
  • 网络free allocation
  1. 迄今尚在沿用的无偿划拨土地使用权是计划经济时代的产物,在理论上是违反自然规律和客观经济规律的。

    The free allocation of land use right , which is still practiced today , is a product of the planned economy and it theoretically violates the laws of nature and objective economy .

  2. 而采用无偿划拨的公司的财务状况改善最明显,其后依次为要约并购、协议并购、母公司改造和MBO方式。

    And the financial improvement of the company using volunteer transfer is the most , then followed tender offer , protocol M & A , parent company reconstruction and MBO .

  3. 从分析的结果看,采用协议并购的公司的股票市场反映最好,其后依次为无偿划拨、母公司改造、要约并购和MBO方式;

    According to the outcome of the analysis , the market reflection of the company using protocol M & A is the best , then followed volunteer transfer , tender offer , parent company reconstruction and MBO ;

  4. 目前,我国存在土地使用权有偿出让与无偿划拨两种制度。

    There exist onerous remise system and nude transfer system of right of land use .

  5. 在计划经济体制下,我国城市土地利用机制是单一计划模式,实行城市土地使用的无偿划拨制度,这种土地资源配置方式存在很多弊端。

    In a planned economy , urban land use is planned and the land is used for free . This type of allocation method has many drawbacks .

  6. 我国城市土地使用制度经历了有偿使用、无偿划拨使用到有偿使用和划拨使用并存的历史变迁。

    The system of urban land-reserve in China has experienced the historical changes from paid use to free allocating use , even to the coexistence of these two .

  7. 综合国外国有股出售经验,我国实施上市公司国有股流通时必须考虑次序选择,无偿划拨给社保基金的做法很有必要。

    From the foreign experiences of the sale of state-owned stocks , when we carry out circulation of listed companies'state-owned stocks , sequence choice must be considered and free transferring to social security funds is needed .

  8. 我们可以看到股权分置改革中我国上市公司的控制权转移将不仅仅是在政府干预下的协议收购或者无偿划拨,也出现了更多的市场化程度更高的战略性并购。

    And we can tell that in the reformation , the control right transfer is not only intervened by government , but also appear more higher-level , market-oriented , strategic M & A in the market .

  9. 城市土地市场化经营带来的最重要的变化就是在宣告土地无偿划拨时代终结的同时,也宣告了一个有偿、有限期、有流动的土地使用制度新时代的来临。

    The most significant alternation that the market-featured management of Urban Lands brings is that it proclaims the end of a freely-transfering land use age , also it proclaims the coming age of a compensated 、 time-limited 、 ambulatory Land Use System .