
  • 网络SkA;Scar
  1. 美国,美国馆还将呈现各类的演出,包括爵士乐,流行歌曲,斯卡和古典音乐,大学步操乐队,戏剧和舞蹈。

    Outdoor show , the USA Pavilion will stage a wide range of performances including jazz , pop , ska and classical music , university marching bands , theater and dance .

  2. 亮点三:现场表演与多媒体美国馆除了每天会有“舞动美国”户外表演,还会组织不同类型的演出,其中包括爵士乐、流行乐、斯卡及古典音乐、大学仪仗乐队、戏剧、舞蹈,并向美国的城市和伙伴“致敬”。

    In addition to a daily " Dance-America ! " outdoor show , the USA Pavilion will stage a wide range of performances including jazz , pop , ska and classical music , university marching bands , theater and dance , and " Salutes " the American city and state partners .

  3. 奥兰斯卡夫人走上前去,轻言细语地向这对可疑的来客表示欢迎。

    Madame Olenska advanced with a murmur of welcome towards the queer couple .

  4. 自六月份在温网被同胞库德里亚夫采娃在第二轮比赛中击败之后,周三的蒙特利尔杯比赛是莎娃参加的第一场比赛。在与杜马乔夫斯卡激战的三个小时中,她两度接受肩部治疗。

    Playing her first match since a shock second-round defeat by compatriot Alla Kudryavtseva at Wimbledon in June , Sharapova twice received treatment on her shoulder during her three-hour battle with Domachowska in Montreal on Wednesday .

  5. RuneToftgard是来自瑞典卡罗琳斯卡医学院诺诺贝尔委会委员。

    Rune Toftgard is a Nobel Committee member from Sweden 's Karolinska Institute .

  6. 克拉克湖因原住民阿萨巴斯卡人所说的“QizjehVena”而为人所知,该词的意思是“人类收集湖水的地方。”

    Lake Clark is known as Qizjeh Vena by the First Nations Athabascan people , which means ' place where people gather lake ' .

  7. 阿萨巴斯卡董事长比尔加拉切尔(BillGallacher)昨日表示:油砂项目是资本密集性很强的长期投资领域,很难在传统的股权市场上获得全额融资。

    Oil sands projects are very capital-intensive , long-term investments and difficult to fully finance in the traditional equity market , Bill Gallacher , Athabasca 's chairman said on Monday .

  8. 这项研究是由来自瑞典卡罗林斯卡研究所JohnAxelsson领导的,研究探讨睡眠、吸引力和健康之间的关系。

    The study , led by John Axelsson from the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden , investigated the relationship between sleep and perceptions of attractiveness and health .

  9. “我们有能力成为世界上增长速度最快的数据库公司,”SAP公司执行董事,技术和创新事务负责人维舍尔•斯卡对一屋子的记者和分析师说。

    " We have the ability to be the fastest-growing database company in the world , " Vishal Sikka , executive board member and head of technology and innovation at sap , told a roomful of press and analysts .

  10. 伊利斯卡的客人们通常要求在充满商店和艺术画廊的玛莱区(Marais)的鹅卵石街道上来个私人向导游览。

    Mr. Ilisca 's guests often request a personal tour of the cobblestone streets of the shopping and art-packed Marais .

  11. 本文扼要介绍了加拿大萨斯喀彻温省北部比弗洛支地区脉型(veintype)和阿萨巴斯卡盆地中与不整合面有关的(Unconformityassociated)铀资源概况;

    This paper briefly introduces uranium resources of unconformity associated uranium mineralization in Athabasca basin and vein type uranium mineralization in Beaverlodge area , Northern Saskatchewan , Canada , and systematically expounds common metallogenic characteristics of the above two types of uranium mineralization .

  12. 在卡罗林斯卡学院,屠呦呦和另外两个诺贝尔医学奖的获得者WilliamC.Campbell和SatoshiOmura一起出席新闻发布会时,发出了这样的呼吁。

    Tu , sitting together with the other two laureates William C. Campbell and Satoshi Omura , made such an appeal during Sunday 's press conference for the Medicine Laureates at the Nobel Forum , Karolinska Institutet .

  13. 伊利斯卡推荐的是Allard餐馆的牛羊杂碎(52欧元)。Allard是一家典型的法式小餐馆,店主是阿兰·迪卡斯(AlainDucasse)。

    Mr. Ilisca recommended a meal of veal sweetbreads ( 52 euros ) from Allard , a classic bistro owned by Alain Ducasse .

  14. 正如我的同事迈克尔斯卡平克(michaelskapinker)最近指出的那样,timberland鞋在远足者和说唱歌手中都很受欢迎,但这两类客户之间的交集很小,因此客户混淆的可能性也很小。

    As my colleague Michael skapinker pointed out recently , timberland shoes are popular with both hikers and hip-hop artists , but when the crossover between two sets of users is small , so is the likelihood of customer confusion .

  15. 之后Scavotto打电话给公司,说自己有事得晚点上班。但是老板不相信他所讲的蟒蛇故事,于是斯卡沃托把蟒蛇带到办公室给老板看。

    He then called work to say he 'd be late , but his boss found the story a little hard to swallow , until Scavotto showed up at his office with the snake .

  16. 斯卡离开后,我就是剧团的负责人。

    Since skat ieft , I 'm responsible for the troupe .

  17. 他记起了在斯卡巴勒附近的悬崖上对姑娘所作的许诺!

    He remembered his promise to her on the cliffs near Scarborough .

  18. 他无疑是在追求奥兰斯卡伯爵夫人。

    He was undeniably in pursuit of the countess olenska .

  19. 斯卡内提,叫人把灯关掉。

    Scagnetti , get somebody to turn this light off .

  20. 我们欠你一个大人情斯卡曼德先生

    We owe you a great debt , Mr. Scamander .

  21. 不过我早知道你会喜欢奥兰斯卡夫人的。

    But I was sure you 'd like Madame Olenska .

  22. 陪同他的是学校的校长,西科尔斯卡小姐。

    With him was Mademoiselle Sikorska , the head of the school .

  23. 他实际上是在用奥兰斯卡夫人作挡箭牌。

    He 's simply using Madame olensksa as a lightening-rod .

  24. 奥兰斯卡伯爵夫人说的是“5点钟以后”。

    The Countess Olenska had said " after five " ;

  25. 斯卡和任何袭击者都没有不同。

    Scar is no different than any other attacker .

  26. 但是玛丽斯可罗多夫斯卡不是一个普通人。

    But Marie Sklodowaka was not an ordinary woman .

  27. 你认识我的侄女奥兰斯卡伯爵夫人吗?

    " You know my niece Countess Olenska ?" Mrs.

  28. 奥兰斯卡夫人高兴得容光焕发。

    Madame Olenska 's face grew brilliant with pleasure .

  29. 奥兰斯卡伯爵夫人的官司搅乱了陈旧的习俗观念。

    The case of the countess Olenska had stirred up old settled convictions .

  30. 别的人都在三个星期以前上斯卡巴勒去了。

    The others have been gone on to Scarborough , these three weeks .