
  1. 文学类别的历史性和中国现代文论产生的条件&兼谈重建中国文论体系的可能性本诗学之幽玄理论与中国文论

    The Historicity of Literary Genres and the Emergence of Modern Chinese Literary Criticism " Ugan " Theory of Japanese Poetics in Terms of Chinese Literary Criticism

  2. 鉴于这是一个令人厌恶的文学类别,几乎其中每个例子都令人不快,因此,要找到最糟糕的那个,可是一项艰巨的任务。

    Given that this is a wretched literary genre in which almost every example is lamentable , to find the very worst is a tall order .

  3. 在表明对盗版持“零容忍”态度后,百度公司计划在短期内关闭所有文学类别的网络论坛,清查内容以打击窃取知识产权行为。

    Claiming to hold a " zero-tolerance attitude " toward piracy , the company planned to temporarily shut down all Internet forums under the category of literature in order to check content for intellectual property theft .

  4. 第一章对佛经叙事文学的类别和分布情况进行概说。

    Chapter 1 is the general introduction of category and distribution of The Narrative Literature of Buddhist Scripture .

  5. 最近一百年,文学的类别形式在发生着细微的变化,歌词也演变成诗歌的一个分支,地位却一直处于尴尬地带,其文学性与艺术性也是良莠不齐。

    In the recent 100 years , the style of literature underwent subtle evolvement , and the lyrics have become a branch of poem , however , the status of the lyrics has been an awkward position and the lyrics ' nature of literature and art has different levels .

  6. 乡土文学是中国现代文学的重要类别,现实性是其艺术生命所在。

    Rural literature is an important genre in Chinese modem literature , with realism as its artistic vitality .

  7. 超越性意向是文学创作中一种基本的心理动力,它在不同的文学类别中有着不同的表现。

    The transcendental intention is a basic psychological drive in literary creation . It has different performances in different genres of literature .