
  • 网络Wireless energy transfer;wireless power transfer;Wireless Power Transmission
  1. 采用集中参数方案,着重研究了谐振电感和谐振电容的选型和匹配,由此成功研制了无线能量传输装置,制作了发射电路和接收电路。

    On the research of the selection and matching of inductor and capacitor , the wireless energy transfer device is successfully developed by lumped parameters , including emission circuit and receiver circuit .

  2. 谐振式强磁耦合无线能量传输技术是一种新型的电能传输技术,该技术利用近区非辐射磁场的强磁耦合,实现了电能的有效、安全无线传输。

    Wireless energy transfer via strongly coupled magnetic resonances is an innovational technology method for electrical power transferring . This technology uses the strong coupling of the non-radiative mid-range magnetic field to transfer the energy which is effective and safe .

  3. 胶囊内窥镜无线能量传输系统的人体安全性研究

    Study on Human Safety in Wireless Power Transmission System for Capsule Endoscopy

  4. 全人工心脏无线能量传输技术研究现状

    Review of Wireless Energy Transmission System for Total Artificial Heart

  5. 设计仿尺蠖蠕动式机器人的控制系统和无线能量传输系统。

    Design the control system and the wireless energy transmission system of the robot .

  6. 体内微机电无线能量传输系统的设计与试验

    The design and experimental research of wireless power transmission system of MEMS in human body

  7. 针对人体消化道内微小系统,提出了利用电磁耦合进行无线能量传输的方法。

    A wireless power transmission method based on electromagnetic coupling was put forward for gastrointestinal microsystems .

  8. 同时还设计了一套可进行无线能量传输的装置。

    And a set of apparatus which can wirelessly transmit energy is also designed for this micro-device .

  9. 消化道微型诊疗系统的无线能量传输技术研究

    Research on the Wireless Energy Transmission Technology for the Micro Diagnosis and Treat System in Alimentary Canal

  10. 用电设备以非接触方式从固定电网获取电能的技术称为无线能量传输技术,用电设备与电源无电气连接,因此无线供电具有良好的安全性和便捷的使用方式等优点。

    The technology of electrical equipment obtaining power from grid with non-contact way is wireless power transfer .

  11. 通过无线能量传输装置电路简化模型分析和实验研究,得出了驱动源电压对无线能量传输功率的影响。

    By analyzing simplified circuit model and experimental research , the effect on the transfer power with different drive voltage is studied .

  12. 通过分析无线能量传输装置等效耦合谐振回路和实验研究,得出了传输距离对传输功率的影响。

    By analyzing equivalent coupled resonant circuit and experimental research , the effect on the transfer power with different transfer distance is studied .

  13. 针对体内的诊疗装置的能量供给问题,笔者提出了一种无线能量传输的方案;

    A new method which is named wireless energy transmission is presented in this article for the energy supply of the micro-device inside human .

  14. 传输距离为5厘米时,系统的传输功率超过10瓦,可以为绝大多数掌上消费电子类产品进行充电或供电,为进一步设计更大功率的谐振式无线能量传输系统,奠定了基础。

    The system has an output over 10 watts at a distance of 5 centimeters which is sufficient for most of the consumer electronics products .

  15. 本文采用无线能量传输技术解决消化道定点施药系统的控制与供能问题。

    The paper presents a new technical solution of wireless energy transmission for special-site drug delivery system in alimentary canal to solve controlling and energy supply problems .

  16. 设计制作了点对点的无线能量传输装置,包括信号发生电路、功率放大电路、谐振发射电路、谐振接收电路、整流电路及负载部分。

    Design and make one-to-one wireless energy transmission device which contains signal generation circuit , power amplification circuit , resonance emission circuit , rectifier circuit and load part .

  17. 通过对线圈品质因数的理论和实验研究,得出了无线能量传输系统最佳工作频率这一重要结论,为利用电磁耦合进行能量传输这一方法建立了理论基础。

    The important conclusion of optimal transmission frequency was drawn from the theoretic and experimental research on coil quality factor , which establishes the foundation of inductive power transmission .

  18. 总结了用于全人工心脏的无线能量传输系统的基本结构,对比分析了一些有代表性的系统的关键参数和性能,并对其发展趋势提出了展望。

    This paper sums up the fundamental structure of wireless energy transmission system for total artificial heart , and compares the key parameters and performance of some representative systems .

  19. 在此基础上引出本文的研究目标,即基于无线能量传输方式的主动型胶囊内窥镜的能量管理微系统的设计和实现。

    The research aim of this thesis is then introduced , namely , study of an energy management microsystem for active capsule endoscope based on the wireless energy transmission technology .

  20. 近年来,关于无线能量传输系统的研究一直是讨论的重点,在一些便携电子设备,以及医疗器械中有着广泛的应用前景。

    In recent years , people have been focus on the discussion about research on wireless energy transmission system which has a wide range of applications in some portable electronic devices , as well as medical equipment .

  21. 本文首先分析了磁共振式无线能量传输机理,从电路理论角度出发,建立了其等效电路模型,分析了影响能量传输效率的关键因素,提出了传统的两谐振体系统的不足。

    An equivalent circuit model for magnetic-resonant system was built from the angle of circuit theory . The key factors affecting power transfer efficiency were outlined , and the drawback of traditional two-resonator system was put forward .

  22. 基于无线能量传输的无线传感系统是将传感器技术、无线通信技术和无线能量传输技术相结合,以电磁耦合的方式给传感器节点供电,并实现传感测量和数据传输的系统。

    The Wireless Sensor System based on wireless power transfer , which powers the sensor-nodes with electromagnetic coupling and completes measurement and data transmission , integrates sensor technology , wireless communication technology , and wireless power transfer technology .

  23. 作为一种新型能量传输方法,磁耦合谐振式无线能量传输技术克服了传统电能传输中的诸多不足,能在中等距离范围内传输较大能量。

    As a new concept of energy transmission , wireless power transfer technology via coupled magnetic resonances ( WiTricity ) is very promising since it overcomes lots of shortages of traditional electric energy transmission and transmits fairy energy in moderate range of distance .

  24. 机器人的无线能量传输系统分为无线能量传输发射端和无线能量传输接收端,发射端通过谐振将电能转变为电磁能,接收端通过接收线圈耦合发射端的电磁场并转变为电能。

    The wireless energy transmission system is also divided into the launcher and the receiver , the launcher translates the electric energy into electromagnetic energy by resonance , the receiver couples the electromagnetic field by the receiving coil and converts it into electric energy . 4 .

  25. 依靠所搭建的无线能量传输装置,主要通过实验研究的方式,并结合理论分析,揭示该无线能量传输技术的内在特性和规律。首先解决了在研究驱动电路时,遇到的频率和输出功率问题。

    On the experimental research , this paper reveals the essential characteristics and principles of the wireless energy transfer based on theoretical analysis with built experimental platform of the wireless energy transfer . First , the problem of frequency and output power of the drive circuit is solved .