
wén mínɡ ɡǔ ɡuó
  • country with an ancient civilization
  1. 中国是个文明古国,我们以我们悠久的历史而自豪。

    China is a country with an ancient civilization and we boast our long history .

  2. 中国,作为一个文明古国,在今天的社会经济生活中却遇到了所谓诚信危机的窘境。

    China , as a country with an ancient civilization , meets with an awkward situation of the so called " crisis of honesty and truth " in social economic life today .

  3. 中国和印度都是举世闻名的文明古国,都有着光辉灿烂的文化。

    China and India are both world-famous , civilized countries and they have effulgent culture .

  4. agreatdealof许多,大量尽管那个文明古国灭亡了,它仍留给我们一笔巨大的文化遗产。

    Though the ancient civilization met its doom , it left us a great deal of cultural heritage .

  5. 其一,四大文明古国在东方;

    Four countries with ancient civilizations lie down in the Orient .

  6. 中国是一个文明古国,具有数千年文明史。

    China is a civilized country with a long civilization history .

  7. 中国是一个世界文明古国,也是一个教育大国。

    China is an ancient civilization , but also an educational powerhouse .

  8. 印度和中国是文明古国,但却是新的邻居。

    India and China are old civilisations but new neighbours .

  9. 中国是文明古国,酒文化也历史悠久,博大精深。

    China , a civilized country , has a very long history .

  10. 埃及与中国都是享誉世界的文明古国。

    Both Egypt and China are renowned old civilizations .

  11. 中国是世界的五大文明古国之一是什么意思啊?

    China is one of the five ancient civilized nations in the world .

  12. 中国是一个拥有5000年悠久历史的文明古国。

    China is an ancient civilization with a long history over 5000 years .

  13. 中国是世界上最早发明青铜冶铸技术的文明古国之一。

    China is one of the ancient civilized countries that invented bronze founding .

  14. 中国事一个文明古国,拥有丰富的建筑文化遗产。

    China is an ancient civilized country with abundant architectural and cultural relics .

  15. 中国是四大文明古国之一。

    China is one of the four ancient civilizations .

  16. 在世界上,历经劫波而现在还保存完整传承下来的文明古国中,中国是一个典范。

    The Chinese civilization has continued uninterrupted despite the many trials and tribulations .

  17. 上古代中国及其它文明古国服装的表现意识

    Consciousness of showing function clothing in China and other countries in ancient times

  18. 文明古国迸发出前所未有的青春活力。

    The ancient Chinese civilization has been revitalized .

  19. 中国是著名的文明古国,拥有丰富的文化遗产。

    China is a famous ancient country , which has a grate cultural heritage .

  20. 中外科学技术发展史存在着差异:包括中国在内的四大文明古国孕育了古代科技文明;

    The science and technology development has much difference between China and foreign countries .

  21. 我国是具有五千年灿烂文化的文明古国,历史文化源远流长。

    China is an ancient civilization with its five thousand years ' splendid culture .

  22. 当然,连接我们两个文明古国的事物还有很多。

    There is much more , though , that links our two ancient civilizations .

  23. 印度和中国都是文明古国。

    India and China are both ancient civilisations .

  24. 你曾去过博物馆看到过来自文明古国的东西吗?

    Have you ever been to a museum and seen things from ancient civilizations ?

  25. 中国,一个有着五千多年悠久文化的世界文明古国。

    China is an ancient country with more than five thousand years in the world .

  26. 我国作为四大文明古国之一,有着悠久的历史文化。

    China as one of the four ancient civilizations has a long history and culture .

  27. 本文的理论价值在于:中国是历史悠久的文明古国,其传统文化博大精深,源远流长。

    Chinese civilization has a long history . Chinese tradition culture is extensive and profound .

  28. 传统的消费习俗在这个文明古国支撑起一个潜力巨大的礼品市场。

    The traditional consumption habit has supported a huge gift market in this ancient civilization .

  29. 中国是一个文明古国。

    China has a splendid ancient civilization .

  30. 我国是“文明古国”、“礼仪之邦”。

    Our country is a " civilized Ancient country "," land of ceremony and propriety " .