
The government has made clear it will start supplying more land for residential developments and it is expected to restart the home ownership scheme subsidised housing that low-to-middle income families can buy .
Home ownership is the biggest livelihood of the people project .
Resident staff cost [ Home Ownership Scheme estate ]
Housing security plays an important role in the construction of harmonious society .
Home Ownership Committee [ Hong Kong Housing Authority ]
Home Ownership Scheme estate granted at nil premium
Agent-managed Home Ownership Scheme estate
Averagely-priced Home Ownership Scheme flat
Not Only Having Houses , but Enjoying : Assessment on Current Utilization of Economical and Applicable Housing in Nanjing City
The panel discussed the proposed use of surplus home ownership scheme flats for reprovisioning departmental quarters for the disciplined services .
Thus , newspapers hail upward moves in the price of a place to live – the most basic of all amenities .
To ensure that everyone in our society has their own house to live is the responsibility and obligation of the government .
It has developed into a comprehensive programme which encompasses a wide range of rental and home ownership scheme flats with self-contained facilities .
That outpaces a107 % increase in wages over the same period & moving home ownership further out of reach for average earners .
Meanwhile , it has been reflected in some countries ' administrative law to make the residents have their houses to different degrees respectively .
That " Person who lives has his house " is a big problem concerning huge numbers of families enjoying a good and prosperous life .
But the stimulus packages adopted around the world , and the measures adopted to keep people in their homes , have generally stabilised conditions .
But he did not see a need to revive the subsidized housing scheme , saying low-income families could still buy in the second-hand market .
Low-cost housing is a kind of urban public goods , whose effective supply has great significance for the achievement of " Home Ownership " program .
We will deepen reform of the urban housing system to meet people 's multilevel housing demand , and strive to ensure adequate housing for everyone .
The panel discussed the progress of the proposed arrangements for disposing of the surplus flats under the home ownership scheme and the private sector participation scheme .
So to speak , there is a long way to go to achieve the target of " Home Ownership " . The article has five important parts .
At a more practical level , many argue that achieving the American Dream has become equated with consumerism and ownership instead of the more purist notions at its core .
While the modern concept of owning a home is barely a decade old in China , the ownership rates in many Chinese cities already match those in Western countries .
Insurance of the home mortgage plays an important role for realizing social development goal and industrial policy of economic development on person who occupy their room goal of great importance insurance .
To get a house is a basic right of the citizen , and " Everybody has its house " is the lowest promise which the government should make to the citizen .
That the ordinary residents will be able to afford their own houses must be rated as the most important factor in the system design for the interests of the weak group .
Equitable land ownership is an important field for achieving social justice , especially imperial in solving land venture , and land price rising suddenly and sharply , and actualizing Home Ownership Scheme .
Since the reform and opening up , China has made a great achievement on the strategic objectives in achieving the " Home Ownership ", but there have also been some dangerous vandalism .
Nowadays people living ideal evolves from " Home Ownership Scheme " into the " Home ownership beautifying scheme ", which means that the quality of living environment has gained widespread concern of the public .