
  • news program;Good Morning America;TV News;newscast
  1. 这一新闻节目每晚占整整一小时。

    The news program occupies a whole hour every evening .

  2. 当CNN第一次推出不含商业广告的新闻节目时我们看起来有点不同。

    So we look a little different now than when CNN first launched a commercial free news program for classrooms .

  3. 新闻节目是通过卫星传送到我们这里来的。

    The news programme came to us via satellite .

  4. 英国广播公司对外电视频道的新闻节目播放了同样的电影剪辑片段。

    The BBC World Service Television news showed the same film clip

  5. 时长为一小时的日播新闻节目的制作费用可能会高达25万美元。

    A daily one-hour news show can cost $ 250,000 to produce .

  6. 她打开电视,来回换台看不同的新闻节目。

    She turned the television on and flicked around between news programmes .

  7. 这档新闻节目每周在黄金时段播出4次。

    The news programme goes out four times a week at peak time .

  8. 我不断从新闻节目中听到这些关于孩子失踪的报道。

    Time after time , I hear these stories of missing children on the news .

  9. 我们大多数人认识她是因为她曾主持过电视新闻节目。

    Most of us know her as the woman who used to present the television news

  10. 新闻节目通过卫星向东非广播。

    The news was beamed to East Africa by satellite .

  11. 若干因素表明KNOW电台应该把它的节目从摇滚乐转成连续的新闻节目。

    Several factors indicate that radio station KNOW should shift its programming from rock-and-roll music to a continuous news format .

  12. MattSmall为您报道美联社一分钟新闻节目。

    Matt Small , the Associated Press with AP News Minute .

  13. 这是美联社的珊迪·克希尔为您播报的AP一分钟新闻节目。

    Sandy Kozel , the Associated Press with AP News Minute .

  14. 田纳西州参议员LamarAlexander在福克斯周日新闻节目中发表讲话。

    Senator Lamar Alexander of Tennessee spoke on Fox News Sunday .

  15. 网络型嵌入Linux系统的无差错多播传输研究一个干净的即无差错的新闻节目是对那种合作的一曲颂歌。

    On errorless multicast transmission of embedded Linux system in the network ; A " clean ", or mistake-free , broadcast is a tribute to that cooperation .

  16. 晚宴的与会者包括谷歌(Google)董事长埃里克•施密特(EricSchmidt),但多数夜间新闻节目都没有报道这场宴会。

    The dinner , which included Eric Schmidt , chief executive of Google , did not appear on most of the evening news shows .

  17. 本文提出了一种MPEG压缩域上的快速场景分割算法,该算法目前主要针对的是新闻节目。

    In this paper a fast algorithm in MPEG domain is proposed , which is mainly used in NEWS program processing .

  18. 美国广播公司(ABC)晚间新闻节目《今晚世界新闻》(TheWorldNewsTonightwithPeterJennings)不仅是美国而且也是世界范围内最具影响力的优秀的电视新闻栏目之一。

    The World News Tonight with Peter Jennings of ABC is one of the most influential TV News Programs not only in the United States but also in the world .

  19. 但阿巴西周三在接受美国NBC电视台晨间新闻节目《今日秀》时表示,他已经尽了一切努力。

    But Mr Abbasi said in an interview on NBC 's Today show on Wednesday that he did everything he could to help .

  20. 在哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)新闻节目面对国家(FacetheNation)中,罗姆尼指责奥巴马自上台以来在移民问题上毫无作为,然后付诸政治动机的权宜之计,而非寻求永久的解决办法。

    On CBS 's Face the Nation , Mr Romney attacked Mr Obama for doing nothing on immigration since taking office and then resorting to a politically motivated stopgap measure rather than pursuing a permanent fix .

  21. 中国官方媒体对苹果的攻击始于今年3月中旬。当时,中国中央电视台(CCTV)的一档黄金新闻节目指责苹果的售后服务政策歧视中国顾客。

    The Chinese media attacks began in mid-March , when a flagship news show on China Central Television accused Apple of discriminating against Chinese customers with its after-sales service .

  22. 一些有线频道,包括CNN、时代华纳新闻节目,筚路蓝缕来创建它们的品牌,和没有品牌相比,它们能以更高的价位进行广告招标。

    Several cable channels , including CNN , Time Warner 's news outfit , have painstakingly built brands that enable them to sell advertising at higher rates than they otherwise would .

  23. 中国媒体在报道消费品问题上也越来越大胆:国有电视网络中国中央电视台(cctv)最受欢迎的新闻节目,是调查消费品丑闻的《每周质量报告》。

    Chinese media are increasingly aggressive in covering consumer product issues : the most popular news programme on CCTV , the state-run television network , is quality report , a weekly investigation of consumer scandals .

  24. 总统接受了包括CNN在内的6个网络新闻节目的采访,他向美国民众发表演讲,讲述他对叙利亚采取军事行动的要求,并称他持怀疑态度。

    While the president appearing on a half dozen network news programs including CNN , had this planned speech to American people about his requested possible military action against Syria also said it remains skeptical .

  25. 李青在中国中央电视台(CCTV)的新闻节目中称:在互联网接入这个市场上,中国电信和中国联通合在一起占有三分之二以上的市场份额。

    In the market for internet access , China Telecom and China Unicom combined account for more than two-thirds of the market , Ms Li said on a news programme on China Central Television , the national broadcaster .

  26. 美国的晚间电视新闻节目是美国NBC,CBS,ABC三大广播公司的重要新闻栏目之一,其共同点在于强调主持人的个性和地位。

    The program of the night news is one of the important news column of three major broadcast companies in America , NBC , CBS and ABC , the common point of which is emphasizing the personality and position of the anchorman .

  27. 威廉姆斯在他的新闻节目中表示,那名军士长曾在伊拉克的一次危险情况中保护了他。我们乘坐的直升机被一枚RPG击中,随后迫降,这里的RPG指的是火箭推进榴弹。

    Williams suggested on his newscast that the sergeant had protected him from a dangerous situation in Iraq , when the helicopter we were traveling in was forced down after being hit by an RPG , referring to a rocket-propelled grenade .

  28. 非线性编辑系统在新闻节目制作中使用的优与劣

    Advantage and Disadvantage of Non-linear Editing System in News Program Production

  29. 新闻节目主持人:理论上的虚化实践中的虚无

    Host of News Program Fictitious in Theory and Unreal in Practice

  30. 玛丽亚:为美国最好的新闻节目制作小组干杯。

    Maria : And here 's to the best news team .