
ɡēnɡ xīn shì
  • Pleistocene Epoch
  1. 中国东部晚更新世以来的海水进退

    Marine transgressions and regressions in East China since late Pleistocene Epoch

  2. 晚更新世以来黄土高原地区的环境变迁

    IHE Loess Plateau change since the late Pleistocene Epoch

  3. 湖相沉积物的U系测年结果为88.9~56.2ka,确定其沉积时代为晚更新世早中期。

    The lacustrine deposits have U-series ages of 88.9 ka to 56.2 ka .

  4. 晚更新世海岸风成砂ESR年龄的研究

    Study on ESR ages of late Pleistocene coastal aeolian sands

  5. 应用模糊聚类分析法,较好地将中更新世(Q2)和晚更新世(Q3)2个地质年代的产物区分开来。

    Weathering products of Neo-Pleistocene ( Q_3 ) and Meso-Pleistocene ( Q2 ) could be distinguished by fuzzy clustering algorithms .

  6. 念青唐古拉山东南麓更新世冰川沉积物年龄测定ESR可以用于河流、冰川沉积物的测年。

    The technique of ESR can be applied in determining the fluvial and glacial deposits .

  7. NW向断裂在晚更新世以来没有活动。

    Also the NW faults have never moved about from late Pleistocene on .

  8. 金沙江支流硕曲河V级及以上阶地阶面和两级带状剥夷面上发现中更新世红土层。

    The middle pleistocene laterite bed was discovered on the surface of terrace ⅴ or above and on the belting denudation plane of terrace ⅱ .

  9. 黄土地层中CaCO3含量变化与更新世气候旋回

    Pleistocene climatic cycles and variation of CaCO 3 Contents in a loess profile

  10. 早更新世以来南海中部的沉积作用层序III,分布范围同样仅限于海槽盆地,陆坡处缺失该层序,为早更新世沉积物。

    SEDIMENTATION IN THE MIDDLE SOUTH CHINA SEA SINCE EARLY PLEISTOCENE Sequence III that is early Pleistocene sediments also only distributes in the trough basin .

  11. 其喷发的火山岩不整合覆盖于晚更新世湖光岩组地层之上;在岩石学上具有独特的火山岩岩相特征和化学成分(高MgO,低SiO2)。

    These volcanic rocks are characteristic of volcanic lithofacies and of chemical composition of higer MgO and lower SiO_2 in petrology .

  12. 经初步挖掘,化石种属主要为更新世晚期鹿属(Cervussp.)。

    Through preliminary excavation and study , the fossils are mainly represented by Late Pleistocene Cervus sp.

  13. 合肥地区膨胀土形成于第四纪上更新世Q3及其以前,属江淮冲积、洪积成因类型。

    The swelling soil in Hefei zone was formed at the Q3 epipleistocene of the 4th subage or before . It belongs to the type of Huaihe alluviation and diluvion .

  14. 前后引起全球气候变化的中更新世革命(MPR)、西太平洋暖池的形成以及0.78MaB.P。

    Middle Pleistocene Revolution ( MPR ) that gave rise to the global climate changing , formation of Western Pacific Warm Pool ?

  15. 在200m以下的深层地下水为晚更新世补给的古封存水,表现为还原环境。

    The deep groundwater beneath 200 m is the paleo-sealed water recharged in late Pleistocene Epoch under the reduction environment .

  16. 南海ZQ2孔和ZQ4孔晚更新世ESR年代学的研究

    The late Pleistocene ESR chronology of cores ZQ 2 and ZQ 4 in the South China Sea

  17. 晚更新世时期(Q3)仅在局部地区有活动;

    During the late Pleistocene ( Q 3 ), the faults were active only in local areas .

  18. 中更新世地层厚50余米,晚更新世地层厚10m左右,全新世地层厚度小于5m。

    The middle Pleistocene , late Pleistocene and Holocene strata are > 50 m , about 10m and < 5 m thick , respectively .

  19. 昌平-丰南断裂已断到中更新世地层(Q2),为倾向SW的左旋走滑正断层。

    The Changping Fengnan fault is a SW dipping sinistral slip normal fault , which dissects the middle Pleistocene ( Q 2 ) strata .

  20. 山西汾河下游早更新世鸡形目(Galliformes)一新属

    A new genus of early Pleistocene Galliformes in the lower reaches of the Fenhe River , Shanxi , China

  21. 古北区Saiga属(偶蹄目,牛科)在更新世时期的地理分布和进化历史

    Pleistocene distributional and evolutionary history of the genus Saiga gray , 1843 ( mammalia , artiodactyla , bovidae ) in the Palaearctic

  22. 中更新世非洲Bodo人类头骨化石与周口店直立人的比较&中国与非洲人类头骨特征对比之三

    The comparisons between the Middle Pleistocene human cranium from bodo , ethiopia and the Homo erectus of Zhoukoudian

  23. 新构造运动活跃,晚更新世以来的活动断裂带就有24条之多,断裂带展布的上风方向以NW及NWW向为主。

    Neotectonic movement is active , since the epipleistocene active fault zone has had24 to be many , the predominant direction of fault zone by NW and NWW to primarily .

  24. 从中新世后期开始的厚达2000~3000m的磨拉石沉积,其粒度向上加大,显示从中新世后期到早更新世隆升速率高而且是加速的。

    2000-3000 m of molasse started in the late Miocene and with a coarsening-up tendency show a rapid and accelerated uplifting from the late Miocene to early Pleistocene .

  25. 电阻率层析成像、地震勘探揭露紫山东断裂北段的断层面上端点的埋深大于150m,最新活动到中更新世早期。

    The seismic prospecting shows the buried depth of the upper end point in north part of east Zishan fault is over 150m , and the latest active period of the fault lasted to early of medium Pleistocene .

  26. 断裂晚更新世晚期以来的位移量最大为40-70m,最小为6m、7m,可能是一次滑动事件的位移量。

    The maximum horizontal displacement since the late of late-Pleistocene is about 40-70m , and the minimum is 6-8m . 6-8m maybe is the amount of one principal slip associated with one large event .

  27. 发现3个夷平面,计算出晚更新世以来测区隆升速度为1.58~1.8cm/a,上升逾460m。

    According to three planation surfaces , the rate of uplift of the survey area have been calculated to be 1.58-1.8 cm / a since the Late Pleistocene and the area has risen more than 460 m.

  28. 通过对长安区四府村剖面晚更新世后期黄土样品的粒度分析测定,探讨了沙尘暴活动与土壤颗粒组成的关系及32~10KaBP以来的沙尘暴的活动趋势。

    According to the grain-size analysis of Loess sample developed in late Pleistocene , we discuss the relationship between the activity of sand-dust storm and grain-size of Loess profile , and know the trend of sand-dust storm activity from 32 ka BP to 10 ka BP .

  29. 冰芯记录揭示出气候由冷变暖是缓慢发生的,从暖向冷是快速发生的,晚更新世最冷期在大约23Ka;全新世大约从5Ka开始降温;

    The data obtained from ice core indicates that climate changes from warm to cold is gradual and from cold to warm is rapid , the coldest climate is about 23 Ka during the late Pleistocene .

  30. 在构造形式上,早更新世时期发育低倾角拆离断层;中更新世(0.8Ma)以来,以高角度正断层活动为主。

    As to the tectonic types , the detachment fault with low angle was developed in the Early Pleistocene and the normal fault with high angle only after the mid-Pleistocene ( 0.8 Ma B.P. )