
  1. 讽刺文学在《文艺阵地》发展文艺美学

    Satire in Literature and Art Front Developing Literary Aesthetics

  2. 在20世纪中国文学的家园里,《文艺阵地》不愧为一株文艺的奇葩。

    In Chinese literature circle of the 20th century , The Literary Position was indeed a literary miracle .

  3. 茅盾于1938年4月16日创办了半月刊《文艺阵地》并主编了前18期。

    MAO Dun launched the semimonthly Literary Position in 1938 , and edited from the first 18 issues .

  4. 《文艺阵地》是抗日战争时期茅盾主编的一种大型的综合性文学期刊。

    The Front of Literature and Arts , is a comprehensive and voluminous literary periodical edited by Mao Dun during the War of Resistance Against Japan .

  5. 茅盾主编的《文艺阵地》体现了以下编辑特色:以文艺刊物为抗战服务、为民族的解放事业服务;

    These issues edited by MAO Dun show the following editorial features : to entitle literary periodicals with the responsibility of serving for the War of Resistance and national emancipation course ;

  6. 《文艺阵地》见证了日本文学与日本作家的双重堕落,将其战时化的轨迹清晰地勾勒出来,作为反例,以资警鉴。

    It witnesses the double degenerations of Japanese literature and writers , and draws out the clear course of its war orientation , in order to offer some warns and lessons from this negative example .

  7. 为发挥救亡与启蒙的职能,戏剧演变为中坚性的文学活动,戏剧理论也因而成为《文艺阵地》译介的重中之重。

    To bring the function of enlightenment and national salvation into full play , the dramatic theories become the priority of its translation and introduction when drama develops to be the backbone of the literary activities .

  8. 作为左翼刊物,俄苏文学在《文艺阵地》中享有不争的地位;而置于抗战语境下的《文艺阵地》,也自然与世界反法西斯文学息息相关。

    As a left-wing publication , Russian-Soviet literature enjoys an indisputable position . In the context of the Resistance , the Front of Literature and Arts is closely linked with the worldwide anti-Fascist literature by nature .

  9. 他选择了《文学杂志》作为后期京派文艺阵地的实践途径,同时又以《诗论》作为中西合璧的实践途径。

    He has chosen literature magazine as the practice field of the literature and art position , and regard theory of the poem as the practice way that the chinese-foreign matches well again at the same time .

  10. 前期创造社同人以《创造》季刊和《创造周报》为文艺阵地,凭借挑战这一行动策略,在文坛异军苍头突起。

    Early Creation Society 's colleagues as a new force use the quarterly publication Creation and Creation weekly as literature front suddenly rises on the new literary world , depending on the action strategy of " fighting " .

  11. 《文艺阵地》的译介,呈现出鲜明的战时性;而意识形态的色彩,尤为浓重;与专业刊物相比,泛文学化的特征更见显著。

    The translation and introduction of the Front of Literature and Arts take on sharp features of the wartime , and the ideological colors are rather striking . Compared with the specialized publication , the character of over-literature is more prominent .