
qī piào
  • promissory note;term bill
期票 [qī piào]
  • [promissory note] 到规定日期才能领取商品或货币的票据

期票[qī piào]
  1. 债券是一种期票,通常以一定数额发行。

    A bond is a promissory note , usually issued for a specified amount .

  2. 如果它是一所房子或建筑物被用期票购买,它会被称为抵押贷款应付票据。

    If it were a house or building being purchased with a promissory note , it would be called a mortgage note payable .

  3. 由于股票交易是由经纪人和市场期票出票人直接进行,而不是在股票交易大厅内进行的,困此,纳斯达克(NASDAQ)被称为买卖双方直接交易市场。

    Because brokers and market makers trade stocks directly instead of on the floor of a stock exchange , NASDAQ is called an over-the-counter market .

  4. 这张期票于2002年12月20日到期。

    This time draft will fall due on20th december , 2002 .

  5. 国际汇票和国际期票统一法

    Uniform Law on International Bills of Exchange and International Promissory Notes

  6. 我们的惯例是以六个月的期票支付。

    We are accustomed to paying by ~ s at six months .

  7. 切勿邮寄现金。期票恕不接纳。

    Cash must not be sent through the post .

  8. 这张期票年底到期。

    This time draft will fall due at the end of this year .

  9. 国家就发行期票,借债,即发行公债。

    The state draws drafts on the future , contracts loans , state debts .

  10. 我方一两天内就把期票送来请您承兑。

    We 'll send you the draft to honour in one or two days .

  11. 期票什么时候到期?

    When will this time draft fall due ?

  12. 这张期票代表第一期付款。

    This time draft represent the first installment .

  13. 期票书面的有签名的期票。

    A written , signed promissory note .

  14. 不可转让的无息期票不可转让的背书票据

    " non-negotiable , non-interest-bearing promissory note "

  15. 根据约定,我们附上一张由你方承兑的30天期票。

    As agreed , we are enclosing our draft at30 days for acceptance by your bankers .

  16. 在某种意义上,我们来到这世上是为了兑现一张幸福的期票。

    In a sense we was born to the world to cash a check of happiness .

  17. 那么你打算征用我的期票?

    You gonna float my marker ?

  18. 期票还可根据谁是承诺付款的一方&政府或是私人进一步分类。

    And promissory notes are further classified according to who make the promise to pay-government or private parties .

  19. 买东西如购买汽车信贷发行期票的东西创建一个称为应付票据的账户。

    Buying something such as a car on credit and issuing promissory note creates a liability called notes payable .

  20. 为向债权人进行贷款而免费地在期票上签字的人。

    Person who sign a promissory note for no fee , but who expect to lend the creditor money .

  21. 这张期票代表第一期付款,在签合同时得给我们。

    This time draft represents the first installment and should be given to us upon the signing of the contract .

  22. 这些经纪人与专注特定股票买卖的市场期票出票人进行协商以确定股票的价格。

    The brokers negotiate with market makers who concentrate on trading specific stocks to reach a price for the stock .

  23. 它的市场期票出票人遍及全美各地,通过电话和国际互联网进行交易。

    Instead , its market makers are located all over the country and make trades by telephone and via the Internet .

  24. 就这张期票的支付来说,与银价比较,金价又似乎不易于变动。

    In the payment of such a note , gold would appear to be more invariable in its value than silver .

  25. 政府发放的期票包括短期国库券、中期国库券和长期国库券三种证券。

    The government-issued promissory notes include three types of securities and they are treasury bills , treasury notes and treasury bonds .

  26. 注意,这还不是一个物理主义的解释,这只是一张期票。

    Now , mind you , that 's not yet to offer the physical explanation ; it 's just a promissory note .

  27. 这样我可以付我那张明天到期的一百一十法郎的期票了。先头我还缺五十法郎。

    That will serve to pay my note for one hundred and ten francs which falls due to-morrow ; I lacked fifty francs .

  28. 昨天是一张作废的支票,明天是一张期票,而今天则是你唯一拥有的现金。

    Was a check of void yesterday , tomorrow was a promissory note , now then day then you were unique cash for own .

  29. 我们能用这张期票向国家银行申请贷款。

    With this time draft in our possession , we 'll be in a position to arrange for a loan from our state bank .

  30. 债权人以贸易赊欠、期票、债券等形式向公司提供信贷,并据以收取利息。

    The creditors make loans to corporations in the form of trade accounts , notes , or bonds , on which they receive interest .