
rì běn
  • Japan
日本 [rì běn]
  • [Japan] 国名。亚洲东部的岛国

日本[rì běn]
  1. 我们七月初要去日本。

    We 're going to Japan at the beginning of July .

  2. 在日本,人们要学会非常尊敬长辈。

    In Japan you are taught great respect for your elders .

  3. 日本的生产方法已被引进到一些英国的工厂。

    Japanese production methods have been transplanted into some British factories .

  4. 销售代表前往日本推销本公司的最新产品。

    Representatives went to Japan to pitch the company 's newest products .

  5. 日本已承诺提供一亿元人道主义援助。

    Japan has pledged $ 100 million in humanitarian aid .

  6. 我在日本的朋友邀请我随时去看他。

    I have an open invitation to visit my friend in Japan .

  7. 在日本,驾车要左行。

    They drive on the left-hand side of the road in Japan .

  8. 首相目前正在访问日本。

    The Prime Minister is visiting Japan at the moment .

  9. 你是日本哪个地区的人?

    Which part of Japan do you come from ?

  10. 这个乐队在日本很走红。

    The band 's very big in Japan .

  11. 你觉得日本的生活如何?

    How do you find life in Japan ?

  12. 人们经常举例把日本作为现代工业国家的典范。

    Japan is often quoted as the prime example of a modern industrial nation .

  13. 大坂是日本的第二大城市。

    Osaka is Japan 's second-largest city .

  14. 去年四月我们去了日本。

    We went to Japan last April .

  15. 你觉得日本怎么样?

    How did you like Japan ?

  16. 凡是日本的东西她都喜欢。

    She loves all things Japanese .

  17. 日本银行继续看跌。

    Japanese banks remain bearish .

  18. 我出生在日本,但已在西方居住了一些年了。

    I was born in Japan , but I 've lived in the West for some years now .

  19. 日本是亚洲进口货物和技术的最大供应国。

    Japan is Asia 's dominant supplier of imports and technology .

  20. 分析家称日本的经济衰退已经打击了投资者的信心。

    Analysts say the recession in Japan has sapped investor confidence .

  21. 日本的预算盈余令人羡慕。

    Japan is in the enviable position of having a budget surplus

  22. 欧洲人到了日本会极为惹眼。

    In Japan a European stands out like a sore thumb .

  23. 日本企业在寻觅新型管理人才。

    Japanese firms are looking for a new breed of manager .

  24. 她不会说日语,也不了解日本文化。

    She speaks no Japanese and is unfamiliar with Japanese culture .

  25. 她是所有日本年轻作家的代言人。

    She speaks for a whole cohort of young Japanese writers .

  26. 日本皇室资助日本艺术协会。

    The Japanese Imperial family patronises the Japanese Art Association .

  27. 日本赢得了男子200米个人混合泳比赛。

    Japan won the Men 's 200 metres Individual Medley .

  28. 雷明顿在日本的业务现在有盈利。

    Remington 's operations in Japan are now in the black

  29. 那些日本游客启程去寻找布龙泰地区。

    The Japanese visitors set off in search of Bront ë country .

  30. 整个11月,我们都在新西兰、澳大利亚和日本巡回演出。

    We 're playing in New Zealand , Australia and Japan through November