
  • 网络neo-Marxist;neo-marxism;neomarxism
  1. 西方新马克思主义教育述评

    Review on the Neo-Marxism Educational Theory in Western Countries

  2. 弗雷德里克·詹姆逊作为美国新马克思主义的领军人物和后现代主义理论家、文化批评家,在当今的国际学术界倍受瞩目。

    Fredric Jameson is known in the academic world as a leader in the American neo-Marxism and postmodernism theorist and a cultural critic .

  3. 以T.J.克拉克为代表的新马克思主义者看来,豪塞尔的艺术社会学没有能正确有效地使用马克思主义。

    In the view of neo-Marxist represent by T. J. Clark , Hauser have not use Marxism properly and effectively in his social history of art .

  4. 同时以IPE对民族国家与世界市场的理解为切入点对自由主义、重商主义、新马克思主义和生态女权主义这四种理论予以了简要的分析。重商主义和大庄园制度盛行,缺乏统一的经济联系;

    Finally , it analyzes briefly four theories including liberalism , mercantile system , Neo-Marxism , Eco-feminism from the perspective of nation-state and market in IPE . prevailing mercantile system and latifundism made the land lack unified economic connections ;

  5. 弗雷德里克·詹姆逊(FredricJameson)是二十世纪优秀的文化批评家,新马克思主义的杰出代表人物。他运用历史的、辩证的方法剖析后现代主义,把它作为晚期资本主义文化逻辑的主导形式。

    Fredric Jameson , the brilliant cultural critics in twenties century , is an outstanding representative of new Marxism applying historical and dialectical method to analyze postmodernism , taking it as the dominant form of the late capitalistic culture logic .

  6. 资本主义与城市社会变迁&新马克思主义城市理论视角

    Capitalist and urban social change & Perspective of Neo-Marxist urban theory

  7. 论英国新马克思主义学派的福利观

    On the Welfare Views of the British New Marxism

  8. 城市空间生产批判&新马克思主义空间研究范式述评

    Space production critique : an introduction and evaluation on Neo-Marxism space research paradigm

  9. 当代西方新马克思主义历史理论评析

    Analysis of the Present-day New Western Marxist Historic Theory

  10. 城市中的冲突&新马克思主义与西方现代城市规划

    Conflict in the City - Neo Marxism and Modern Urban Planning in Western Countries

  11. 后现代社会中的新马克思主义批评

    Neo - Marxist Criticism in the Postmodern Society

  12. 实践派是东欧新马克思主义的重要流派。

    " Practice Group " is an important new genre of Marxism in Eastern Europe .

  13. 新马克思主义者将苏联社会主义失败的原因主要归结为三个方面。

    The new Marxists attribute the failure of the Soviet Union socialism to three aspects .

  14. 新马克思主义对新社会运动的发展起了决定性的作用。

    New Marxism has played a decisive role in the development of New Society Movement .

  15. 但新马克思主义者梦想的社会底层劳动者都走上街头抗议的情景,则显得过于妄想。

    But neo-Marxist visions of burger flippers on the barricades seem a touch too paranoid .

  16. 西方社会,马克思和韦伯的继承者也对原有理论进行了重新发现与探索,形成了关于社会分层的新马克思主义和新韦伯主义。新马克思主义认为,阶级内部出现了阶层分化;

    Their successors made some new discoveries and explorations and formed new theories about social stratification .

  17. 大力弘扬以科学发展观为核心内容的新马克思主义精神

    Carrying forward the Spirit of New Marxism with the Core Content of Scientific Outlook on Development

  18. 新马克思主义经济学又称激进经济学,是现代经济学的一个流派。

    The neo-Marxism economics , also known as the radical economics , is a school of modern economics .

  19. 新马克思主义和新社会运动均为20世纪西方的独特现象。

    New Marxism and New Society Movement are both unique phenomena in the West in the 20th century .

  20. 在抛弃了教条主义的斯大林主义后,英国新马克思主义者的目光又被欧洲大陆的西方马克思主义理论吸引。

    After giving up dogmatic Stalinism , they were attracted by Western Marxism of the continent of Europe .

  21. 作为一个东欧新马克思主义者,沙夫的思想曾经经历了一个巨大的转变。

    As a new Marxism of East-Europe , Adam Schaff has experienced a huge change in his thought .

  22. 无论是新马克思主义还是生态女性主义,其批判的宗旨就是要呼吁人类要共织生命之网,建立一个与自然相互依存的世界。

    Their common aim is to reweave a net of life and establish a world interdependent with nature .

  23. 他坚持新马克思主义的批评立场,致力于对马克思主义的当代阐释。

    He sticks to the critical view of the new Marxism and devotes to show Marxism at the modern age .

  24. 融合了后现代主义、新马克思主义等哲学思辨的城市空间生产问题日益受到关注。

    Integration of post-modernism , neo-Marxist philosophy , and so on , the problem of urban space production is increasing concerned .

  25. 本文旨在以新马克思主义和传统马克思主义为视角,力图对哈代的性格与环境说做出界定,并深入阐述二者之间的关系。

    This essay aims at defining Character and Environment and explaining their relationship from the perspectives of both New and Classical Marxism .

  26. 英国新马克思主义的代表戴维·哈维的后现代主义理论与其它后现代主义思想家的理论并不相同。

    A representative of the British neo-Marxist , David Harvey has a kind of Postmodernism Theory different from that of other post-modernist thinkers .

  27. 他的新马克思主义思想是建立在后现代理论基础之上,以文化批评为窗口,对于马克思主义思想的当代阐释。

    His Neo-Marxist ideology is built on the postmodern theoretical basis , as the window for Contemporary Interpretation of Marxist ideology and cultural criticism .

  28. 新马克思主义城市理论发展并创新了马克思主义理论,为丰富和发展城市社会学理论做出了很大贡献。

    The Neo-Marxist Urban Theory has greatly developed and innovated the Marxism and made huge contribution to the development of theories of urban sociology .

  29. 本文以弗雷德里克·詹姆逊为个案,论述后现代社会中新马克思主义批评的特点和贡献。

    This essay , taking Fredric Jameson as a case study , discusses the features and contributions of Neo-Marxist criticism in the postmodern society .

  30. 在众多理论流派之中,东欧新马克思主义因其独特的现实背景和批判视角,在20世纪的文化研究中占有重要地位,成为不可小觑的力量。

    Because of the distinct background and original standpoints , Eastern European Neo-Marxism contributed a lot to the critique of culture in the 20th century .