
tuó mǎ
  • pack horse;bathorse
驮马 [tuó mǎ]
  • [pack horse] 专门用以驮运物品的马

驮马[tuó mǎ]
  1. 他有两匹马,一匹是坐骑,一匹是驮马。

    He has two horses , one for the saddle , and the other as a pack horse .

  2. 他们的驮马就是bar。

    Their workhorse has been the bar .

  3. 英国品种的大型体重的驮马。

    British breed of large heavy draft horse .

  4. 驮马探险队用驮马运载干粮和帐篷越过了这些崇山峻岭。

    The expedition used packhorses to carry their food and tents across the mountains .

  5. 系在驮马的缰绳上和其所拖拉的车辆或工具上的横挡。

    A crossbar that is attached to the traces of a draft horse and to the vehicle or implement that the horse is pulling .

  6. 除了几只驮马和磨坊里的水牛之外,连家畜也不必工作。

    With the exception of a few draught-horses or buffalos made to work a mill , even domestic pets don 't have to work .

  7. 驮马能行走的也只有顽石坝那15英里的路程。这里真是个荒野。它是美国为数不多的几个野生园区之一。

    Accessible only by packhorse a rough , 15-mile ride up Boulder Basin it 's true wilderness , some of the wildest land in America .

  8. 若不是我那忠勇的勤务兵摩瑞把我抓起来扔到一匹驮马的背上,安全地把我带回英国阵地来,我就要落到那些残忍的嘎吉人的手中了。

    I should have fallen into the hands of the murderous Ghazis had it not been for the devotion and courage shown by Murray , my orderly , who threw me across a pack - horse , and succeeded in bringing me safely to the British lines .
