
  1. 他有秘密的消息管道。

    He has secret channels of information .

  2. Koum是在一个有秘密警察的共产主义国家长大的,隐私对他来说尤为重要。

    Privacy was particularly important to Mr. Koum , who grew up in a communist country with a secret police .

  3. 如今,很少有秘密能逃过谷歌(Google,《财富》500强)的法眼,所以对一些人来说,去年秋天谷歌联合创始人谢尔盖•布林的恋爱关系被曝光并成为网络热点,似乎才体现了人间的公正。

    Google 's love triangle Very few secrets can escape Google ( GOOG , Fortune 500 ) these days , so it must have seemed like sweet justice to some when the personal and messy affairs of Google co-founder Sergey Brin became a topic of brief internet fascination last fall .

  4. 爱荷华大学(UniversityofIowa)研究秘密的传播学教授塔玛拉&12539;阿菲菲(TamaraAfifi)说:当我们有秘密并且反复想的时候,就会形成压力,身体就会不舒服。

    ' When we have a secret and mull it over , we develop stress and it makes our body sick , ' says Tamara Afifi , professor of communication studies at the University of Iowa , who studies secrets .

  5. 很明显你已经有秘密情人了。

    It 's obvious you 've already got a secret lover .

  6. 但幸运的是,我有秘密武器,

    But fortunately , I had a secret weapon with me ,

  7. 人们都知道这家公司与走分子有秘密来往。

    The company is known to have secret dealings with smugglers .

  8. 看来有秘密的不止我一个。

    Looks like I 'm not the only one with a secret .

  9. 你是不是有秘密不想告诉我啊?

    Are you trying to keep something secret from me ?

  10. 猎人、科学家,连隐形人也有秘密。

    A hunter , scientist , even Skinner has stealth .

  11. 有秘密的又何止你一人呢,她想。

    You are not the only one with secrets , she thought .

  12. 他从哪来的?头盔有秘密吗?

    Where did he come from ? What 's with the helmet ?

  13. 威廉,你现在有秘密的爱慕者啦!

    Ah . I can see you have a secret admirer William !

  14. 这村里每个角落都有秘密。

    There are secrets in every corner of this village .

  15. 人人都有秘密,她们回答太快了。

    Everyone has secrets and they all replied too quickly .

  16. 我也跟有秘密的人结过婚但区别是

    I married someone with secrets , but the difference is

  17. 你们现在有秘密了

    Dan : Oh , so you have secrets now ?

  18. 以前就有秘密社团用晒干的瓜籽作警告

    Some secret societies used to send dried melon seeds ,

  19. 谁送你这些花的,你有秘密崇拜者吗?

    Who sent you those flowers & have you got a secret admirer ?

  20. 为什么人人都觉得自己是唯一有秘密的人?

    Why do people always think there were only one with a secret ?

  21. 你觉得克里斯汀像是喜欢有秘密的人吗,还是更加直接和外向一点

    Does Kristin strike you as secretive , or her personality more forthcoming ?

  22. 在一个未知的宇宙有秘密任务,出发。

    There 's a secret mission in uncharted space . Let 's go .

  23. 我国远古时期就有秘密侦查技术。

    There existed clandestine investigation technology in remote antiquity .

  24. 符文说有秘密地道通往底层大厅。-

    These runes speak of a hidden passage to the Lower Halls . -

  25. 有秘密的又何止一人呢。

    You are not the only one with secrets .

  26. 每个人都有秘密的丹尼尔

    Oh , we all have secrets , Daniel .

  27. 孩子有秘密不告诉父母是很正常的。

    It 's natural for children to keep some secrets from their parents .

  28. 似乎每个人都有秘密或者说表现不太正常。

    It seemed that everyone had a secret or was just not acting normally .

  29. 什么?斯佳丽,有秘密吗?

    What is it , Scarlett , secret ?

  30. 不要想当然认为有秘密别人不会知道。

    Don 't assume anything will stay secret .