
wú liáo de
  • bored;dull;frivolous;humdrum;uninteresting;prosaic;stuffy;unexciting;footling;hard up;hole-in-the-wall
  1. 想象使人从单调无聊的生活中解脱出来。

    Imagination raises a man above the humdrum of life .

  2. 会计师说这是她所度过的最无聊的一天。

    The accountant said it was the most humdrum day that she had ever passed .

  3. 真是见鬼!我可从没听说过这样无聊的事。

    A ghost indeed ! I 've never heard anything so silly .

  4. 有几个年青人闲坐着,一副无聊的样子。

    There were several young people sitting around looking bored .

  5. 电视有助于打发漫长无聊的冬夜。

    Television helps to relieve the boredom of the long winter evenings .

  6. 她不得不款待当地一些无聊的大人物。

    She had to entertain some boring local bigwigs .

  7. 戴维辞掉了他那份无聊的工作,走上自我发现的道路。

    David left his boring job to go on a journey of self-discovery .

  8. 我们结束这场无聊的争辩吧。

    Let 's have done with this silly argument .

  9. 电视上全是些无聊的东西。

    There 's nothing but junk on the TV .

  10. 我不能把时间浪费在这种无聊的活动上。

    I can 't waste time on such frivolities .

  11. 她思量着自己空虚无聊的生活。

    She contemplated the sterility of her existence .

  12. 他被说成是“无聊的啰唆鬼”——不是我说的,我赶忙加了一句。

    He has been described as a ' charmless bore ' ─ not by me , I hasten to add .

  13. 即使是最无聊的会议,只要丹一出现,也会变得有趣起来。

    Even the most boring meeting was enlivened by Dan 's presence .

  14. 事情变得有点沉闷无聊的时候,不要胆怯。

    Don 't be faint-hearted when things seem a bit slow or boring

  15. 他喋喋不休地说着某个无聊的电视连续剧。

    He was carrying on about some stupid television series .

  16. 他就会翻来覆去讨论同一个无聊的药品单。

    All he ever does is discuss the same boring list of medications .

  17. 他们越来越厌烦这场无聊的战争。

    They 're getting awfully weary of this silly war

  18. 他也许是个很无聊的人,可是却像黄鼠狼一样机灵。

    He might be a bore , but he was as quick-witted as a weasel

  19. 会议变成了无聊的扯皮。

    The meeting degenerated into petty squabbling .

  20. 得跟这么一群无聊的老家伙呆在一起,他会满腹牢骚的。

    He will complain about having to spend time with such a boring bunch of geriatrics .

  21. 我不想在这无聊的乡下干这样的工作,我不想呆在这里了。

    I don 't want to stay here , in this job and in this God-forsaken country .

  22. 他是我最有才华的学生之一,只是太容易被一些无聊的事分心。

    He was one of my most able pupils , but far too easily distracted by frivolities .

  23. 很久没有政党领导人像他昨天那样作如此枯燥无聊的演讲了。

    It is a long time since a party leader delivered such a dreadfully flat speech as he did yesterday .

  24. 她那无聊的闲扯会使你烦得要命。

    Her silly chatter will bore you to death .

  25. 不要讲这种无聊的话。

    Don 't make such silly remarks .

  26. “多无聊的生活!”

    " what a loathsome existence !"

  27. 她成了一个很无聊的人。

    She became a really boring person .

  28. 在百货公司,女性鞋子专区通常紧挨着女性化妆品专区:当店员寻找合适尺码的鞋子时,无聊的顾客可能会看看有没有她们稍后想试试的化妆品。

    In department stores , the women ’ s shoe section is generally next to the women 's cosmetics section : while the shop assistant is going back to find the right size shoe , bored customers are likely to wander over cosmetics they might want to try later .

  29. 也许是因为我住在一个无聊的小镇上。

    Maybe it is because I lived in a small and boring town .

  30. 如果这是真的,世界上会有很多无聊的人。

    If that is true , there will be a lot of dull people in the world .