
wén mínɡ rén
  • civilized people
  1. 唯一有用的方法是像文明人一样签署和平协议…

    The only way is to sign agreements like civilized people ,

  2. 让我们像文明人一样心平气和地讨论吧。

    Let 's discuss this like civilized people .

  3. 这些印象对文明人说来,准是新奇得引人入胜的。

    Such impressions must be entertainingly novel to the civilized person .

  4. 让我们能象文明人一样生活,不再做动物。

    So we can live like civilized men instead of animals .

  5. 做文明人,开文明车。

    Be a good citizen , be a good driver .

  6. 不到这一天,就不可能成为文明人。

    We will never be civilized until that time comes .

  7. 在他面前,文明人就萎缩成金玉其外败絮其中的丑态。

    Before him cultured man dwindled to a false cartoon .

  8. 我们可以像文明人谈谈这件事。

    We can talk about this like civilized human beings .

  9. 我们可以像文明人一样交谈。

    We can taik about this Iike civiiized human beings .

  10. 谁是文明人汤姆,你听到我说话了吗?

    Who 's civilized ! - Tom , can you hear me ?

  11. 谢谢你给我展示了一个真真的文明人。

    Thank you for showing me the way of true civilized peoples .

  12. 当然,文明人的道德观念始终大同小异。

    Of course the morality of civilized persons has always much in common .

  13. 你们俩难道就不能装一晚上的文明人吗?

    Can 't you two pretend to be human beings for one night ?

  14. A“穿绣纹布的人,文明人”。

    A ( people who wear colorful embroider clothes or civilized people ) .

  15. 文明人喜欢这样的生活方式。

    Civilized men like such a way of living .

  16. 文明人,他们会生吞掉对方。

    Civilized people , they 'll eat each other .

  17. 我想用文明人的方式来解决这个问题。

    I want to resolve this like civilized men .

  18. 在早晨这时候,任何一个文明人都是要洗脸的;

    At that time in the morning any Christian would have washed his face ;

  19. 没有文明人和野蛮人之分,只是他们之间的文化不同。

    There are no savage and civilised peoples ; there are only different cultures .

  20. 艺术教育就是培养具有艺术素质的现代文明人。

    The purpose of art education is to cultivate civilized person with tastes in art .

  21. 即使在文明人之中,时不时也可以看出那么一丁点一夫一妻本能的痕迹。

    Even in civilized mankind faint trace of a monogamic instinct can sometimes is perceive .

  22. 曾对自己的最初原则表示怀疑,是文明人的标记

    To have doubted one 's own first principles is the mark of a civilized man

  23. 他从来就不曾像个文明人,他有点像婆罗州的猿人。

    He 's never truly been domesticated . he 's like the ape-man of borneo .

  24. 我们的行为总带着原始人般的侵略性,而不是文明人该有的理智和慈悲。

    That we continue to act out of primal aggression rather than thought and compassion .

  25. 我们怎样才能做这一行而仍旧保持文明人?(弗吉尼亚沃尔夫)

    How can we enter the professions and yet remain civilized human beings ?( Virginia Woolf )

  26. 象文明人一样吃东西。

    And eat like civilized people .

  27. 原始人,如儿童与野兽一般,只是文明人原形毕露而已。

    Primitive people , like children and animals , are simply civilized people with the lid off .

  28. 文明人创造了马车,双脚却失去了功能。

    The civilized man has built a coach , but has lost the use of his feet .

  29. 教授先生,船长很激动地回答,我不是你们所说的文明人,

    Professor , the commander replied swiftly , I 'm not what you term a civilized man !

  30. 我是一个文明人,所以我不会说任何伤害你的语言。

    I 'm a polite student , So I won 't say any shamful words to hurt you .