
  • 网络new network;new web
  1. 针对货物列车的特点,本文提出了一种利用无线传感器对重载货物列车危险状态进行在线监测的新网络&无线链状网(WirelessChainNetwork,WCN)。

    In this thesis , a new network named wireless chain is proposed to monitor the real-time state of overload freight train .

  2. 而在既欠缺规模、又同时投资于iPhone和新网络的Sprint,只有1%。

    At Sprint , which lacks scale and is investing in both the iPhone and a new network , it is 1 per cent .

  3. 电网公司和发电公司关心的主要是投资回报,新网络带来利润才会投资。

    Transmission companies and generation companies will invest only when there will be new profit .

  4. 农业保护新网络的启示

    Introduction to new agricultural protection network

  5. 这类似于在安装了新网络适配器后在物理机器上安装新的驱动。

    This is similar to installing new drivers on a physical machine after installing a new network adapter .

  6. 为在新网络操作系统上安装无盘工作站、无盘终端提供了良好基础。

    It provides a good base for installing the workstation and terminal without disk on the new Web operating system .

  7. 它是从各分散的站点获取信息源,组合成新网络应用的一种应用模式。

    With informational source of each separate site gained , it has become a new application mode in the new network application .

  8. 同时,园区网作为互联网技术的孕育温床,理所当然成为最新网络技术的实验平台。

    At the same time , the campus network as a breeding hotbed of the internet becomes the latest network technology experiment platform .

  9. 建立再就业管理新网络、劳动力市场新模式和社会保障新格局;

    Establishing " new network " for management of employment ," new model " of labour market and " new pattern " of social security ;

  10. 为克服传统网络安全技术的不足,本文对可信计算、可信网络等最新网络安全理论进行了研究。

    In order to overcome the existing deficiency of traditional security technology . This paper analyses some new theories of network security , such as trusted computing and trusted network .

  11. 这篇论文的主要目的就是为了支持新网络服务的保护要求而改善现有的一些MPLS/GMPLS故障恢复的算法。

    The main objective of this thesis is to improve some of the current MPLS / GMPLS fault recovery methods , in order to support the protection requirements of the new Internet services .

  12. 姑且把它称为新女生网络(NewGirls'Network)吧。

    Call it the New Girls ' Network .

  13. SAN(storageareanetwork)作为一种新的网络存储方案应运而生。

    SAN ( Storage Area Network ) was emerged as a new solution to the network storage .

  14. IP伪装技术是Linux操作系统支持的一种新的网络技术,用以解决没有正式IP地址的局域网内机器的Internet连接问题。

    IP masquerade is a new technology used in Internet access and was first developed in Linux operating system .

  15. peertopeer(P2P)技术是近年兴起的一种新的网络模型。

    The technology of Peer to Peer ( P2P ) is a new network model risen recently .

  16. 宽带IP是目前最新的网络技术,IP技术和光通信技术的融合是解决宽带IP课题的关键之一。

    Broad Band IP network is the newest network technology . Combination of IP and optical communication is critical to broadband IP issue .

  17. 基于Web的数据库应用程序是继动态Web之后新的网络编程技术,它的出现标志着WWW技术的发展应用趋于成熟与完善。

    Web based database application program is a new Web technology after the dynamic Web pages , which marks the maturation and perfection of the development in Web technology .

  18. 此外,有线/无线网络、无线多跳网络等一些新的网络结构的涌现,给Internet网络带来了很多新的特性,使得传统的拥塞控制机制暴露了很多局限性。

    Otherwise , with the development of the wired / wireless network and wireless multihop network , which introduce some new characteristic into the Internet , many limitations of the traditional congestion control mechanisms emerged .

  19. 在无线通信领域,移动adhoc网络作为一种新的网络得到了迅速的发展。

    Mobile Ad Hoc network ( Mobile Ad Hoc network , MANET ) as a new kind of network is developing rapidly in the wireless communication field .

  20. 对象存储系统是一种新的网络存储体系结构,它结合了SAN的高性能和NAS的跨平台的优点。

    Object-based Storage System is a new network storage architecture , it has the advantages of high performance as SAN and cross-platform as NAS .

  21. 为解决集中式备份中存在的问题,计算机科学家们提出了一种新的网络概念&存储区域网(SAN)。

    For solving the problem in concentrated backup , those computer scientists brought forward a new type of network conception , that is Storage Area Network ( SAN ) .

  22. 结合SIP与P2P各自的优势,创造新的网络应用已成为相关研究领域的热点。

    How to make use of their advantages to combine these two technologies together to create new web application has already become a hotspot of relevant research fields .

  23. P2P网络是自由、平等、开放的网络,P2P技术的引入给人们带来了新的网络体验,但同时也带来了新的网络安全问题。

    P2P networks are free , equal and open . The introduction of P2P technologies gives rise to a new web experience , but also brings about new network security issues .

  24. NET提供的各种安全解决方案和最新的网络安全技术,结合平台自身的特点为网络化制造ASP服务平台建立了一个方便、实用、高效、可行的安全模型。

    NET and the latest network security technology are analyzed , based on intrinsic characteristics of platform , a convenient , practical , efficient and feasible security model is established for Networked Manufacturing ASP Platform .

  25. 在该算法中,网络交换节点通过处理后向资源管理(RM)信元,向ABR业务源传输最新的网络拥塞状况指示。

    In the new algorithm , the switch node conveyes the current network congestion status to the ABR traffic source via backward resource management ( RM ) cells .

  26. 在本文中采用新的网络发布框架及出框架,提出了采用Javaservlet/JSP和XML技术的系统实现方案,并着重阐述了实现远程教学系统的关键技术。

    In the paper , we put forward using the system implementation scheme of Java Servlet / JSP and XML 's technology based on the new network issued frame , and stress to expound the key technology to realize the distance teaching system .

  27. 近年来,新的网络应用如VoIP、IPTV等不断出现,这些应用通常有更高的网络服务质量需求。

    Recently , many new Internet applications , such as VoIP , IPTV and so on , have emerged . These applications usually require more strict QoS ( Quality of Service ) .

  28. 虽然防火墙、IDS、保密认证等安全技术的防护能力越来越强,但是它们以被动防护为主,无法应对层出不穷的新的网络攻击。

    Although the protective ability of firewall , IDS , confidentiality , authentication and other security technology is growing , but they are mainly passive protection can not cope with the endless stream of new cyber attacks .

  29. 虚拟专用网VPN是一个新的网络热门技术,它可以利用公共网络建立企业内部网,从而不仅减轻了企业费用,还保证了数据的安全性。

    The Virtual Private Network ( VPN ) is a new network technology , which can use public network to construct Intranet . It not only reduce the expense of industry , but also ensure data security .

  30. 通过扩展NS2来验证新的网络协议和算法,大大提高了效率、降低了成本,并更具灵活性。

    Verifying new network protocol and algorithm through extension of NS2 can improve efficiency , reduce cost , and be more flexible .