
yǒu chánɡ hé tonɡ
  • contract with consideration;onerous contract;remunerative contract
  • sign contracts with user organization that list remunerations
  1. 在有偿合同中,双方当事人都必须具有完全民事行为能力。

    For onerous contract , both sides ought to have all abilities to initiate civil acts .

  2. 所谓的瑕疵担保是指有偿合同中的债务人,对其所提出的给付应担保其权利完整和标的物质量合格。

    Guarantee liability is that debtor person in onerous contract must guarantee what he give have complete right and good quality .

  3. 雇佣合同只能是有偿合同,委托合同可以是无偿合同。

    And employment contracts are paid contracts while contracts of commission may be unpaid .

  4. 彩票合同的主体是彩票发行机构与彩票购买人,彩票合同属于民事合同、有偿合同、诺成合同、双务合同、定型化合同、射幸合同和最大诚信合同。

    The two parties of lottery contract are the distributor of lottery tickets and the buyer of lottery tickets .

  5. 法律对其他有偿合同有规定的,依照其规定;

    Where there is any provision on the other non-gratuitous contracts in the laws , such provisions shall be followed ;

  6. 不安抗辩权是双务有偿合同中先履行义务一方当事人所享有的一项自我补救权利,它在许多大陆法国家的民法或债务法中均有体现。

    The right of defense is the remedial privilege enjoyed by the party who is to initiate the fulfillment of a contract .

  7. 由于旅游合同是有偿合同,根据公平原则,也应该建立瑕疵担保责任。

    Because the tour contract is a compensable contract , it should establish the blemish assured responsibility based on the impartial principle .

  8. 邮政合同的性质是民事合同,一般来说其带有要式合同,双务有偿合同和涉他合同的特征。

    Postal contract is a kind of civil contract with the characteristic of style-required contract , onerous contract , bilateral contract and related to the third party .

  9. 维护有偿合同的等价均衡关系,保护交易安全和消费者权益,是瑕疵担保责任产生的理论根据。

    The theory base of the liability of warrant for defects is to maintain the considerate balance relationship of contracts with consideration and to protect trade security and interests and rights of the consumer .

  10. 因违反合同而要求补偿买一赠一之类的促销行为不是纯粹的无偿赠予,而是一种有偿的合同。

    Remedy for breach of contract Buying the sales promotion action that gives a kind is not dinkum free given , however a kind of paid contract .

  11. (三)土地出让等有偿使用合同约定的使用期限届满,土地使用者未申请续期或者申请续期未获批准的;

    When the term for the land use right expires according to what is agreed upon in the contract for compensated use of land , the land user has failed to apply for extension or failed to get approval for extension ;

  12. 第三百七十九条有偿的保管合同,寄存人应当按照约定的期限向保管人支付保管费。

    Under a safekeeping contract for value , the depositor shall pay to the depository the safekeeping fee at the prescribed time .

  13. 原本以质量为销售导向的市场秩序遭到破坏,大量违背诚实信用原则、公平原则、等价有偿原则等合同法基本原则的违法行为大量存在。

    The market exist a lot of illegal behaviors which violate the basic principles of contract law , principle of honesty and credit principle , the principle of fairness , principle of making compensation for equal value .

  14. 尤其以单方解除劳动合同、有偿解除劳动合同等方面的争议已成为企业劳动争议纠纷的焦点,给企业带来了巨大的法律风险。

    In particular , the unilateral lifting of the labor contract and compensation for terminating labor contracts , and other aspects of the controversial labor dispute has become the focus of dispute , to bring a tremendous legal risk .

  15. 它是有偿、双务合同,多表现为格式合同形式。

    It is paid double for the contract , multi-format for the performance of the contract forms .

  16. 然后,主要围绕有偿服务能否成为合同诈骗罪的问题进行论述。

    The paper is mainly about the paid service and whether it can be the object of contract fraud .