
  1. 自从20世纪70年代D.从20世纪70年代以来,新自由主义理论风行一时。

    Since the concept of domain was first introduced by D. Since 1970s , Neo-Liberalism theory is in fashion .

  2. 新自由主义理论导致西方国企普遍实行私有化或社会化及民营化改革。

    In the western , new liberalism has led to state-owned enterprise to put into commonly privatization or socialization .

  3. 有人不顾我们社会主义国情,大力推销西方70年代以来的新自由主义理论,哈耶克、弗里德曼等人的思想一时成为他们的法宝。

    Some people neglect the national conditions of our socialist state , promoting new liberalism theories in west in over 70 's strongly .

  4. 第三部分讨论新自由主义理论、左翼批判理论和第三条道路理论对福利国家的批判以及它们所提出的以重构国家与社会关系为核心的新国家理论。

    The third part discusses the animadverts on welfare state rising from Neo-Liberalism , The Left Theory and The Third Road Theory , attempting to sketch their construction proposals .

  5. 国家干预与自由放任的争论贯穿于重商主义、古典主义、凯恩斯主义和新自由主义理论中,信息经济学和制度经济学的发展论证了政府和市场走向交融的趋势。

    Tracing the Mercantilism , the Classicalism , the Keynesianism and the New Liberalism , also with the view of Information Economics and Institutional Economics , this paper demonstrates the relationship between the State Interference and the Laissez-faire is interdependent but not substitutive .

  6. 而新自由主义的理论核心正是其经济理论。

    The core of the theory of the neo-liberalism is the economic theory .

  7. 同时结合理论渊源对新自由主义的理论框架进行了分析。

    Combined with theoretical origin of the theoretical framework of neo-liberalism were analyzed .

  8. 保罗·克鲁格曼:反新自由主义的理论分析&一种马克思主义经济学的解析

    Paul Krugman : The Theoretical Innovation of Anti-neoliberalism-A Kind of Marxist Economic Analysis

  9. 新自由主义经济理论与经济全球化

    Neo-liberalism Economic Theory and Economic Globalization

  10. 新自由主义的理论基础使全球化内蕴市场意识形态,对经济领域和非经济领域都产生话语霸权。

    Neoliberalism theory turns out to be a market ideology , which brings dis-course hegemony in both economic and non-economic areas .

  11. 在新自由主义正义理论主导下的西方社会,出现了许多危机。

    There are a number of crises in the western society which is now caused by the justice of the new liberalism theory .

  12. 第二章首先从新自由主义的理论渊源出发,分析了它作为一种经济思想,其意识形态性的起源。

    In the second chapter the ideological origin of neo-liberalism is firstly analyzed as a thought of economics from the theoretical origin of it .

  13. 沟通对话作为社会化机制还补充解释了新自由制度主义理论范式,即关于安全合作中社会信任如何产生的不足。

    Communicative action as a mechanism of socialization also complements the Neo-liberal institutional paradigm in giving a satisfactory explanation for the birth of social confidence among states .

  14. 流行观点依据新老自由主义理论,强调市场均衡利率水平的重要性,忽略了利率结构问题。

    Those prevalent ideas base on new and old liberalism , stress on the importance of equilibrium interest rate and neglect the importance of interest rate structure .

  15. 合理性在于社群主义对新自由主义正义理论进行了批判,坚持善优先于权利,并对对一些现实问题提出了新的解决方案。

    The rationality is the crisis that communitarianism makes to the new liberalism justice theory and it insists kindness prior to the rights . It also brings up some new solutions to some practical problems .

  16. 本文认为:新自由主义经济理论的实质与经济全球化的本质是一致的,新自由主义的华盛顿共识是经济全球化本质的一种实践形式。

    This article holds that the essence of the neo-liberalism economic theory conforms to that of e-conomic globalization , and that " Washington Consensus " by the former is but a form of practical expression of the latter .

  17. 实践证明,新自由主义的理论观点和政策主张,不仅给广大发展中国家带来了沉重的经济负担、政治灾难和信仰危机,也使西方发达国家自身陷入了重重危机之中。

    It has been proved that the theoretical view and policy of new liberalism not only brought developing countries heavy economic burden , political disaster and credibility crisis , but also land Western developed countries in numerous crises .

  18. 新自由主义经济学理论上的破绽在于只从效率角度看待产权,否定习俗、传统和共有的社会价值观对财产权力配置的影响和作用。

    Its theoretical flaw lies in that it only regards the property right from the efficiency angle and negates the influence and function on the deposition of property authority which the custom , tradition and common social values have brought about .

  19. 博爱精神渗透在新自由主义的理论和政策实践之中,新自由主义把博爱原则用于社会治理,取得了相当的成效,缓解了资本主义社会的问题和阶级矛盾。

    The spirit of philanthropism filters through the theories and practical policies of neoliberalism . Neoliberalism has utilised the principles of philanthropism in the running of the society . This has produced significant results and resolved some issues of class contradictions within a capitalistic society .

  20. 第四部分:新自由主义的主要理论观点。

    Part four : The main standpoints of Neo-Liberalism .

  21. 这一部分摒弃了各流派的具体差别,将它们的主要理论观点加以归纳综合,得出新自由主义的主要理论观点:即经济上主张自由化、私有化和市场化;

    This part concludes all sects main standpoints : stand for free , private and market on economy ;

  22. 试论新自由主义的契约理论

    On Neo-liberalistic Contract Theory

  23. 杜威和罗斯福是新自由主义在美国理论界和行为界的代表人物。

    Dewey and Roosevelt are two important representatives of neo-liberalism in the United States , the former belongs to Theory Circle , and the latter belongs to Behavior Circles .

  24. 以此为基础,密尔提出了一套完整的有限政府干预思想,为形成新自由主义政府干预理论作出了重要贡献。

    According to the two principles , Mill raised a set of perfect intervention thought of limited government , and contributed his important share to the theory of neo-liberalism Government intervention .

  25. 新自由主义本身具有理论缺陷,加上金融市场缺乏有效的监管,新自由主义指导下的金融市场很容易产生危机。

    The new liberalism itself has theoretical defects , plus the lack of effective supervision of financial markets , new liberalism under the guidance of the financial market is easily produce crisis .

  26. 西方新自由主义的市场经济理论述评

    A Review of Market Economy Theory of the Western Neo-liberalism

  27. 后新自由主义时代中国规划理论的范式转变

    Changing Planning Paradigm in China in the Post Neo-liberalism Era

  28. 1977年出版的《权力与相互依赖》一书构成了新自由制度主义兴起的理论基石。

    Power and Interdependence issued in 1977 is the cornerstone of new liberal & institutionalism .

  29. 新自由主义作为一种理论或思潮,在战后发达国家政治、经济等社会领域有着广泛的影响力。

    Neo-liberalism has considerable influence on the political and economical area of the post - war developed countries .

  30. 效率违约理论是西方经济分析法学派在新自由主义经济学说的理论基础上提出的一种全新的违约理论。

    Efficient breach is a new theory of the breach of contract , based on the economic analysis of law .