
  • 网络Wireless Music
  1. 第四章利用4P法、五力模型法及SWOT法对无线音乐营销模式进行详细分析,同时提出无线音乐推广策略。

    Chapter 4P method using the five forces model method and method for wireless music SWOT detailed analysis and marketing models , and make wireless music promotion strategies .

  2. 进入2009年后,随着全球经济危机的影响,加之中国移动KPI绩效考核调整及整体营销策略的调整,无线音乐搜索服务的发展迅速走入谷底,结信公司也面临日益严重的收入压力。

    After the year of 2009 , there was the global economic crisis . Coupled with the adjustment of China Mobile KPI performance appraisal and the overall marketing strategy , wireless music search service developed rapidly into the bottom . Unison Company also faced growing pressure on revenues .

  3. 中国移动音乐网站(网址:www.12530.com,简称12530网站)是集手机彩铃下载、全曲MP3试听等功能的无线音乐综合网站。

    China mobile musical website ( website : www.12530 . com , referred to as " 12530 website ") is a wireless musical comprehensive website which contains downloading coloring ring back tone , mp3 audition , and so on .

  4. 数字音乐包括在线音乐和无线音乐。

    Digital music comprises online music and wireless music .

  5. 实况电视、无线音乐下载、电子邮件和防身武器。

    Live TV , wireless music downloads , email , and crime deterrent .

  6. 2007年1月,与中国移动签署合作协议,运营其无线音乐搜索业务。

    In January 2007 , it signed a cooperation agreement with China Mobile , operating of its wireless music search business .

  7. 当前电信运营商在无线音乐业务方面的主要运营模式是基于产品和资费的市场销售方式。

    The main model of mobile music business adopted by the current telecom operators is based on the market products and fee charging methods .

  8. 本文以无线音乐销售发行为主要研究对象,利用价值创新理论,试图从中能够得到一些有益于运营商的启示。

    The paper applies theory of value innovation to study the sales and distribution about mobile music . It gets some useful conclusions to telecom carriers .

  9. 第三章分析了中国无线音乐的宏观市场环境,主要从宏观环境、产业环境、市场环境等方面来介绍。

    The third chapter analyzes the Chinese wireless music macro environment , mainly from the macro environment , industry environment , market environment , to introduce .

  10. 二是本文针对分析研究形成的无线音乐俱乐部品牌创建模型提出了优化建议,对后续无线音乐俱乐部及ZGYD类似产品的品牌推广具有较高的参考价值。

    On the other hand , the present thesis proposes the optimization proposals for wireless music club brand establishing model which can be reference to the promotion of the following similar brands .

  11. 这支4人女子组合2009年出道,据《福布斯》杂志报道,该组合已创下2700万的无线音乐下载量,该报道还指出,如今的2NE1在国际乐坛声望“已经赶超鸟叔”。

    Debuted in 2009 , the four-member girl group has sold 27 million digital downloads to date , according to Forbes magazine , which noted that they 're now " bigger than Psy " on the international scene .

  12. 从2005年开始,全球手机游戏市场一直以40%的速度增长,2006年,手机游戏将掘金9亿美元,成为超过无线音乐和娱乐内容服务的最大应用。

    Starts from 2005 , the global handset game market continuously by 40 % speed growth , in 2006 , the handset game will dig golden 900 million US dollars , will become surpasses the wireless music and the entertainment content service biggest application .

  13. 随着数字音乐时代逐渐深入到消费者的消费意识中,消费者的需求发生变化,进而引发唱片产业价值链的重大变化,唱片产业价值链重心已逐渐转为在线音乐销售和无线音乐销售。

    With the digital music era gradually into consumer consciousness and the changes in consumer demand , which caused great changes in the phonographic industry value chain , the phonographic industry value chain has gradually changed the focus into online music sales and wireless music sales .

  14. 经过2年多的发展,结信公司目前已成为国内最大有无线音乐搜索服务提供商,每月平均约有500万使用无线音乐搜索的服务,搜索下载中国移动的各项音乐产品。

    After two years ' development , Unison Company has become the largest music search service provider , annually handling about 400 million times in the way of wireless search services . It is about five million monthly to use this service and downloads the music products of China Mobile .

  15. 透过内建的FM发送器在家中的音响无线播放音乐。

    Play your music on your home stereo over the air with the integrated FM transmitter .

  16. 无线下载音乐播放器设计与实现

    Design and Implement of Wireless Downloadable Music Player

  17. 纽约无线城音乐厅是一所坐落在洛克菲勒中心的娱乐场所。

    Radio City Music Hall is an entertainment venue located in New York City 's Rockefeller Center .

  18. 摆脱缠人耳机线,在10米范围内,享受无线好音乐。

    No hanging wires to tangle and get in the way , enjoying the music wirelessly up to10 meters away .

  19. 微软去年增加了随身听的几项功能,方便用户无线上网下载音乐和购买已植入FM收音机装置中可以听的歌曲。

    The company added new features to Zune 's music service last year , enabling users to download music wirelessly and buy songs they hear on the device 's built-in FM radio .

  20. 基于无线通信的音乐灯光控制新方法

    Music Lighting Control Based on Wireless Communication

  21. 那是一款集无线电话,音乐音影播放器和因特网浏览器为一体的手提产品。

    It combines a wireless phone , music and video player and internet communications device in one hand held product .

  22. 在这周作为诺基亚强势宣传的先导,零售业巨头沃尔玛强化了其下载服务,同时MTV、RealNetworks、Verizon无线也加盟了音乐业务。

    In the week alone leading up to Nokia 's announcement , giant retailer Wal-Mart strengthened its downloading service , and MTV , Real Networks and Verizon Wireless joined music forces .