
  1. 提高保温箱湿度对早产儿体重的影响

    Impact of increased incubator humidity on the body weight of premature infants

  2. 结果:非脂肪乳静脉营养和脂肪乳静脉营养治疗均能促进早产儿体重增长,减少并发症,且临床应用较安全。

    RESULTS : Both of the no-fat emulsion PN therapy and the fat emulsion PN therapy could promote weight gain and lessen complications , and the clinical application was comparatively safe .

  3. 早产产妇UU感染率随着早产儿出生体重的降低而明显增高(P<0.01)。结论解脲脲原体通过感染胎盘引起胎盘绒毛膜羊膜炎,并导致早产,是孕妇早产的危险因素之一。

    Conclusion This study confirms that UU infection may be a risk factor for preterm birth , which may be associated with chorioamnionitis caused by UU infection .

  4. 新生儿重症监护室的医护措施使现在早产儿和体重过轻新生儿的存活率比以往大幅度提高。

    Premature and low birth weight babies are surviving as never before , thanks to treatments available in neonatal intensive care units .

  5. 早产儿和低体重儿的颅内出血CT检查与预后分析

    CT scan and prognoses analysis of premature infants and low weight infants with intracranial hemorrhage

  6. 结果200例早产儿和低体重儿中发现ICH53例,ICH检出率为26%。

    Results 53 cases of ICH were indicated in 200 premature infants and low weight infants ( 26 % ) .

  7. 早产儿、低体重儿颅脑损伤发生率分别较足月儿、正常体重儿明显升高,且有显著差异(P0·01,P0·05)。

    The incidence of craniocerebral injury in premature newborn or in low weight newborn was significantly higher than that in mature newborn or in normal weight newborn ( P0.05 , or P0.01 ) .

  8. 机械通气时间、原发疾病、再插管、早产儿、低体重、有无大剂量使用丙种球蛋白为VAP影响因素(P<0.05),性别、入院年龄、分娩方式与VAP无关(P>0.05)。

    MV hour , original disease , re-intubation , prematurity , low birth weight and drugs were factors for VAP , but gender , age , and delivery way do not correlate with VAP .

  9. 早产儿在出生体重、胎龄、摄入的蛋白质和能量的量同等的情况下,摄入母乳量对血清IGFI质量浓度有正性影响(P<0.05)。

    The intake of the human milk had a positive influence on the levels of serum IGF-I when the gestational age , birth weight , the mean energy and protein intake were at the same levels ( P < 0.05 ) .

  10. 此时娩出的新生儿称早产儿,出生体重为1000~2499g,各器官发育尚不够成熟。

    The neonat birthed at this time called preterm infant , the birth weight is 1000 ~ 2499g , allelotaxis still immaturation .

  11. 早产儿低出生体重儿的营养供给

    The nourishment supply of low birth weight infants in premature infants

  12. 早产儿、低体重儿鼻饲喂养与护理

    Nasal Feeding and Nursing of premature Infants and Low Birth Weight Newborns

  13. 早产儿低出生体重儿两种静脉营养方式的对比研究

    Comparison of two parenteral nutrition methods in low birth weight premature infants

  14. 方法:对76例早产儿、低体重儿进行鼻饲喂养与护理。

    Method : Nasal feeding and nursing of 76 such cases are studied .

  15. 早产儿和低体重儿会有发育发面的问题和更大的有严重的慢性病的危险。

    Premature and low birthweight babies run the risk of developmental problems and a greater likelihood of serious chronic illness .

  16. 早产儿、低体重儿及有窒息史的小儿,其血铅水平大多增高;

    The premature infant , low weight infant and infant who had history of asphyxia , their blood lead level almost increased ;

  17. 早产儿、低体重儿脑损伤发生率明显高于足月儿、正常体重儿;减少早产儿、低体重儿的出生,可有效降低新生儿颅脑损伤的发生率;

    To decline the births of premature newborn and of low weight newborn is to make the incidence of craniocerebral injury decreased efficiently ;

  18. 早产儿低出生体重儿是一个特殊的群体,由于他们胃肠道运动及胃肠道功能的不成熟,以及营养需求的特殊性,决定了其特殊的营养供给方式。

    The low birth weight ( LBW ) infants in premature infants are special population . Their immature gastrointestinal peristalsis and function and particularity of nourishment demands determine special ways of nourishment supply .

  19. 吸烟女性怀孕后,明显高风险分娩早产儿、低体重足月产儿,以及肺功能下降、气管炎、哮喘的婴儿。

    When a female smoker does get pregnant , she runs a significantly higher risk of delivering a premature baby , a low-weight full-term baby , a baby with poor lung function , bronchitis or asthma .

  20. 早发型败血症以足月儿和出生体重2500g的患儿为主;晚发型败血症以早产儿和低出生体重儿为主。

    The early-onset sepsis gives priority to full-term children and children with birth weight2500g ; the late-onset sepsis gives priority to preterm children and low birth weight children mainly .

  21. 对于早产儿和低出生体重儿出现反应欠佳、腹胀或喂养不耐受时要警惕晚发型败血症的发生.2.新生儿败血症常见的并发症按发生频次:化脓性脑膜炎、NEC、MOF、感染性休克和DIC。

    For preterm children and low birth weight children who appear poor response , bloating or feeding intolerance should think highly of late-onset sepsis . 2 . The common complication of neonatal sepsis include by frequency of occurrence : purulent meningitis , NEC , MOF , septic shock and DIC .

  22. 根据本组资料分析,NEC组孕期并发症、早产儿、低出生体重儿、窒息和伴发病更多见HDEC。临床表现以腹胀、呕吐、腹泻和便血为主。

    Based on our data , in NEC Group , complications of pregnancy 、 preterm 、 low birth weight 、 asphyxia and associated diseases were more common and its majority manifestations were abdominal distention 、 vomiting 、 diarrhea and blood in stool .

  23. 简易喂养法在早产儿及低出生体重儿的应用研究

    Applied research of simple and easy feeding method for premature and low body weight Infant

  24. 早产儿和低出生体重儿要警惕院内感染导致的晚发型败血症的发生。

    Preterm and low birth weight children should be wary of late-onset sepsis caused by nosocomial infections .

  25. 目的探讨早期干预对早产儿和低出生体重儿在婴儿期行为发育的作用。

    Objective To explore the effect of early intervention on premature and low birth weight infants behavioral development in infancy .

  26. 目的了解和证实新生儿泳疗对早产儿及低出生体重儿出生1周内生长发育的影响。

    Objective To recognize and testify the facilitation function of swimming therapy on growth and development of low birth weight infants .

  27. 这种护理在没有婴儿保育箱和重症监护病房的情况下能够挽救早产儿和低出生体重婴儿的生命。

    The lives of premature and low-birth-weight babies can be saved , despite the absence of incubators and intensive care wards .

  28. 目的探讨早产儿、低出生体重儿喂养方式与体重增长关系。

    Objective To study the relationship between feeding method and the increasing in body weight for premature and low birth weight infant .

  29. 2早产儿、低出生体重儿99例,占新生儿高血铅的49.25%(99/201)。

    Premature infants with low birth weight accounted for 49.25 % of those who had higher blood lead levels ( 99 / 201 ) .

  30. 结论对早产儿及低出生体重儿进行临床综合评分,有利于判断患儿感染的可能性,并可监测抗感染治疗的有效性。

    Conclusion Scoring the low birth weight premature infants with their clinical manifestations has the advantages in judging the possibility of infection and monitoring the effectiveness of the anti-infection treatment .