
  • 网络rational roots
  1. 整系数多项式有理根检验法的简化

    Reduction of the Test Method of Rational Root of Integral Coefficients Polynomial

  2. 交错纽结与交错环链的琼斯多项式有理根问题

    The Problem of Rational Root of Alternating Knot and Link

  3. 几乎交错纽结与几乎交错链环的琼斯多项式的有理根问题商品交易所结算协会〔纽约〕

    The Rational Root of the Jones Polynomial of Alternating Knots and Links COMEX Clearing Association [ New York ]

  4. 通过研究多项式的系数来确定整系数多项式的有理根,进而得出整系数多项式的有理根的一个判定定理和根的存在定理。

    In this paper an efficient implementation of kuhn s algorithm for finding all the root of a polynomial with complex coefficients is proposed .

  5. 给出了整系数多项式有理根的一个必要条件,从而得到整系数多项式有理根检验的一个简化方法,达到了简化整系数多项式有理根检验的目的。

    According to the first and second references , a sufficiency and necessity condition on rational root of integral coefficients polynomial is put forward and a reduced method of testing the rational root is also shown in this paper .