- freshly baked;newly produced/manufactured

The scent of freshly baked banana bread , or the way someone will kiss me on my cheek will bring a quick flashback of her .
Perhaps more tellingly , 24 of Harvard Business Review 's latest list of the world 's 100 best-performing CEOs have degrees in engineering .
Name Candy , a website devoted to analyzing baby names and pop culture , has compiled a list of the first reported babies born this year by state .
Few other public events display a dizzying variety of artwork , from a 1918 Picasso to a not-yet-dried painting by an up-and-coming Miami artist .
Heinz is to take over Kraft Foods to create one of North America 's biggest food companies in the latest blockbuster deal engineered by the formidable tandem of Warren Buffett and Brazil 's 3G Capital .
MS Yuen , the first person to buy shares under the QFII scheme after its launch in 2003 , says the programme has reached " a difficult juncture " .
Newly-minted tech companies also feed into the euphoria which has propelled the Shanghai Composite index up 115 per cent in the last year - even as the economy decelerated and industrial profits , a gauge of health in the manufacturing sector , fell by 2.7 per cent in the first quarter .
Fresh off an official report that confirmed long-held fears over the state of China 's soil , new government figures show the majority of the country 's water remains polluted despite billions of dollars spent trying to clean it up .
Regional Ads Investment , A Baked Cake Fresh Out of the Oven
Oh . That is a lot of fresh Brooklyn .
Roasted daily , their chicken is fresh and tender .
A new study , however , suggests pigs really were to blame .
The following fresh picks cover the themes of romance , family , girlfriends , and even the police .
In theory , investment bankers unselfishly introduce newly minted millionaires , post-float , to their private banking colleagues .
The new copies can then be sold to other people , who can in turn copy the machine and sell on .
The back-and-forth between the White House and Capitol Hill on economic matters came amid a mixed batch of U.S. financial indicators .
A new survey by investment bank Piper Jaffray found that more than 9 out of 10 American teenagers regularly use social media .
The new-baked " 2009 China's25 most respected companies All-Star List " to better reflect today 's China 's listed companies are facing competitive environment .
Paderias also offer a wide assortment of fresh-baked bread and croissants and many have deli fare for lunch and dinner , from sandwiches to empanadas to pastels .
More than one in10 scientists claim to have been pressurised by a commercial financial backer to " tailor " their research conclusions , according to a new survey .
France is running short of trained chefs , while Norway is scouring the world for butchers as countries deal with what a new report calls a global'talent crunch . '
The image shows every wrinkle on the playwright 's face and the figure 's haunted stare is radically different from existing images which purport to be of the Bard .
Is she or isn 't she ? The Internet has been abuzz lately about whether Jessica Simpson is pregnant , and speculation reached a fever pitch after new photos surfaced Tuesday .
A new United Nations report warns export growth in Asian and Pacific nations may fall by half this year due to slower growth in Europe , Japan and the United States .
Most supermarkets put high margin departments like floral and fresh baked goods near the front door , so you encounter them when your cart is empty and your spirits are high .
Then he studied the deep-lined face of the toil-worn woman before him , remembered her soups and loaves of new baking , and felt spring up in him the warmest gratitude and philanthropy .
While the new guidelines cast a wider net to catch women at risk for heart disease , they also call for aggressive steps to control known risk factors such as high blood pressure and obesity .
Investors struggled to value new - fangled deals , and as interest rates began to climb , MA activity took on a more sober mantle , shifting from new economy clicks to old economy bricks .
Financial markets got a jolt Thursday after a relatively calm summer , when European leaders ratcheted up pressure on Greece and new reports on economies in Europe , the U.S. and China pointed to global weakening .
Young people looking for a job with good pay , flexible hours and job security should consider working in health care , according to a list of the top 15 best jobs in the US for young people .