
  • 网络Optimum speed;optimal velocity
  1. 圆筒内层流对流换热的最佳速度场及工程应用

    Optimal velocity field for laminar convection heat transfer in a cylinder and its application in engineering

  2. 场协同方程的意义在于能够求解一定边界条件所对应的最佳速度场,从而实现最优的传热效果。

    By solving this equation the optimal velocity field has been obtained , which leads to the best heat transfer efficiency in convection .

  3. 普通V带传动极限速度和最佳速度计算

    Calculation of Classical V Belt Drives Limit Velocity and Optimum Velocity

  4. 仿真结果表明,最佳速度因子u是优化过程中的一个特征参数,它随着粒子维数的升高而有所增加,对粒子的个数和初始化范围并不敏感。

    The result of emulation indicates that maximun velocity factor ( u ) is a characteristic parameter of the optimization process , it increases with the increasing of particle dimension , isn 't sensitive to the amount of particle and its initialization range .

  5. 根据单根V带额定功率的计算公式,推导出求解普通V带传动极限速度υlim和最佳速度υopt的两个方程,并提供了计算实例。

    Two equations of classical V belt drives limit velocity ( υ lim ) and optimum velocity ( υ opt ) are deduced on the ground of V belt power ratings calculating formula . Finally , the example is given .

  6. 大多数现代网络交换机和环境都能利用自动协商机制(auto-negotiation)来提供最佳速度,特别是全双工网络交换机成为标准后。

    Most modern network switches and environments can take advantage of auto-negotiation to provide the best speed , especially as full-duplex network switches have become the standard .

  7. 气力输送的最佳速度与管径计算

    The calculation of optimum velocity and optimum diameter for the pneumatic transport

  8. 射流式旋涡发生器最佳速度比的工程估算方法

    A prediction method for optimum velocity ratio of air jet vortex generator

  9. 离心式压缩机非对称螺壳的损失和最佳速度的决定

    Determination of Loss and Optimum Velocity in Asymmetrical Volute of a Centrifugal Compressor

  10. 最优上升(以最佳速度、最小燃料消耗量上升)平整度佳,烧成范围宽,适用于一次烧成高亮度地砖。

    Synergic ascent Good flatness , wide range of firing temp , Suitable for high-gloss floor tiles in single firing process .

  11. 实验证明,激光热应力切割玻璃的最佳速度是400mm/s。

    The best pace of the laser thermal stress cutting is 400 mm / s which is testified by the experiment .

  12. 该软件采用层速度相干反演与层析成像技术相结合,并进行多次迭代来获取最佳速度模型。

    The software uses interval velocity coherency inversion and tomography technique as well as iteration to set the best velocity model .

  13. 通过与理想的速度分布相比较,从而调整几何模型和优化计算,获得最佳速度分布。

    The result is compared to the ideal velocity distribution , and the model is adjusted , calculations improved to attain best results .

  14. 本机旋转运动采用变频控制,在生产中可根据实际需要在一定的范围内调节最佳速度。

    The machine uses inverter controlled rotary movement in the production can be based on the actual need for some adjustment within the optimal speed .

  15. 如果前面的交通灯是红灯,软件将告知司机避免停车和空等的最佳速度,也可能让司机稍微改变路线以避免停车。

    If the light ahead is red , the driver is told the optimal speed to avoid stopping and idling . Or told to make a slight route change that avoids a stop .

  16. 并针对常用的切入点防守策略进行了对比实验,通过实验表明,在日益复杂的进攻策略下,基于最佳速度最佳位置的防守决策方法是一种更为有效的防守方法。

    A contrast experiment to commonly used defensive strategy indicates that , under the complex attack strategy , the defensive decision-making based on best position and optimum speed is a more effective defensive method .

  17. 当我意识到应该料想到意外问题总会出现,管理者的职责就是发现问题,使整个团队按最佳速度运行,我在这方面得到了提升。

    When I realized that unexpected problems are expected , and a manager 's job is to have visibility and enable a team to operate at optimal velocity , I was able to improve on this .

  18. 其他下肢肌群发展快速离心力量的最佳速度负荷尚不明确。4.6周快速离心力量训练能显著提高纵跳成绩,较慢速组有统计学差异。

    The best speed-load for improving the fast eccentric strength of the other muscles of lower body are not quite clear yet . 4.6 weeks fast eccentric training can improve CMJ jumping performance better than slow eccentric training significantly .

  19. 本文第二部份,用上述方法计算了离心式叶轮叶片吸力边上,三种具有典型意义的速度分布的边界层发展,并讨论了最佳速度分布。

    In the second part of this paper , the boundary-layer growth for three types of velocity distribution at the trailing side which are typical for centrifugal impeller blades is calculated , and the optimum velocity distribution is also discussed .

  20. 确定了复合驱体系最佳注入速度,为0.5mL/min。

    The optimal injection speed of the combination flooding systems was 0.5 mL / min.

  21. 冷却速度对Mg-Zn-Gd系合金的准晶形成具有重要的影响,并且存在一个形成准晶的最佳冷却速度。

    The cooling rate has significant influence on the formation of I-phase in Mg-Zn-Gd alloys .

  22. 在此模型下,得到了裂解终温773.15K的等温线分布图,并得出了最佳入口速度值,确定了裂解炉的尺寸。

    Using the components transport model , the temperature distribution figure at 773.15K is obtained , while the optimal inlet speed and the size of cracking furnace is confirmed .

  23. 堆垛机最佳爬行速度的确定

    Determination of the optimum crawling speed of storage / retrieval machine

  24. 公路隧道内最佳行驶速度模糊算法

    Fuzzy algorithm of vehicle 's optimum speed in highway tunnel

  25. 矿产资源价值与最佳耗竭速度研究

    On the value and optimal depletion rate of mineral resources

  26. 平板层流边界层的最佳近似速度分布

    Optimal Approximation Velocity Profile in a Laminar Boundary Layer on Flat Plate

  27. 关于矿井提升设备最佳经济速度分析

    Analysis on the most economical speed of lifting equipments in mine shaft

  28. 高速加工中微线段的最佳转角速度的研究

    Best transition velocity in high-speed machining of small line

  29. 除此之外,似乎还应有最佳奔跑速度。

    There also seemed to be an optimum speed .

  30. 刀具的最佳切削速度为60~70m/min。

    The best cutting speed of the tool is 60 ~ 70 m / min.