
  • 网络intelligent building;BAS;I-building
  1. 智能大厦的理论研究也随之进入到。NET时代。

    The intelligent building theory researches also go into . NET age at the same time .

  2. Ethernet总线技术在智能大厦监控系统的应用

    Application of Ethernet in the Control System of Intelligent Building

  3. WEB服务在智能大厦办公自动化系统中的应用

    Applying web services to office automation system in intelligent buildings

  4. NET技术在网络层面上的紧密融合,从而实现智能大厦的控制系统。

    NET on the network layer , Thereby achieve intelligent building control system .

  5. XML在基于Web的智能大厦OAS中的应用

    XML Application in Intelligent Building OAS Based on Web

  6. 大厦公共服务系统是基于Web的智能大厦办公自动化系统中对外的主要标志,其自动化程序低,限于信息发布,难以做到服务流程自动化。

    Building 's Public Information Server System ( Pubic-ISS ) is the main symbol external to Intelligent Building Office Automation based on Web .

  7. Web服务在智能大厦OAS中的研究与应用

    Research and Application of Web Services in the Intelligent Building OA System

  8. 基于Oracle的智能大厦OA分布式数据库系统研究

    The Oracle-based Distributed Database System for Intelligent Building Office Automation

  9. LOGO!及其在智能大厦生活水泵控制中的应用

    LOGO ! and the Application in the Pump Control System for Intelligent Building

  10. 智能大厦生态墙Fuzzy-PID控制

    Fuzzy - PID Control of Green - Design Facade of Intelligent Building

  11. 并介绍了智能大厦OA系统中身份认证模块设计过程。

    The particular design process of the identity authentication module in the intelligent building OAS is introduced .

  12. 由于传统的PID算法的局限性已经不能满足智能大厦空调控制系统对节能方面的要求,我们需要研究一种新型的模糊控制器,使智能大厦空调系统保持在最佳性价比的工况下运行。

    Because of the limitation of algorithm , traditional PID cannot satisfy the requirements of intelligent conditioning control system in terms of saving energy .

  13. 在智能大厦逐步发展的今天,本EMS具有较高的应用价值和较好的市场前景。

    As the gradual development of intelligent building , the EMS has a high market value and good prospects .

  14. 智能大厦OAS的特点及功能分析

    Analysis of OAS 's Characteristics and Functions of Intelligent Building

  15. 目前,CCTV图像监视系统已广泛应用于银行、电信、交通监控、智能大厦等领域。

    CCTV surveillance system is widely applied in bank , telecom , traffic , intelligence building , and so on .

  16. 本文从Web服务的理论基础着手,对智能大厦OAS公共信息服务系统的体系结构和实现技术进行了介绍。

    Beginning with the foundational theory of web services , the paper expatiate on the structure and detailed implement of the public information services system .

  17. 公共广播系统(PublicAddressSystem,简称PAS)是智能大厦、机场、车站、综合大楼等公共场所所必备的设备,其应用范围极为广泛。

    Public Address System ( abbreviated as PAS ) is a necessary equipment for public places such as intelligent building , airport , railway station and integrated building and has a wide range of applications .

  18. 文章首先对智能大厦通信自动化交换网络的组成作了论述:然后主要介绍了ATM网络系统的相关技术及其应用。

    Firstly the construction of automatic communication switch - ing networks in intelligent buildings is discussed ; then related technologies and their applications of ATM network systems are mainly introduced .

  19. 本文介绍基于TCP/IP的智能大厦网络通信模块(NCM)和本机服务控制模块(SCM)的总体设计思路,及其模块功能和数据结构的具体设计与实现方法。

    This paper introduces the Network Communication Module and Service Control Module in an intelligent building network , and provides design methods of the module functions and data structures .

  20. 在基于J2EE的智能大厦OAS的开发中,以XML作为应用之间存储、传输和转换数据的手段,可以很好地解决Web上的数据表达问题。

    In the development of OAS based on J2EE , regard XML as the means of storing , transmitting and changing , it can be well solved the problem of data expression in Web .

  21. 集成智能大厦管理系统IBMS的设计

    The design of Integrated Building Intelligent Management System IBMS

  22. 本论文对Oracle分布式数据库系统的原理、设计与实现技术进行研究,并基于C/S模式实现一个智能大厦OA的分布式数据库应用系统。

    This essay aims to research on the principle , design and realization technology of Oracle distributed database system . Based on C / S mode , actualize the distributed database application system of a intelligence building office automation .

  23. 但是,大多数建筑物仍然沿用传统的照明控制方式,部分智能大厦采用楼宇自控(BA)系统来监控照明,但也只能实现简单的区域照明和定时开关功能。

    However , most buildings are still using the traditional lighting control methods . Some smart buildings use Building Automation ( BA ) systems to monitor lighting , but only simply regional lighting and timer switches .

  24. 作为一个典型的分布式计算机系统,智能大厦OAS中的分布式数据库应用是系统研究的关键问题之一。

    As a typical distributed computer system , the distributed database application in Intelligent Building 's OAS is one of the key fields in the researches .

  25. 文中运用Struts框架对智能大厦物业管理系统进行开发,并通过实例证明了Struts是实现MVC模式的一种很好的框架。

    The paper presented how to developed an intelligent building property management system by using Struts framework and at last gave a specific example to prove that Struts is a good framework of MVC model .

  26. 然后根据智能大厦OAS的需求分析,对系统的模块进行了划分,并结合MVC模式完成了对系统总体结构的设计。

    Then , the modules of the system are divided on the basis of requirements analysis and the architecture design of system according to the MVC model is completed , too .

  27. 并详细介绍了智能大厦OA系统中加密服务模块、身份认证模块以及SSL传输组件的具体设计过程,并简单介绍了各个模块在智能大厦OA系统中的应用。

    Introduced the particular design process of the encryption service module , identity authentication module and SSL transfer module in the Intelligent Building OAS . And introduced the application of every module in the Intelligent Building OAS .

  28. 特别是近年现代高科技和信息技术(IT)正在由智能大厦(IB)走向智能住宅小区,进而走进家庭(SH)。

    In recent years , modern high-tech and information technology ( IT ) is entering from intelligent building ( IB ) into smart residential area , and into home ( SH ) .

  29. 首先从Java安全体系结构的研究入手,对基于JAAS的J2EE安全机制进行了分析和探讨,并详细介绍了身份认证模块的具体设计过程,以及该模块在智能大厦OA系统中的应用。

    This paper begins with research of Java security architecture , and analyses J2EE security mechanism , emphasizes on how to design identity validation module in detail , finally introduces the application of the module in intelligent building OA System .

  30. 探讨了智能大厦OAS的概念、基本特点,并在功能需求分析的基础上,提出了智能大厦OAS的功能结构。

    The OAS 's concept and characteristics of intelligent building are discussed in this paper and the OAS 's function structure is raised on the basis of analysis of function demands .