
  1. 随着BED多组份燃料含氧量的增加,动力性和有效燃油消耗率降低,有效热效率提高。

    When the BED multi-component fuel were used , the engine power and brake specific fuel consumption reduced with the increase of fuel oxygen content , and the effective thermal efficiency was improved .

  2. 力量训练可以减少身体脂肪、增加肌肉,并能更有效地消耗热量。

    Strength training helps decrease body fat , increase lean muscle mass and burn calories more efficiently .

  3. 间歇性的平均经营活动的权力都可以显示,这是非常有效的消耗功率测量。

    The average active power in intermittent operations can be displayed , which is highly effective for consumed-power measurements .

  4. 结果表明,粘滞阻尼器能有效地消耗地震输入能,减小结构地震响应。

    The results indicate that viscous dampers consume earthquake input energy effectively , and reduce the earthquake response of the structure .

  5. 但最主要还是取决于摩托车行驶时所需要的功和发动机对应工况的有效燃油消耗量。

    But the focal point is the work needed when the vehicle runs and the effective fuel-consumption rates corresponding to the engine working mode .

  6. 包括已经取得的成就:发展迅速,企业规模不断扩大,开发的产品越来越多,有效的消耗掉积压的原粮。

    It includes what has been achieved : the rapid development , the enterprises growth bigger and bigger , products development and backlog consumption .

  7. 在负荷特性工况运行时,混合燃料发动机的有效燃料消耗率和有效热效率与汽油机基本相当;

    Under the load characteristic of operation , the brake specific fuel consumption and effective thermal efficiency is almost similar to that of gasoline engine .

  8. 以等过量空气系数确定的柴油机有效燃油消耗率及功率修正系数,随着过量空气系数的减小而增大;

    The diesel engine effectual fuel consumption rate and the correctional power coefficient attained by using coordinative superfluous air coefficient , augment with the decreasing of the superfluous air coefficient ;

  9. 结果表明:隔震体系具有明显的减震效果,它大大降低了地震作用下结构的峰值反应,有效地消耗了地震能量。

    Analysis results indicate that base isolation technology has obviously seismic isolating effect , and decreases maximum response of structure sharply when earthquake occurs , and isolates seismic energy effectively .

  10. 发动机最经济有效燃油消耗区宽广,动力适配范围宽。(3)润滑油消耗低。

    This showed that the effective fuel consumption area and the power adaptive range were wide to this diesel engine . ( 3 ) The lubricating oil consumption was lower .

  11. 这表明超细水雾较高的吸热效率有效地消耗了瓦斯爆炸燃烧生成的一部分热量,削弱了火焰传播的能量。

    This indicated that the higher heat-absorption efficiency of super-fine spray has effectively consumed a portion of energy produced by gas explosion and combustion and weakened the energy of flame propagation .

  12. 研究表明:柴油醇燃料发动机的有效燃油消耗率较柴油机的升高,而有效能耗率有一定程度的降低;

    The results showed that , compared with diesel engine , the brake specific fuel consumption increased while the brake specific energy consumption decreased to certain extent and the smoke emission reduced obviously .

  13. 本文概述了滚筒式沥青混凝土拌和机有效热量消耗定量分析方法,热效率的计算方法,并给出了验证的示例。

    The paper present a brief description of quantitative analysis methods for the effective heat consumption in drum type asphalt-concrete mixer and the calculation method of thermal efficiency . Exemplified verifications are given .

  14. 试验结果表明:供油提前角提前,柴油/甲醇混合燃料的有效燃油消耗率降低。

    The results showed that the brake specific fuel consumption decreased with the increase of fuel supply advance angle , and the ignition delay of blend reduced with the decrease of fuel supply advance angle .

  15. 研究结果表明,随着燃料中二甲氧基甲烷掺混比例的增加,有效燃油消耗率有所增加,但折算成当量柴油的有效燃油消耗率降低,有效热效率增加。

    The results show that the brake specific fuel consumption ( b.s.f.c. ) is increased while the diesel equivalent brake specific fuel consumption is decreased and the thermal efficiency will increase with the increase of dimethoxymethane ( DMM ) fraction in the blends .

  16. 该方法能有效地消耗患者积聚的大量心理能量,打乱患者已形成的病态心理秩序,最终使患者达到身心平衡。

    Based on this , the author puts forward a series of spe - cific methods , which can effectively consume patients accumulated Psychological energy , disrupt patients morbid psychological order and at last help patients gain the balance between body and mind .

  17. 进行了汽油/玉米秸杆油混合燃料对汽油机动力性、燃料经济性和排放性能的应用研究,测量了燃用混合燃料前后内燃机的转矩、功率、有效燃料消耗率。

    The study on the power performance , the fuel economy and the emission are carried out on a gasoline ( engine ) when using mealie straw oil mixed fuel . The torque , power , specific oil consumption of the engine were measured .

  18. 实验结果表明:在外特性工况运行时,甲醇-汽油混合燃料发动机的输出功率在高转速时略高于汽油机,有效燃料消耗率比汽油机低,有效热效率比汽油机高;

    The result shows that under the speed characteristic of full load , the power output of blended fuel engine is slightly higher at high engine speed , the brake specific fuel consumption is lower , and the effective thermal efficiency is higher compared with gasoline engine .

  19. 为了保证网络的连接性,JRT采取一种保守的局部分割避免方法,从而既能够提供优良的网络服务能力,又可以有效节约能量消耗。

    In order to keep the network connectivity , JRT adopted one conservative method which can detect local partition based on the 2-hop neighbor information . Thus it provided reliable service for packet delivery and saved energy efficiently .

  20. 低挥发性,有效减少机油消耗。

    Low volatility , reduce the engine oil to consume effectively .

  21. 狠抓脱硅乏气攻关有效降低蒸汽消耗

    Persist in solving the desiliconizing exhaust problem to effective lower steam consumption

  22. 利用监控等手段达到精细化管理,控制和有效管理资源消耗。

    Refined management is implemented utilizing monitor system for controlling and effectively managing consumed resources .

  23. 文章提出并实现了0-δ算法,能够有效控制内存消耗问题。

    0 - δ algorithm that can solve the memory consumption problem was proposed and implemented .

  24. 因此,选择合理的矿热炉供电策略能够有效的降低消耗、电极损耗和耐材侵蚀,缩短冶炼周期,从而降低冶炼成本、提高生产率。

    So , the reasonable power supply strategy can reduce the production efficiency , consumption of resources and electrode loss .

  25. 对于由水电和火电组成的多电源电力系统进行短期优化调度可有效减少煤炭消耗,提高发电效益。

    Short-term optimal scheduling of hydropower and thermal power ystem can effectively improve the generation efficiency and reduce energy consumption .

  26. 作为企业信息化和自动化的重要组成部分,能源管理可有效降低能源消耗、提高劳动生产率。

    As an important part of plant information and automation system , effective energy management can reduce energy consumption and advance labour productivity .

  27. 根据业务负载规律通过无线网络之间协同休眠调度能够有效节约能量消耗,并进一步提高无线网络的资源利用率。

    According to the service load laws , the cooperative sleep scheduling can effectively conserve the energy consumption and improve the resource utilization in wireless networks .

  28. 实验结果表明在多中继通信模型中,中继节点采用多种喷泉码方法可以有效减少能量消耗和传输时间。

    We analyze two transmission ways : synchronous & asynchronous transmission , the experiments show that relay nodes with multiple fountain codes can reduce energy consumption and transmission time effectively in multiple relay communication system .

  29. 我国为有效降低能源消耗,大力促进国家节能减排的推动发展,在机械制造及电气自动化控制等技术条件下,节能环保产业日益繁荣昌盛。

    Our country is effective to reduce energy consumption , and vigorously promote the national energy-saving emission reduction to promote development , in the manufacture of machinery and electrical automation control technology , energy saving and environmental protection industry is thriving and prosperous .

  30. 发动机怠速自动起停是混合动力汽车的重要工作模式,它能避免发动机在怠速下运行,有效减少燃油消耗、尾气排放和发动机磨损。

    The behavior of engine automatic starting and stop under idle speed is an important working model for HEV ( hybrid electric vehicle ), which can avoid engine running under idle speed . So it can reduce engine fuel consumption , exhaust gas emission and wear efficiently .