
  1. 温州国际会议展览中心电子时光塔吊装技术

    Lifting Technologies of the Electric Time Tower of Wenzhou International Meeting and Exhibition Center

  2. 温州会展中心倒锥塔和时光塔的有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis of Inverted Taper Tower and Time Tower for Wenzhou Exhibition Center

  3. 浙江温州国际会展中心钢结构时光塔施工

    Construction of steel structure of time tower for Wenzhou International Conference & Exhibition Center

  4. 通过温州国际会议展览中心电子时光塔吊装的施工实践,重点介绍了高耸桅塔结构的方案选择、工艺流程及吊装的施工技术。

    According to construction practice of lifting the Electric Time Tower of Wenzhou International Meeting and Exhibition Center , authors state some aspects of towering mast tower structures such as plan selection , working process and lifting construction technologies and so on .