
  • 网络promotion incentive
  1. 第三,企业应该对晋升激励加大重视。

    Third , companies should pay greater attention to Promotion Incentive .

  2. 制度质量、晋升激励与地方政府行为&市场分割的微观解释

    System Quality , Promotion Incentive Mechanism and the Local Government Behavior & A Micro-interpretation on Market Segmentation

  3. 我国企业员工的晋升激励模式与策略研究

    Study on Mode and Strategy of Promotion Motivation in Chinese Enterprises

  4. 这三个要素就是公务员的晋升激励、薪酬激励和绩效评估。

    These elements of the civil service are promotion incentives , incentive pay and performance evaluation .

  5. 结合第二部分,这两部分阐述了我国企业完善晋升激励机制的必要性和迫切性,确立了晋升激励在激励过程中不可动摇的地位。

    The second part and the third part show the necessity and urgency of setting promotion mechanisms in Chinese enterprises .

  6. 在晋升激励存在的情况下,研究了国有控股上市公司经营者报酬&绩效激励机制的效率。

    This paper analyzes the efficiency of pay-for-performance incentive of uppermost decision-maker of state holding firm when it 's coexistent with promotion incentive .

  7. 在实证分析的研究成果中发现,高管晋升激励对R&D投资有显著地正相关。

    Found in the empirical analysis of research results , the executive promotion incentives on R & D investments have a significant positive correlation .

  8. 这一部分先分别梳理和评价财政分权、晋升激励和公共支出结构三个领域的现有文献。

    This part of the first comb and evaluation respectively fiscal decentralization , promotion stimulation and public expenditure structure three areas of the existing literature .

  9. 对于财政分权与地方政府规模关系有着较为深入的研究,但多不涉及晋升激励问题。

    The relationship between fiscal decentralization and the size of local government has been researched deeply by western scholars , but promotion incentive is not involved .

  10. 考虑政治晋升激励之后,中央政府与地方政府之间的投资差异将更为明显。

    After considering the political promotion incentives , the difference in investment between central and local governments would become even more significant , so would the competition .

  11. 相对于中央政府的统筹规划而言,财政收入激励和政治晋升激励导致的直接后果就是地区投资规模的扩张。

    Relative to the overall planning set by the central government , the directly result is the regional investment expansion induced by the financial revenues and political promotion stimulation .

  12. 不论是财政激励说还是晋升激励说,它们问题的关键都在于经济人假设并不完全适用于地方政府的决策分析。

    Whether finance incentive or promotion incentive , the crux of their problem is that the hypothesis of economic man does not fully apply to local government decision-making analysis .

  13. 其次,对于晋升激励的衡量,本文是用薪酬差距进行衡量的,如果用其他的变量(如高管平均年龄)进行替代是否有更好的效果,以后相关的研究可以尝试对晋升激励变量的替代。

    Secondly , promotion incentive is measured by the pay gap in this paper , but maybe there are alternative better promotion incentive variables ( such as average age of executives ) .

  14. 这样财政激励与政治晋升激励下的地方政府间为增长而竞争的机制,不仅解决了政治市场上的中央政府对地方政府的治理能力甄别问题,也解决了地方政府治理能力的信号显示问题。

    The mechanism of the competition for the growth has not only solved the problem of the ability screening , but also has solved signal demonstration problem of governing ability that local governments have showed .

  15. 分析了国有商业银行人力资源的现状,国有商业银行与国外银行在人才激励机制上有何差别以及国有商业银行现有人才激励机制在薪酬激励、晋升激励、培训激励等方面存在的问题。

    The author analyzes the existing problems in human incentive mechanism of state-owned banks in such fields of salary incentive , promotion incentive , training incentive , and puts forward to the corresponding solving schemes and measures ;

  16. 经济上的分权与政治上的晋升激励构成了地方政府发展经济的内在动力,使得地方政府扮演的角色更像是一个企业的经营者而不是公共服务的提供者。

    Economic decentralization and political promotion incentive constitute the intrinsic motivation of economic development of local government , making the role of local government is more like a business operator instead of the provider of public services .

  17. 在综述相关文献的基础上,建立起财政分权、晋升激励与公共支出结构的理论模型,基于严密的逻辑考察财政分权和政治晋升对公共支出结构的影响。

    In this paper , on the basis of related literatures establish fiscal decentralization , promotion stimulation and public expenditure structure theory model based on the strict logical investigation , fiscal decentralization and political promotion to the influence of public expenditure structure .

  18. 员工激励机制要在坚持以人为本、坚持物质激励和精神激励相结合等原则的基础上,要充分创新薪酬激励、晋升激励、培训激励和精神激励等激励手段。

    The employee incentive mechanism must be based on the people-oriented principle and the combination of material incentive and spirit incentive , and it must make good use of payment incentive , promotion incentive , training incentive , spirit incentive and so on . 3 .

  19. 在人民银行各级行之间进行的多重博弈中,逐渐形成了以晋升激励为主、薪酬激励不足、晋升激励考核指标的多元化、约束机制存在弱化倾向等激励制度的四大特征。

    In the multi-gaming of the People ′ s Bank of China at various levels , an incentive system is gradually formed which is characterized by four features : promotion incentive - dominating , insufficient salary incentive , diversified promotion incentive index , weakening incline of binding mechanism .

  20. 论职务晋升的激励作用与公正原则

    Incentive Effects and Importance of Organizational Justice in Promotion Decisions

  21. 在货币报酬激励和职务晋升报酬激励缺失的条件下,加强组织文化建设意义重大。

    In default of monetary incentives and promotion incentives , it 's very important to intensify the construction of organizational culture .

  22. 在绩效&晋升的激励机制之下,县级政府的效用目标已经围绕其特殊的利益需求展开,即财政收入最大化,领导晋升机会最大化。

    At the mercy of the " performance-promotion " incentive mechanism , the utility target of county government has been around its special interests & that is fiscal revenue maximization and leaderships promotion opportunities maximization .

  23. 相应地,日本企业也为员工提供了各种完善的福利制度和晋升制度作为激励。

    Accordingly , the Japanese enterprise also offer all sorts of perfect welfare system and promotion system , as an incentive .

  24. 晋升是企业激励员工的重要手段之一,也是人力资源管理研究的重要问题。

    Promotion is one of the important means of stimulation , but also is the important question studied in human resource management .

  25. 酒店员工满意度与其工作设计密切相关,除了薪酬、福利、晋升等外在激励因素外,是否可以通过工作再设计提升工作本身的激励潜能,促进酒店员工的满意度水平。

    Hotel employee satisfaction is closely related to job design , in addition to the external incentive factors , such as salary , welfare , promotion , whether it is feasible to promote the hotel employee satisfaction by job redesign to upgrade itself motivating potential .

  26. 产量请加与晋升和奖金等激励机制密切相关。

    Increased production is closely related to incentives such as promotion and bonuses .

  27. 第六部分根据研究结果,提出了晋升缺失员工的激励措施。

    Base on the research conclusion , Chapter 6 has put forward some measures to motivate the promotion stagnation employees .

  28. 精神方面的激励机制有双层晋升路线、声誉激励、成长激励、企业文化激励;

    The spiritual encouraging mechanism includes double promotion ways , good reputation encouragement , maturity encouragement and the corporate culture encouragement .

  29. 编外讲师制度为我们思考如何选拔学术接班人、如何晋升教授、如何激励大学教师等问题提供了有益的启示。

    The system of private docent helps us to reflect on the questions such as how to select academic successors , how to promote teachers to professors , and how to inspirit teachers .

  30. 研究认为现阶段单纯依靠传统的薪资及晋升制度来长效激励企业经营者收效,必须在企业股权激励上寻找解决问题的方法和途径。

    According to the research , in order to attain a long-term efficiency , new incentive ways and means for the enterprises has to be found in incentive stock together with the traditional payment and promotion system .