
wú sī
  • selflessness;selfless;unselfishness;unselfish;disinterested;altruism;self-forgetful
无私 [wú sī]
  • (1) [selflessness;disinterested;inselfish]∶不只是顾自己的利益

  • 无私奉献

  • (2) [unselfishness]∶没有私心

无私[wú sī]
  1. 说到底,很少有人能这样无私。

    Few people , when it comes down to it , are so selfless .

  2. 或许唯一持久无私的爱就是母爱。

    Perhaps the only all-enduring and selfless love was that of a mother for her child .

  3. 他们以无畏和无私奉献的精神迎接了一个又一个的困难。

    They had faced one difficulty after another with bravery and dedication

  4. 她开始被人们赞誉为有一颗金子般的心的无私女孩。

    She started to get a reputation as an unselfish girl with a heart of gold

  5. 毫无疑问这位女士是一位无私的慈母。

    There is absolutely no doubt whatsoever that this woman was a totally devoted and caring mother .

  6. 他无私的精神表现在各个方面。

    His selfless spirit is revealed in every thing he does .

  7. 作为战士,他表现出了对其天职的无私奉献。

    As a soldier , he showed selfless devotion to duty .

  8. 一个法官必须心明眼亮禀公无私。

    A judge must be sharp-eyed , clear-hearted and just .

  9. 工人阶级最大公无私。

    It is the working class that is most selfless .

  10. 无私故能无畏。

    Fearlessness stems from selflessness . ; Only the selfless can be fearless .

  11. 他这个人一贯都是唯利是图,我从来不知道他有什么无私的行动。

    He 's always on the make ; I have never known him do a disinterested action .

  12. 无私才能无畏。

    Only the selfless can be fearless .

  13. 例如,人们主动表达无私相关的个人价值观,扩大他们的经验范围并加强社交关系。

    For example , people volunteer to express personal values related to unselfishness , to expand their range of experiences , and to strengthen social relationships .

  14. 这些小生物以这种无私奉献的方式在地球上生存了1.4亿多年,比恐龙还长。

    Behaving in this selfless and devoted manner , these little creatures have survived on Earth , for more than 140 million years , far longer than dinosaurs .

  15. 例句:他这个人一贯都是唯利是图,我从来不知道他有什么无私的行动。

    I have never known him do a disinterested1 action .

  16. 远远超出人们的预料,有很大一部分玩家在游戏中无私地保护那些弱者朋友

    An unexpectedly large fraction of players acted altruistically to protect their weaker friends .

  17. 顾问给了我们一些无私的忠告。

    The counselor gave us some disinterested advice .

  18. 生活中很少有人能表现得廉洁无私

    Few people behave disinterestedly in life .

  19. 比如:像地震这样的灾害,夺去人的生命,也激发出人们的无私情感。

    Disasters , such as the quake , that destroy lives somehow create a renewed sense of selfless compassion .

  20. 他广博的爱心无私的延伸到了所有的种族和信仰tb麦考利;古叙利亚和古埃及的世界性的社会;同性恋、浪荡子以及其他更险恶的人在马赛港随处可见。

    His cosmopolitan benevolence impartially extended to all races and to all creeds-t.b.macaulay ; the ancient and cosmopolitan societies of Syria and egypt ; that queer , cosmopolitan , rather sinister crowd found around the Marseilles docks .

  21. 美国资深猎头罗素雷诺兹(RussellReynolds)表示,董事将必须要更为见多识广,也更加无私。

    Russell Reynolds , the doyen of American headhunters , says directors will have to be both more knowledgeable and more selfless .

  22. 由于I/O绑定型的任务对于CPU访问来说是无私的,因此其优先级减少(奖励)最多5个优先级。

    Because I / O-bound tasks are viewed as altruistic for CPU access , their priority is decreased ( a reward ) by a maximum of five priority levels .

  23. 在此,我们感谢新任的、正在服务的和已经退休的会员为MOR所做出的无私的贡献和杰出服务。

    We thank the new , ongoing , and retired members for their valuable contribution and outstanding service to MOR .

  24. P2P技术让整个网络世界充满了无私的精神和自由的气息,它以洪水般的速度挤进了互联网的各种应用之中,得到了迅速的发展并日趋成熟。

    P2P technology makes the whole network world full of unselfish spirit and air of freedom . It crowds into various applications of internet with a flood speed , develops rapidly and becomes continuously perfect .

  25. 但很多印度人想要的不止这些,并抱怨这个项目并不像它所声称的那么无私,而只是吸引他们上Facebook以及和信实通信签付费协议的一种方法。

    But many Indians want more and complain that , contrary to its altruistic claims , the project is simply a way to get them onto Facebook and sign up for paid plans from Reliance .

  26. 26岁的互联网活动家亚伦斯沃茨(AaronSwartz)去世,理所当然地唤起了人们对其创意和无私的赞颂。

    The death of the internet activist Aaron Swartz at the age of 26 has rightly evoked tributes to his creativity and selflessness .

  27. 我国的NGO组织,运作欠规范,发展态势差强人意,管理水平也较低,因此,要倡导人们无私奉献,引导新的价值观的形成,并完善相关制度和法律法规。

    In China , NGO 's operation is not canonical , development is not satisfactory , and management level is low . So it is necessary to advocate dedication , introduce new value conception and consummate relevant system and law rule .

  28. 没有您无私的奉献,就不会有我们今天的成功。

    Without your unselfish dedication could we achieve no success today .

  29. 萨文家的经历正是无私带来自私快感的一大例证。

    The Salwens ' experience confirms the selfish pleasures of selflessness .

  30. 父母对我们的爱是无私的,伟大的。

    The love coming from our parents is unselfish and great .