
Negotiations on Trade in WTO Environmental Services and Interests of China
Being open our banking market is a subject of finance service in WTO negotiation .
Analysis on the Negotiations about Energy Service Trade under GATS Framework
Emergency safeguard measures are one of the three main issues in the new round of WTO negotiations in trade in services , the other two being government procurement and subsidy .
In addition , WTO Financial Services Trade Law has making progresses in the new services negotiations , which was formally launched in 2000.On Dec.11 , 2001 , China formally joined WTO .
Some Issues in the New Round of Negotiation on Trade in Services
The first round of comprehensive services negotiations will be launched in 2000 .
Because of the unsmooth fact of Doha Round , the new negotiation of services trade has proceeded difficultly .
An agreement of service trade has been reached at Uruguay Round after long period of great efforts .
There is also China 's request to join with the U.S. , the EU , and others in talks on a proposed agreement on international trade in services in Geneva on the sidelines of the WTO .
The organizational foundation-the foundation of WTO and WTO has taken it as one of its topic ;
The EU strongly supports Chinas swift participation in the Trade in Services Agreement ( TiSA ) negotiation .
All of these measures offered by the article may give some reference to our government in the future negotiation on the freedom of the Find Bidding Price Arbitrary Model Based on Bilateral Electricity Market
Services trade is an important domain in the negotiations of Doha Round .
Energy service will be the new issue of the new WTO negotiation about market access of service trade .
The development of international services trade and the negotiations on international services trade problems among the international services trade organizations trigger off broad discussion of the theoretic adaptability of the H-O-S model to international services trade studies .
The Uruguay Round Multilateral Negotiations has established the regulations on International Trade in Services . Because of the big difference in position , the negotiation in Maritime Services was not able to reach an ultimate agreement .
In order to effectively promote services trade and address the interests of developing countries , the ongoing round of GATS negotiations must aim at liberalizing the movement of natural persons .
Market access is not only a central clause of the Trade of Services > ( GATS ) but also an issue that all countries have focused and will continue to focus their attention on while having bilateral and multi-lateral negotiations on international services trade .
Maritime Transport Services belong to the item of Transport Service in service trade , and the liberation of Maritime Transport Services is one of the important topics of discussion in multilateral negotiation of service trade .
With the acceleration of the process of liberalization of trade in services , all countries are now actively engaged in negotiations of WTO for the liberalization of trade in services .
The service disembark outsourcing mainly provides a pattern contacting with the service to be closest , therefore , in the WTO new round trade in services negotiations , the service outsourcing is covering in pattern negotiations .
Studying trade in services is sure to start from two respects . First , study the pure theory of trade in services , second , study the multilateral negotiation system of trade in services and service trade policy under GATS .