
  • 网络literariness;literary;literature;literality;literarity
  1. 文学性是文学形成的必备条件。

    Literariness is the necessary factor for the formation of literature .

  2. 但由于道德色彩太浓,影响了这些作品的文学性。

    Yet the heavy morality colour affects the literariness of these works .

  3. 随着折子戏表演艺术的日臻成熟,文学性逐渐消退。

    With more mature Opera performing arts , literature gradually subsided .

  4. 历史学的终极目标应是科学性和文学性的完美结合。

    The ultimate aim of history is put science and literature together .

  5. 最后要指出的是,精心设计的小说题名应该仍然显示出艺术性和文学性。

    Finally , the titles must show the artistic and literary quality .

  6. 律赋是科举考试的一种重要也是最具有文学性的文体。

    LuFu is one of the important literary styles in Keju Examination .

  7. 市民文学是市民社会思想观念和情感方式即市民文化的文学性表现。

    Citizen literature is the literary express of citizen culture .

  8. 电影的文学性、文化性与英美文学教学

    Cinematic Literariness , Mass Culture and the Teaching of English and American Literature

  9. 没有了文学性,文学也就不称其为文学了。

    A literature without literariness cannot be called literature .

  10. 文学性:电影艺术的重要维度

    Literary Property : An Important Dimension of Movie Art

  11. 谈音乐中的文学性内容

    A Superficial View on the Literary Contents in Music

  12. 漂移的边界:从文学性到文本性

    The Drifting Boundary : From Literariness to Textuality

  13. 文学性与陌生化是俄国形式主义理论精髓的集中体现。

    Literariness and Estrangement are the focuses and embodiments of Russian formalism literary theory .

  14. 他们对时间的重组增加了传记这一特殊文类的文学性。

    By regrouping of time they have improved the literariness of this particular genre-biography .

  15. 二是内容丰富多彩,融思想性、文学性、知识性于一体。

    Second , having rich content with features of ideology , literature and knowledge .

  16. 评西方现代主义文论文学性问题与现代主义文学的异化现象分析

    A Evaluation of Western Modernistic Literary Theories Literariness and Alienation of Western Modernistic Literature

  17. 散文理论建设一个重要问题是净化纯洁散文,使之成为具有文学性的散文,即艺术散文。

    The key issue in theoretical construction of prose is to make prose into artistic prose .

  18. 艺术歌曲是音乐艺术中重要的音乐体裁,是集艺术性、抒情性、文学性为一体的声乐形式。

    The art song is a very important musical form which gathers the artist sentiment and literature .

  19. 突破理论与审美阅读经验为敌的困境&《论文学性》课堂实录之一

    Getting out of plight in theory vs. aesthetic reading : One of classroom recordings in On Literary Nature

  20. 过去的几年里,文学性这个概念成为文学研究的一个焦点。

    In the past few years ," literariness " has become a focus in literary studies in China .

  21. 流行歌曲是由歌词和乐曲组成的,它的歌词具有文学性,体式一般与现代诗歌相似。

    Pop song is composed of lyrics and music and its lyrics have literary characteristics of poetic style .

  22. 《三国志通俗演义》无疑是一部具体、生动、鲜活的人物类型化的文学性著作。

    The Popular Romance of the Three Kingdoms is concrete , vivid and fresh Literature works of characters type .

  23. 由此,它把研究对象界定在文学性即文学语言上。

    As a result , they confine the object of study to the " literariness " or literary language .

  24. 文学性作为文学史认知模式深层结构中的固有因素,还表现在文学史叙事的情节安排中。

    As an innate factor in the cognitive model of literature history , literariness also shows arrangement of plots .

  25. 第二,在教学观念上,要力避科学技术性对文学性的吞噬;

    Second , its teaching conception should strive to keep its literariness away from being swallowed by sci technicality .

  26. 了解文学性文本的空白类型,想象文本空白里的虚灵之美。

    Understand the blank type of literature text , and image some beauty of the vacant space in the blank text .

  27. 英美新批评派则从文本语义结构上所体现出来的多层次、多意义的朦胧性特征来探讨“文学性”;

    The British and American newcriticists discussed " literariness " from the manifest multi-level , the multi-significance dimcharacteristic of text structure .

  28. 歌唱语言是文学性的语言,诸如诗、词、歌、赋、唱词等等。

    Singing language is a literature language , such as poetry , words , songs , Fu , lyrics and so on .

  29. 任职制诰具有一定的文学性内涵,还有可能折射出一定的文学思潮和创作风气。

    The imperial edict has a certain literariness connotation , and reflects certain literary ideological trend as well as the creative practice .

  30. 隋代的文章大部分是诏敕奏表等实用性文章,文学性较强的文章少之又少。

    Most of the article , the Sui Dynasty Imperial Chao zou biao such as practical articles , literary articles little stronger .