
  • 网络japanese national university
  1. 并在与日本国立大学法人自主运营的权利能力和行为能力进行比较的同时,指出行为能力在高校自主办学中起着关键性的作用。

    At the same time , through comparing with the right capacity and behavior capacity of Japanese national university corporation autonomous operation , it is pointed out that the behavior capacity plays a key role in the university autonomous running of school .

  2. 日本国立大学法人制度研究及启示

    Research on and Inspiration from the Corporatization of Japanese National Universities

  3. 日本国立大学法律地位之变更

    Changes of Legal Status of Japan National Universities

  4. 面对全球化的浪潮,日本国立大学进行了法人化改造。

    Given the upsurge of globalization , national universities in Japan have undergone corporate transformation .

  5. 日本国立大学的改革

    Reforms of national universities in Japan

  6. 日本国立大学法人化与国立大学图书馆的变革

    The New National University Corporations in Japan and the Changes in the Libraries of National University

  7. 日本国立大学法人化的政策变迁研究&基于支持联盟框架的分析

    A Study on National University Corporation in Japan : An Analysis Based on the Advocacy Coalition Framework

  8. 这一部分也将从日本国立大学、公立大学以及私立大学三种类型高校分别进行分析。

    As the same , this part is echoed from national universities , public universities and private universities .

  9. 公共选择与代理问题:日本国立大学独立行政法人化研究大学改革之路&兼谈日本国立大学独立行政法人化改革对我国的启示

    Public Choice and Agency : A Study of the Corporation Trend of Japanese State Universities ' Independent Administration On China 's University Reform

  10. 日本国立大学法人化是日本高等教育领域的一项重要改革,给包括公立、私立大学在内的整个高等教育系统都带来了深远影响。

    Japan National Universities Corporations is an important reform in the Japan Higher Education field that has far-reaching influence on the overall high education system including both the state and private universities .

  11. 研究生后继续教育是继续发展的重要方向;本科生与研究生的一体化教育是当前日本国立大学办学理念改革的重要手段。

    Post-graduate continuing education is the focus of the development of continuing education and the integration of undergraduate and graduate education is the important means of operating idea reformation in Japan 's state universities .

  12. 战后日本国立大学与政府在一些重要问题上的冲突与调和所反映出来的两者关系的变化,也许是说明大学与政府间张力关系的一个例证。民族的才是世界的。

    It may be an example to explain the tension between university and government that change of the relation between the National University of Japan and the government have been reflected in the conflict and conciliation about some important issues between universities and the government after World War II .

  13. 从2004年4月1日起,日本实行国立大学法人化制度,即所有国立大学由原来的属于国家行政组织的一部分,转变成为具有独立法人资格的法人实体。

    On the first of April , 2004 , Japan began to enact the formation of the National Universities corporation , that is , all the National Universities which were part of the university management , have transformed into the independent legal entity .

  14. 1994年在日本国立弘前大学获医学博士学位。

    Tian Wei received a doctor degree in Medicine from Hirosaki University , Japan , in1994 .

  15. 2004年4月,日本实行的国立大学法人化制度,并没有脱离全世界范围内高等教育改革的共同趋势。

    In Apr.2004 , the corporate person system in Japanese national university was not divorced from the common trend of higher education throughout the world .

  16. 作为国家行政体制改革的一部分,从2004年4月起,日本政府正式实施国立大学法人化改革计划,其中大学人事制度改革是核心内容之一。

    As a part of National Administration Reform , from April 2004 , Japan carried National University Corporation Reform into execution in which Personnel System Reform played an important role .