
chūn jià
  • spring vacation;spring holidays
春假 [chūn jià]
  • [spring vacation] 学校春季放的假,多在四月初

春假[chūn jià]
  1. 我们学校今年什么时候放春假?

    When does our college have spring vacation this year ?

  2. 真的,当我想起整个春假期间怎样着手写这篇小说。

    Really , when I think of how I started it over spring vacation .

  3. 我和两个朋友在大学春假期间开车去了佛罗里达。

    Two friends and I drove to Florida during college spring break

  4. 由于德国U形潜水艇在近海巡逻,美国学生不倾向于出国度春假了。

    With German U-boats patrolling offshore , American students were less inclined to go overseas for spring vacations .

  5. 实际上是春假,Helm先生是一个高中生。

    Spring break actually . Mr. Helm is a high school student .

  6. 今年MTV准备在棕榈酒店举办每年一度的春假秀场。

    And this year , MTV is bringing its annual Spring Break Show to the Palms Casino Resort .

  7. 再看看一大批正在火人节(BurningMan)欢度春假的人群中穿梭,或者在西南偏南音乐节(SouthbySouthwest)袒露健美体格的科技工作者(其中包括投资人、加密货币传道者泰勒o文克莱沃斯那犹如奥林匹斯山诸神的强健身躯)。

    Look at the hordes of young tech workers navigating the Spring Break crowds at Burning Man and South by Southwest baring their toned physiques ( including the literally Olympian torso of Tyler Winklevoss , the investor and cryptocurrency evangelist ) .

  8. 提示:文本转自普特英语听力论坛PHILLIPS:现在康奈尔大学正是春假期间,你肯定觉得学生们一定在庆祝。他们的篮球队成为黑马,闯入NCAA(全国大学生体育协会)甜蜜16强。

    PHILLIPS : Well , it 's spring break at Cornell University and you 'd think that students would be celebrating their basketball team 's unlikely birth in the NCAA 's Sweet 16 tournament .

  9. 再然后,我会去做做瑜伽,沉思几个小时或者上网购物,根据Goop的推荐挑选一条350美元的白色豹皮短裤,用来在春假和丈夫孩子一块出门的时候穿。

    After that , I 'll go to yoga , spend a few hours meditating and maybe do some online shopping , picking up a pair of $ 350 white leopard-printed short-shorts via Goop in preparation for the " spring break " I 'll take with my husband and son .

  10. 至少在春假前他一直在上这门课。

    At least , he was taking it until Spring Break .

  11. 弟弟马尔库斯利用春假去探望姐姐

    The brother Marcus was visiting the sister on spring break .

  12. 这是我们的酒混面粉加枫蜜培根的特制春假小蛋糕。

    That is our beer batter maple bacon spring break cupcake .

  13. 这是酒混面粉加枫蜜培根的特制春假小蛋糕

    And this is our beer-batter maple bacon spring break cupcake .

  14. 我们的春假是从四月二号到四月十六号。

    Our spring break is from 2nd April to 16th April .

  15. 大学生的春假海滩派对很疯狂。

    The college students ' spring break beach party was pure insanity .

  16. 你春假都干吗啦?

    A : What did you do over Spring Break ?

  17. 学校组织的在春假的的出游也让人失望。

    School groups visting on spring break were also disappointed .

  18. 这是我们的酒混面粉加枫蜜培根的特制春假小蛋糕

    And this is our beer batter maple bacon spring break cupcake .

  19. 而吃喝玩乐仅仅是春假的一个方面。

    But having fun is just one dimension of the spring break .

  20. 大部分的美国大专院校有春假。

    Most American colleges and universities take a spring break .

  21. 简直是92年的春假情景重演!

    It 's spring break ' 92 all over again !

  22. 啸:周末我总是很忙的。我可能要到春假才有时间。

    Xiao : I 'm usually pretty busy during weekends .

  23. 你是不是春假中风发作了

    I think you 've had a spring break stroke .

  24. 我真等不及春假才到可可海滩…

    I can 't wait for spring break back at Oocoa Beach , just

  25. 在春假期间,我写了三俳句诗歌。

    I wrote three haiku poems during spring holidays .

  26. 所以你在春假时感觉不像是个老家伙吗?

    So you didn 't feel like an old man at spring break ?

  27. 冰雪正在消融,你们还在想着春假该怎样度过,

    Just as winter was thawing and you were thinking about spring break ,

  28. 宣传你们的混酒面粉加枫蜜培根特制春假小蛋糕啊。

    About your beer-battered maple bacon spring break cupcake .

  29. 我们盼望着即将到来的春假。

    We 're longing for the coming spring break .

  30. 恩,但是我知道你在春假的时候做什么。

    Mm , but I do know what you did on your spring break .