffing of hospitals : future needs , future provision

  7. 本文论述了数字化医院发展的现状,对未来数字化医院的发展提出建议。

    The article elaborates present situation of development of digital hospital . It gives suggestions about development of digital hospital of the future .

  8. 她还说让医院认识到在两性健康服务一线的投资将在未来为医院节约是极其重要的。

    She says it is essential that hospitals recognise that investment now in front-line sexual health services will save them a great deal of money in the future .

  9. 最后提出了健康医院环境的评价框架,并对未来健康医院环境的发展规律进行了展望。

    And finally , put forward the evaluation frame of the health hospital , and made an outlook about the developing regulation of the healthy hospital environment in future .

  10. 未来的数字医院系统及其关键技术

    The digital hospital in future : understanding and management of our future hospital

  11. 走向未来的数字式医院

    Moving towards Digital Hospitals of the Future

  12. 随着我国医院信息化的投入水平和医疗卫生服务质量的不断提高,客户关怀系统在未来将成为医院信息系统的核心组成。

    With the progress of hospital information management inland , Client Care System will become the core concept of HIS in the future .

  13. 对医学生职业精神和医德的培养关系到未来医生和医院的价值取向以及医患关系的定位。

    Training of medical students professional spirit and medical ethics relates to the value seeking of the future doctors , and it also relates to the relationship between the doctors and patients .

  14. 未来的数字式医院将综合先进的医疗设备、通讯网络和整合的医疗信息系统,对临床工作的流程带来根本性的变化,从而提高病人护理质量,减少医疗错误,节省时间和费用。

    A digital hospital will incorporate advanced medical devices , communication networks and integrated hospital information systems to bring about the fundamental changes in clinical workflow to improve patient care , reduce medical errors , and save time & costs .

  15. 分析归纳其中的共通问题点,并进一步转化成可供未来设计者参考的医院导向设计原则。

    The author analyse the common ground and getting to a deduction that can be used for the designer of hospital visual sign system .