
  • 网络Theoretical Studies In Literature and Art
  1. 实践的思想与马克思主义文艺理论研究的变革

    Practical Thought and the Transformation of the Research on Marxist Theory

  2. 强化文艺理论研究中的独立自主的意识&浅议全球化语境下文艺学的应对策略

    Strengthening Independence and the Initiative Consciousness in Literature Theoretical Research

  3. 赛博空间与文艺理论研究的新视野

    The Cyber Space and New Perspective of Theoretical Literary Studies

  4. 西北少数民族文艺理论研究刍议

    A Discussion on Theory of Literature and Art of Northwest Ethnic Minorities

  5. 当代文艺理论研究的新切入点

    New Ways to Contemporary Literature Research

  6. 体系探讨与体系再思&论20世纪80年代的中国马克思主义文艺理论研究

    Discussion and Rethinking of the System & Research on Marxist literature and art theories in the 1980s

  7. 他的诗歌理论对当代文艺理论研究和文学批评实践具有积极的研究借鉴价值。

    His poem theory has positive research reference for the present literature theoretical researches and literature criticism practice .

  8. 当代中国文艺理论研究的困境由来已久,走出困境的出路在于诗学范式的重构。

    A reconstruction of the poetic paradigm is the solution to the long-existing difficulties in Chinese literary and art theory studies .

  9. 20世纪80年代中国马克思主义文艺理论研究的核心论题是马克思主义文艺理论的体系构成。

    The core thesis of the research on Marxist literature and art theories in the 1980s was about its system construction .

  10. 从被动适应形势到主动建设体系&20世纪90年代文艺理论研究之回顾

    From Passively Adapting to the Situation to Actively Constructing Theory of Literature and Art & Reviewing Research on Theory of Literature and Art in the 1990s

  11. 新中国前30年的马克思主义文艺理论研究,可分为两个阶段。

    As for the research on Marxist literature and art theories in the first 30 years of New China , it could be divided into two stages .

  12. 新时期20年,他从文艺理论研究转向当代文学的评论,后又重返文学史研究的领域。

    During the new period of 20 years , he turns to critics from literary theory and then he returns back to the field of literary history research .

  13. 其次,通过长期从事文艺理论研究,童庆炳对文学创作的诸多复杂现象进行了细致入微地探讨和深究,并由此得出自己独有的理论成果。

    Secondly , he brings up many innovative ideas based on his long-term study to the basic literary theory , and obtains his own unique theory through painstaking investigation to the intricate phenomenon hailed from literary creation .

  14. 中国古典诗词意象论一直是中国诗学、文学和文艺理论研究的热门课题,近年来也是翻译研究,特别是古诗英译研究中的热点之一。

    Image of Chinese classical poetry has risen as a hot issue in the field of translation ( especially translation of Chinese classical poetry ) as well as Chinese poetics , literature and the theory of literature .

  15. 21世纪,中国少数民族文艺理论研究取得了一定的成果,但也面临着巨大的挑战,西北少数民族文艺理论研究尤其如此。

    In 21st century , the studies on the theory of literature and art of ethnic minorities in China have obtained some achievements , at the same time ; we have to challenge , especially in the studies of theory of literature and art of northwest ethnic minorities in China .

  16. 从事文艺学理论研究者,必须具有较深邃的哲学眼光。

    The researchers at work on the theory of literature must have profound foresight of philosophy .

  17. 这些理论在一定程度上弥补了我国文艺形式理论研究的不足。

    These theories fill up to a certain extent the deficiency of our research of the theory of artistic and literary forms .

  18. 模糊美属于文艺美学理论研究范畴,它具有不确性、互渗性、交织性、混沌性的特征。

    Foggy belongs to literary aesthetic theory of fuzzy areas of study , it has uncertainties , Infiltration resistance , intertwined nature , chaos characteristics .

  19. 孔智光教授不仅在美学理论研究与审美文化研究领域中多有建树,在文艺学理论研究领域也取得不少重要成果。

    Professor Kong Zhiguang got many important achievements not only in the field of aesthetic theory but also in the field of literary and artistic theory .

  20. 陆游的文论充满了积极的批判现实主义的精神,对于现代文艺理论的研究具有重要的指导意义。

    Lu You 's literary ideas were filled with active spirits of critical realism , which are of great significance to the study of modem literary criticism .

  21. 从古典艺术精神中衍生出来的经典文艺理论以研究对象的文本中心倾向和理论的普适性为基本特征,因而遮蔽了对文艺生态多样性的认识。

    The classical literary theories that are derived from the classical artistic spirit are characterized by text-centered object of study and the universalization of theories , thus effacing the versatility of literary ecology .

  22. 文艺理论及美学研究如何面对现实&简述理论学习过程中的几个问题

    How Literary theory and Aesthetics Research Facing on Realities

  23. 新的世纪,文艺理论和美学研究面临着新的问题。

    Literary Theory and Aesthetics Research are facing on realities in the new century .

  24. 从某种意义上来说,把握了斯皮瓦克的理论体系就等于把握了整个西方文艺理论发展的基本研究动向。

    To some extent , to master Spivak means mastering the general development of the contemporary progress of the west literature theory , where lies the significance of this dissertation .

  25. 文艺学、美学理论研究是多层次、多方法的,但其研究价值在于“发现”与“创新”。

    The study of sciences such as literature and art , as well as aesthetical theory is considered multistage and multifarious , but its value lies in " discovery " and " innovation " .

  26. 再现是西方一个较为古老和成熟的文艺理论概念,它研究文学作品对外在世界的反映和联系。

    " Reappearance " is an old and ripe concept of the literature theory in the West World , and it is about the reflection and connection between literature works and the external world .

  27. 对文艺主体性理论的研究,对于当代文学理论体系的建立具有重要的理论意义。兴起于二十世纪九十年代的生命美学以其独特的视角对主体性问题进行研究,引起了理论界的关注。

    The theory of life aesthetics that springs up in 1990 carries on researching into the theory of the subjectival nature with special angle of view , which causes great attention by the domain of the aesthetics theory .

  28. 以人大复印资料《文艺理论》为对象,宏观考察了1978到1990年间文艺理论研究的情况。从栏目设置和栏目名称变革方面考察了其中所反映的文艺思想及其变化。

    Taking the copy magazine Theories of Literature and An as the object , this paper macro-structurally reviews theories of literature and art form 1978 to 1990 . It reviews the thoughts of literature and art and the changes reflected in the subject arrangement ;

  29. 儿童文艺理论是文艺学发展薄弱的一个环节,图画书理论作为新兴儿童文艺理论,其理论研究仍处于起步阶段。

    Literature theory in children literature is a weak link in the development of literary theory . As a new theory of literary theory in children literature , the theoretical research of picture books is still in its infancy .