
  • 网络Plutarch
  1. 当普鲁塔克建议批评家应该能够创造出“更好的作品”时,有两种方法可以解释他的意思。

    There are two ways to interpret Plutarch when he suggests that a critic should be able to produce " a better in its place . "

  2. 但也许普鲁塔克的建议有些许不同、更接近于马库斯·西塞罗的主张,即一个人应该“通过创造而不是通过发现错误来批评”。

    But perhaps Plutarch is suggesting something slightly different , something a bit closer to Marcus Cicero 's claim that one should " criticize by creation , not by finding fault . "

  3. 普鲁塔克说:“反对别人的言论不是什么难事。但要在自己的立场上创造出更好的言论,则是一件极其麻烦的工作。”

    It is a thing of no great difficulty , according to Plutarch , " to raise objections against another man 's speech , it is a very easy matter ; but to produce a better in its place is a work extremely troublesome . "

  4. 第一是古典史学传统对普鲁塔克著作思想的影响。

    Firstly , the classical history affected him a lot .

  5. 林肯年轻拓边时曾读过普鲁塔克、莎士比亚以及圣经。

    Lincoln as a young frontiersman read Plutarch , Shakespeare and the Bible .

  6. 亚里斯多德和普鲁塔克最早明确记载了梭伦的币制改革及有关的货币单位及其换算关系。

    Aristoteles and Plutarcus first explicitly recorded Soloon 's currency system reform , regarding currency units and conversion relations between them .

  7. 指责别人没有教养的人,自己同样缺乏教养&普鲁塔克,希腊历史学家和传记作家。

    He who reflects on another man 's want of breeding , shows he wants it as much himself & Plutarch , Greek historian and biographer .

  8. 普鲁塔克和其他叛军领袖都能理解她,但当他们拍摄第一部宣传录像时,他们就错了,因为他们要给她写台词,这同时也是在压制她的声音。

    Plutarch and the rest of the rebel leaders understand that , but when they make that first propaganda video , they get it wrong because , by writing the script for her , they also silence her .

  9. 希腊的历史学家普鲁塔克告诫人们不要纵情于美味佳肴。希腊名医伽林也成立了一个“减肥营”,通过让那些过度肥胖的人每天晨跑至汗流浃背来使他们“从大胖子转变为体格正常之人”。

    Plutarch exhorted people to avoid indulging in delicacies and Galen invented the ' fat camp ' when he ' reduced a huge fat fellow to moderates size ... by making him run every morning until he fell into a profuse sweat ' .

  10. 18岁时,为了追寻我当时还无法解释的东西,我踏上了学习古典文学的征途并汲取了许多知识,其中一点便是希腊作家普鲁塔克所说:我们的内在修养将会改变外在的现实。

    One of the many things I learned at the end of that Classics corridor down which I ventured at the age of 18 , in search of something I could not then define , was this , written by the Greek author Plutarch : What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality .