
  1. 毋庸置疑,他是日本的文学巨匠之一。

    He was without question one of the giants of Japanese literature .

  2. 西班牙诗人、小说家胡安·戈伊蒂索洛(JuanGoytisolo)认为,它是“伟大文学巨匠内心中的一个空洞、一个漩涡、一股旋风”。

    According to Spanish poetand novelist Juan Goytisolo , it was " that void - hole , vortex , whirlwind - inthe central nucleus of the great literary invention . "

  3. 菲利普·罗斯是美国文学巨匠之一。

    Philip Roth is one of the giants of American literature .

  4. 作为东西方的两大文学巨匠,托马斯·哈代和沈从文都是著名的乡土作家。

    Thomas Hardy and Shen Congwen are remarkable writers for their regional novels .

  5. 两位文学巨匠举世瞩目,都表现出对超现实的鬼怪题材的偏嗜。

    Coincidentally , the two literature masters showed deep interest in the same ghost theme .

  6. 福克纳当之无愧为美国文学巨匠。

    It is beyond question that Faulkner is esteemed to be the master of American literature .

  7. 两浙人文传统:中国新文学巨匠茅盾的内源性文化承传

    Heritage of Humanity in Zhejiang : On Mao Dun 's Inheriting and Transmitting of Traditional Chinese Culture

  8. 伯纳德·马拉默德(1914-1986)是战后美国小说界引人注目的文学巨匠之一。

    Bernard Malamud ( 1914-1986 ) has been ranked as one of the literary magnets in post-war American fiction .

  9. 美国的幽默大师和现实主义作家马克·土温,被认为是一个世界文学巨匠。

    Mark Twain , a mastermind of humor and realism , is seen as a giant in world literature .

  10. 文学巨匠个性魅力的展现:解读乔伊斯《一个青年艺术家的肖像》

    Incarnation of a Literary Giant s Charisma : Reading A Portrait of the Artist as A Young Man ;

  11. 屈原是世界和平理事会于1957年呼吁全世界予以纪念的四大文学巨匠之一。

    QuYuan was among the four cultural giants the World Peace Council in1957 called on the whole world to commemorate .

  12. 讲到文学巨匠,他们中有不少人直到老年才得到人们的承认。

    Talking about them , quite a few of literary giants didn 't get their recognization until their old age .

  13. 与许多伟大的文学巨匠和思想家一样,罗曼·罗兰及其精神酝酿和生成于当代世界优秀文化的交汇点上,在他的周围都站立着许多思想精英。

    Almost all the great masters in literature and thinkers stand on the meeting an point of the world excellent cultures .

  14. 牛津校友中有无数杰出的科学家、文学巨匠,以及像美国总统比尔克林顿和巴基斯坦总理贝布托这样的外国政治家。

    Alumni include numerous eminent scientists , literary figures and such overseas politicians as American President Bill Clinton and Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir bhutto .

  15. 威廉·萨默赛特·毛姆(1874&1965)是二十世纪英国文坛,乃至世界文坛上的文学巨匠之一。

    William Somerset Maugham ( 1874 & 1965 ) was a miracle of the British literature and even that of the world literature in the 20th century .

  16. 作为世界文学巨匠,陀思妥耶夫斯基的深刻在于他终其一生都致力于对魔鬼代言人的双重人格和与之相对的光明力量的塑造。

    As a world literary giant , Dostoevsky was profound at the shaping of the dual character of devil spokesmen and the bright confrontation with the forces .

  17. 王克庆长于表现伟人、名人、英烈,其中,相当多的题材取自文学巨匠。

    Wang Keqing is good at expressing great and famous persons as well as heroes , and many subject matters are taken from great masters of literature .

  18. 作为一位跨世纪的文学巨匠,他不朽的艺术感染力一直吸引着众多的研究者,可以说哈代已成为文学界重要的研究对象。

    His long-lasting artistic appeal has been attracting a large number of researchers . It can be said that Hardy has become a well-known literary writer around the world .

  19. 田纳西威廉斯,作为二十世纪的一位文学巨匠,通过《欲望号街车》的出版,在戏剧界达到了他写作的颠峰。

    Tennessee Williams , as one of the most brilliant playwrights in the twentieth century , has reached the peak of writing with the publication of A Streetcar Names Desire .

  20. 美国文学巨匠亨利·詹姆斯在其代表作《一位女士的画像》中一反传统作法,给其主人公依莎贝尔赋予了未来主义的意识和倾向。

    In the Portrait of a Lady , American writer Henry James , in a new tradition , depicts the heroine , Isabel , as with a sense and an inclination of futurism .

  21. 这两位犹太裔的文学巨匠,都将笔触深入到现代社会中的异化现象这一敏感问题,透过作品表达了他们对人类之生存状态的深切关怀和对人类陷入生存困境的焦虑。

    The two Geniuses of literature with the same Jewish descent touched down to the subtle issue of alienation in modern society and expressed their concern on survival dilemma of human being through their masterpieces .

  22. 一代文学巨匠鲁迅被广泛誉为乡土文学的创始人和奠基者,他那富于浓郁乡土气息的小说作品开创了我国乡土文学之先河。

    The great literature master Lu Xun is praised as the founder of " native soil literature ", and his works which strong native soil flavor has started the beginning of our country native soil literature .

  23. 帕特里克·怀特是20世纪的文学巨匠之一,也是澳大利亚文坛上唯一的诺贝尔文学奖得主。他的创作对澳大利亚乃至世界文学都产生了重大影响。

    As one of the literary giants in the 20th century , Patrick White , the Australian winner of Nobel Prize for Literature , has exerted a great influence in the literary arena both in Australia and in the rest of the world .

  24. 当代艺术大师里维拉的壁画,文学巨匠帕斯的著作,凝聚着墨西哥人民对现实世界和人类生活的深刻感受。

    The fresco of Diego Rivera , the master of contemporary art , and the classic works of Octavio Paz , the towering figure in literature , both speak to the profound insight of the Mexican people about the real world and human life .

  25. 不管鲁迅是作为五四新文化运动中的勇士,还是作为一名文学巨匠,他都呈现给人一种倔强的、勇猛的、敢于直言的、敢于复仇的斗士的形象。

    No matter Lu sun is either as a skipper in the New Culture Movement or as a great liberator among the numerous literature writers , he always presents a fighter image of stubbornness , valor , daring to speak frankly and daring to revenge .

  26. 对基督徒来说,圣经是基督教的信仰经典,是上帝子民蒙恩得救的途径,因上帝藉着圣经向人宣扬得救的信息:圣经也是文学巨匠们创造的源泉。

    For Christians , it is the classics of belief and the necessity for people to be saved , because God spread the redemptive message through the Bible . The Bible is also the greatest literature exerting a deep influence on the western literary and culture .

  27. 约翰·福尔斯不愧是当代文学的巨匠。

    John Fowles is deserved to be the contemporary literary master .

  28. 从这一意义上来说,巴金不仅是新文学的巨匠,而且是现代思想的巨人。

    From this point of view , he is not only a master of the new literature , but also a giant of modem thoughts .

  29. 中西两种文化如同两只强有力的臂膀,共同托举起林语堂这位中国现代文学的巨匠。

    The Chinese culture and western culture , just like two strong arms , raised up Lin Yutang as the master of contemporary literature in China .

  30. 鲁迅不但是一位伟大的文学家和语言巨匠,而且还是一位杰出的翻译家和翻译理论家。

    Lu Xun was an outstanding translator and theoretician in translation , as well as a great writer and language master .