
  • 网络Early adopter
  1. 他相信ProductHunt能够打入应用爱好者的市场,这些爱好者并不把自己视作早期采用者(译注:指具有冒险精神、喜欢尝试新产品的人),但不管怎样他们的确就是。

    He believes Product Hunt can tap into a market of app-lovers who don 't consider themselves early adopters but are anyway .

  2. 虽然Nest恒温器的市场定位瞄准以iPhone为代表的新生代早期采用者,但法德尔称潜在市场非常宽广。

    While the nest thermostat is clearly aimed at early adopters in the iPhone generation , fadell says the potential market is large .

  3. 本文根据早期采用者的使用经验,简单介绍了mashup技术所能创造的一些可能性。

    This article touches a small set of possibilities afforded by mashup technology based on the use of early adopters .

  4. D-BUS得到了早期采用者的迅速接受,因而它在Linux桌面领域似乎有一个乐观的未来。

    Acceptance of D-BUS by early adopters is rapid , so it appears to have a rosy future on the Linux desktop .

  5. 眼下,LG的目标是早期采用者和喜欢用手机看电影或玩游戏的人。

    For now LG is targeting early adopters and people who like watching movies or playing games on their phones .

  6. 回溯到威廉•利弗(WilliamLever)——联合利华的创始人和劝说性广告的早期采用者,营销的历史就是持续不断的试验,而你我就是其中的小白鼠。

    Going back to William Lever , Unilever 's founder and early adopter of persuasive advertising , marketing has a history of constant experimentation , in which you and I are the guinea-pigs .

  7. Alfresco是CMIS的一个早期采用者,当时拥有最成熟的实现,因此我从那里开始。

    Alfresco , an early adopter of CMIS , had the most mature implementation , so I started there .

  8. 支持早期采用者的这个交互模型的常见使用模式都源于jStart项目的参与者,后面的小节将对此进行讨论。

    The common usage patterns that support this interaction model for early adopters are derived from participants of jStart projects and are discussed in the following sections .

  9. 很自然地,在使用公开源码上实用主义者没有早期采用者那么进取。

    Naturally , the pragmatists have been less aggressive than early adopters about moving to open source .

  10. 鉴于智能手机如今已是如此无处不在,所谓的早期采用者已经越来越少了,他说道。

    Given how pervasive smartphones are today , the early adopter thing is shrinking , he says .

  11. 早期采用者的交互模型

    Early adopter interaction model

  12. 早期采用者,他们在很舒服地使用着“未完成的”,可以带给他们竞争优势的尖端产品。

    Early adopters who are comfortable using " unfinished ," cutting-edge products that might give them a competitive advantage .

  13. 鉴于智能手机如今已是如此无处不在,“所谓的早期采用者已经越来越少了,”他说道。

    Given how pervasive smartphones are today , " the early adopter thing is shrinking , " he says .

  14. 相信到910的价格有一个溢价,但你是早期采用者是不是你吗?

    Sure the Go910 is priced at a premium , but you are an early adopter aren 't you ?

  15. 尽管自动化的长尾效应可能耗时几十年,但早期采用者的市场仍可能巨大。

    Although the long tail of automation may take decades , the market for early adopters could still be vast .

  16. 比如,假设早期采用者找到了一种帮助数据库管理员从突发失效中恢复的工具。

    For example , suppose the Early Adopter found a tool intended to help database administrators recover from catastrophic failures .

  17. 我是新技术的早期采用者,但这对我来说可能为时过早。

    I 'm all for being an early adopter of new tech , but that 's probably going a bit far .

  18. 然而,正如我们已经提到的,早期采用者最常询问的问题是如何标识正确的服务。

    However , as already stated , the question most frequently asked by early adopters is how to identify the right services .

  19. 这个人根据团队的具体需要改编新的和已有的软件工具,是早期采用者的补充。

    This person complements the Early Adopter , by working to adapt both new and existing software tools to your team 's specific needs .

  20. 这些限制为该行业带来了必须采用更好的方法来管理其决策逻辑的需要,同时还使保险行业成为业务规则技术的早期采用者之一。

    These restrictions have created a need for this industry to adopt a better way to manage their decisioning logic and has also made them one of the early adopters of business rules technology .

  21. 早期的采用者利用这些工件提出了企业mashup的价值主张。

    These artifacts are utilized with early adopters in promoting the value proposition of enterprise mashups .

  22. 特别地,早期的采用者对于能够用变通方法解决的bug和重新加载程序就能消失的bug有较强的容忍性。

    In particular , early adopters have a high tolerance for bugs with workarounds and for bugs that " just go away " when they reload the program .

  23. 但是,早期的采用者可以创建具有较多的组件硬编码连接类型的服务组合,其中的某些服务(业务功能的松散耦合单元)与组件进行组合,以产生实际良好运行的组合。

    However , early adopters can create compositions of services that involve a more hard-wired type of composition where some services ( loosely-coupled units of business functionality ) are combined with components to produce a realistically well-performing composition .

  24. 下面是早期审核人员和采用者发现的一些问题

    Here are some of the issues identified by early reviewers and adopters