
  • 网络Smart Life;Intelligent life;smart living
  1. 活的有机体的智能生活特征。

    A feature of the mental life of a living organism .

  2. 智能生活小区安防多用控制系统

    Multiple Control System of Security Defence for Intelligent Living Area

  3. 智慧城市;城市发展;物联网;智能生活;

    Smart City ; City Development ; Internet of Things ; Smart Lifestyle ;

  4. 它是未来人机交互、智能生活环境的关键技术。

    It is a key technology of man-machine interaction and intelligent living environment in the future .

  5. 本系统可应用在电信、银行、智能生活小区等。

    This system can be applied in the telecommunications , banking , intelligent living community and so on .

  6. 不久,我们目前的智能手机生活方式也将扩展到创造我们自己的智能家居生活方式上。

    Soon , our current smartphone lifestyle will expand to create our own smart home lifestyle too .

  7. LOGO!及其在智能大厦生活水泵控制中的应用

    LOGO ! and the Application in the Pump Control System for Intelligent Building

  8. 如果你想要精通智能的生活艺术,你想你能饮食过量吗?

    If you wish to become proficient in the art of living with wisdom , do you think you can eat and drink excess ?

  9. 亲爱的《星期日环球报》,我写信是想说关于上周日你们报纸上刊登的《智能手机让生活更轻松》一文。

    Dear Sunday Globe , I am writing to tell you about your article Smartphones Make Life Easier in last Sunday 's newspaper .

  10. 智能化家居生活中的网关、控制器及付款方式

    Net Entrance , Controllor and the Way of Paying in Smart House

  11. 从而在真正意义上,利用智能手机实现生活智能化。

    In the true sense , we use smartphone to make life intelligent .

  12. 参数在线自校正仿人智能控制器在生活水泵站中的应用

    The application of humanoid intelligence-based on-line parameter self-tuning controller to a living water pump station

  13. 人们期望智能化的生活家居环境,智能家居的概念也是由此而生。

    For people are expected intelligent home environment , smart home concept is a result .

  14. 早期教育能够促进困难型气质幼儿的智能及社会生活能力的发展。

    The research reveals that early education can promote the intelligence and social-life abilities development of the difficult toddlers'temperament .

  15. 【目的】探讨早期教育对本地区婴幼儿智能和社会生活能力的影响。

    To study the effect of early education on the development of intelligence and social life abilities of the native infants .

  16. 随着科技的不断进步和发展,生活环境也逐步智能化,生活环境的舒适性、安全性和便利性越来越受人们的关注。

    As technology continues to progress and development of living environment gradually intelligence , comfortable , safety and convenience of the living environment are more and more attentioned .

  17. 指明信息技术与网络技术应用于汽车,是信息社会发展的必然,是信息社会与智能化社会生活的必然需求。

    The application of the informative intelligent network vehicles is requirement in the modern informative society and life . It is result of development in information and intelligent society .

  18. 巴瑟罗不仅是导演兼编剧,还是欧洲设计学院里约热内卢分校的教授。他上一门叫做“口袋相机”的课,给学生们讲解如何通过智能手机记录生活故事。

    Barcellos is a director , screenwriter , and professor at IED Rio , where he teaches a course titled Pocket Cinema , where he teaches how to tell stories via smartphones .

  19. 现在人工智能在我们的生活中越来越受欢迎,极大地影响了我们的生活、工作和娱乐方式。

    Now , it seems that artficial intelligence is becoming more and more popular in our life , and it has greatly influenced the ways we live , work and play .

  20. 我们致力于提供更加智能和愉悦的生活元素。

    We are making for more intelligent and pleasure life .

  21. 随着移动设备的硬件和网络通讯技术的高速发展,智能手机成为人们生活工作中不可缺少的通信工具。

    With the rapid development of mobile device hardware and communication technology , smart phones became an indispensable communication tool .

  22. 在这里,自然栖息地与智能技术共存,生活、工作和学习位于一个连续统一体中。

    Living , working and learning are in one continuum & all accommodated on a437-hectare site on the Garden Route .

  23. 新型的智能人防工程将生活理念和建筑艺术、信息技术、计算机电子技术等现代高科技技术完美结合。

    This new type of projects will perfectly integrate living ideas , information technology , computer and electronic technology with architecture .

  24. 随着集成电路和传感技术的广泛应用,智能家居逐步走进生活,我们对自身及生活环境的监控愈加得心应手。

    With the extensive application of integrated circuits and sensor technology , we can monitor our own and living environment more handily .

  25. 结论盐酸丁咯地尔可提高血管性痴呆患者的脑血流量,降低血管阻力,明显改善血管性痴呆的认知功能、智能状态及提高生活质量。

    Conclusion The buflomedil can improve the cerebral blood flow and is good for the cognition functional recovery in vascular dementia patients .

  26. 目前,市场上流行的智能家居产品功能不尽完善,因此在一定程度上远不能满足人们对智能化生活的需要。

    Currently , those popular smart-home products in market have not been so perfect to meet consumers ' needs towards intelligent life .

  27. 信息化和智能电子技术在家居领域的应用为人们带来了安全、舒适、个性化、智能化的家居生活,家居智能化已成为一种必然趋势。

    Informationization and the application of intelligent electronic technology in the household brought safe , comfortable , individuation , intelligent household life for people . The rise of homehold intelligence has become a inevitable trend .

  28. 智能小区为住户提供了一种更加安全、舒适、方便、快捷和开放的智能化、信息化生活空间。

    It offered a kind of safer , more comfortable , more conveniently , more swift and open intelligent , information-based living space to household in the intellectual district , rely on advanced science and technology .

  29. 每张智能卡芯片总是与特定的业务相绑定,这意味着高需求与高成本,随着智能卡在日常生活中的广泛应用,其相关技术也在迅速发展。

    Each smart card chip always binds with specific business in a long period of time , which means high demand and cost .

  30. 通过对生活小区的智能化管理要求的分析,提出了一种由用户控制器、主控计算机及相关线路组成的智能化生活小区安全防范报警和优质生活服务管理多用控制系统。

    According to analyzing the requirement of living area 's intelligent management , the article puts forward the multiple control system of security defence and high-quality living service for intelligent living area . This kind of system consists of user 's controller , chief-controlling computer and relative circuit .