
  • 网络Documentation Testing;Document Testing;Documentation Test;doc tests
  1. 文档测试与文档过程成熟度模型探讨

    Discussing on Documentation Testing and Documentation Process Maturity Model

  2. 配置出站文档测试时出错。

    Error while confuring for outbound document testing .

  3. 通过XML实例文档测试表明,该设计方案为解决系统安全性、兼容性提供了一种实用方法。

    Test of the XML document shows that this case provides a practical method for the security and compatibility of the system .

  4. 有关文档测试对象api的详细信息,请参阅“帮助”中的“api参考”主题。

    For information about the document test object API details , see the API reference topics in the help .

  5. 因此,我们将采用单元测试进行容器测试,而对其他情况采用文档测试(doctests)。

    Therefore , we will use unit tests for the container tests and doc tests for everything else .

  6. 文档测试是Python的一个很好的特性,因为与其他特性一起,它提供了一种为API创建可测试文档的方法。

    Doctests are a wonderful feature of Python , because among other things , it allows for a way to create testable documentation for an API .

  7. 同样,运行antprepare-test-docs代码可以完成相同的文档测试工作。

    Likewise , running ant prepare-test-docs does the same work for the test documents .

  8. 用户类文档测试研究

    Research of user documents testing technology Test & Measurement

  9. 清晰的API文档,测试、调试以及开发都集中在一起

    Clear API documentation , testing , debugging and exploration , all in one place

  10. 在BPWS4J运行时间部署并运行这些文档&测试。

    Deploying and running these on the BPWS4J runtime-trying it out .

  11. 针对手工编写测试脚本工作量大且容易出错的问题,提出了以XML文档描述测试脚本,利用DOM技术自动生成测试脚本的方法。

    Aiming at the disadvantage of writing test script manually , this paper uses XML document to describe test script , presents a way of generating XML test script automatically with DOM technology .

  12. 不同的TMap需求规格技术非常适合于建立基于RUP系统文档的测试用例(也可以参见下面的“技术”一节)。

    Various TMap specification techniques are very well suited for constructing test cases based on RUP system documentation ( see also the " Techniques " section below ) .

  13. 为了进行演示,我将向您展示如何将简单的RSS1.0文档用作测试数据。

    To demonstrate , I 'll show you how to use a simple RSS1.0 document as test data .

  14. 使用一个测试文档为测试数据创建测试

    Create a test using a data file for test data

  15. 在工作进行当中,对你的设计文档和测试计划进行修改。

    Make your changes to the design document and test plans as you go .

  16. 你会把时间浪费在为不需要文档的测试编写文档上。

    You will waste time documenting tests that don 't need to be documented .

  17. 随着IT结构的增长和变更,文档和测试过程也必须增长和变更。

    As your IT structure grows and changes , so must your documentation and testing procedures .

  18. 业务分析师常常执行基于定义软件应用的规格说明或用例文档的测试。

    Business analysts often perform tests based on specifications or use case documents that define the software application .

  19. 如果这个域不存在,我们继续按一套标准对文档进行测试。

    If this field isn â™ t present , we continue testing the document against a set of criteria .

  20. 此外,这些测试的并发性比前面拥有80000个文档的测试的并发性小。

    Also , these tests were run with even less concurrency than the tests above , which had80,000 documents .

  21. 利用实际构造的解析器和虚拟场馆场描述文档进行测试,表明上述原型和方法是有效的。

    The method and prototype are feasible through the testing by using the practically making parser and scene describing file .

  22. 成功的开源项目都有一批活跃的个人和公司在贡献代码,编写文档,测试新功能。

    Successful projects have a healthy group of individuals and companies submitting code , writing documentation , and testing new features .

  23. 实际上我们在这里并没有编写任何的单元测试,不过它会自动对我们的文档进行测试。

    Actually , we are not written any unit tests here , but this will make our doc tests working automatically .

  24. 从理论上说,使用训练文档进行测试应该能实现最的结果,但实际情况可能并非如此。

    In theory , using the training documents for testing should result in perfect results , but even this is not likely in practice .

  25. 例如,可以创建包含所有用户界面源文件、规范、文档或测试套件的文件夹。

    For example , you could create folders to contain all your user interface source files , or specifications , documentation , or test suites .

  26. 虽然没有教程,但您不会想念它;由于有了文档和测试程序,您并不需要它。

    Although there is no tutorial , you won 't miss it ; between the documentation and the test program , it won 't be needed .

  27. 架构师的设计、项目经理的计划、编程人员的文档以及测试人员的场景和结果又如何呢?

    What about the architect 's design , the project manager 's plan , the writer 's documentation , or the tester 's scenarios and results ?

  28. 尽管设备存在多样性,团队可以轻松地共享视频、代码、文档、测试结果,或其他任何可以数字化表示的内容。

    Despite the diversity of devices , the team can easily share videos , code , documents , test results , or anything else that can be represented digitally .

  29. 它们还可用于检查项目计划、需求定义、规范、设计文档、测试计划、操作手册和用户手册。

    They can also be used for the review and inspection of project plans , requirements definitions , specifications , design documents , test plans , operations manuals , and user manuals .

  30. 正因如此,我们在一个商业友好的许可下开发,并且我们欢迎任何类型的贡献,代码以及简单的反馈、文档、测试或者仅仅是你的热情。

    And as such , we develop under a very business-friendly license and we welcome contributions of any kind : code but also simple feedback , documentation , tests or simply your enthusiasm .