
  • 网络Rotary Joint;Swivel;revolute joint;DEUBLIN
  1. 几种旋转接头在铝板轧机上的应用

    Application of Several Types of Rotary Joint on Aluminum Plates Rolling Mill

  2. 两芯多模光纤旋转接头

    Duplex multi-mode optical fiber rotary joint

  3. 液压旋转接头在卷取机的应用实践和分析

    Application and Analysis of the Hydraulic Rotating Union on the Rewinder

  4. 旋转接头的密封失效形式及防治方法研究

    Study on the Failure Forms and the Improvement Ways of Rotating Union

  5. 旋转接头外圈数控加工工艺分析

    Analyzing NC processing technology about out ring of spinning joint

  6. 辊道冷却系统密封旋转接头的泄漏途径分析

    A Study of Leakage Ways of Guide Roll Rotating Union

  7. 关于光纤旋转接头数据传输技术的研究

    Study on Data Transmission Technology of Fiber Swivel Joint

  8. 球形旋转接头胀形加工的模拟研究

    Simulation research on global tube tie-in in bulge forming

  9. 高速旋转接头中液压控制密封间隙原理分析

    Analysis of Hydrostatic Control Sealing Gap Principle in the High Speed Rotary Union

  10. 转炉炉体冷却水旋转接头结构分析与改进

    Improvement and Analysis for Structure of Rotation Connector of Cooling Water in Converter

  11. 一种压力平衡式旋转接头简介

    One Kind of Pressure - balanced Rotating Fittings

  12. 倾斜和缩进式转向管柱球面活管接旋转接头

    Tilt and telescopic steering colum spherical union swivel

  13. 非接触式旋转接头的设计

    The Design of None - touch Circumrotation Tie-in

  14. 球面活管接旋转接头全球优化管理理事会

    Spherical union swivel Global Council on Management Excellence

  15. 球面活管接旋转接头在将热水器接头的转接头与水管系统连接之前,先把转接头焊接在水管系统上。

    Spherical union swivel Sweat tubing to adaptor before fitting adaptor to water connection .

  16. 多功能机光电旋转接头研制

    Development of Multifunctional Mechanical and Photoelectric Rotating Joint

  17. 牵伸机旋转接头的改造

    Modification of rotating joint in drafting machine

  18. 高精度的旋转接头要有开/闭功能的特色。

    Characteristics of ON / OFF should be borne in rotary joints with high precision .

  19. 该泵采用了旋转接头、螺旋阀罩、柱塞总成、刮砂器于一体的多功能防砂结构,具有排而不卡和漏失量小的特点。

    The pump consists of swirl nozzle , valve cover , plug assemble and sand scratcher .

  20. 机械压力机气动摩擦离合器用旋转接头合理结构的探讨

    Investigation for Rational Structure of Rotary Joints Used in the Pneumatic Friction Clutch of a Mechanical Press

  21. 进汽管选用先进的旋转接头密封,杜绝漏汽、漏水现象;

    Steam inlet pipe is sealed with an advanced rotary joint without any steam and water leakage ;

  22. 气液多路旋转接头的研制

    Development of Gas-liquid Turning Bond

  23. 对铝板轧机成套设备中使用的旋转接头的结构进行了分析,介绍了改造后旋转接头的详细结构。

    The structure of rotary joint used for complete set of aluminum plates rolling mill are analysed .

  24. 特别是随着我国各行业的迅速发展,旋转接头将得到越来越广泛的应用。

    Especially as China 's rapid development of various sectors , the rotary joint will be more widely used .

  25. 本文阐述了一种新的两芯多模光纤旋转接头的设计原理及实验结果。

    This paper describes the structure designing and the experiment result of a new duplex multi mode fiber rotary joint .

  26. 高品质旋转接头和2个精密轴承装置在高刚性转轴上,担保长时间运转无振动。

    High quality rotary joints and two delicate bearing installed in high-stiffness axle are to ensure vibration-free performance in long-term operation .

  27. 该装置由90°弯管接头、旋转接头、升降管、固定浮漂及上悬浮漂等部件组成。

    This facility consists of a bend sub of 90 °, a swivel , a riser , a fixed float and a suspended float , etc.

  28. 冷却/加热介质由旋转接头和辊连接,球轴承和密封圈保证不会泄漏。

    The cooling / heating media is connected to the rolls through rotary joints with ball bearing and carbon seals for a leak free operation .

  29. 分析了旋转接头运行中的损坏原因,对结构进行改进,问题得到了解决。

    The reason of damageable rotation connector of cooling water in converter is analysed , Meanwhile , its structure is improved and the problem is solved .

  30. 介绍了光纤旋转接头的研究状况,研究了激光器件的直接数据传输,验证了24Mbps的数据传输。

    The status of research on fiber-optic rotary joint is addressed . The direct data transmission with laser detector is researched . And 24 Mbps data transmission is validated .