
wén xué jià zhí
  • literary merit
  1. 此文有些文学价值。

    The text has some literary merit .

  2. 尽管他的作品的确有一些文学价值,但他还算不上一个伟大的作家。

    He 's not a great writer , though his work does have some literary merit .

  3. Kaur的诗歌成为了网上被频繁拙劣效仿的对象,因此有些评论家也对其作品的文学价值大道质疑。

    Kaur 's poetry has been the subject of frequent parody online , while some critics have questioned its literary merits .

  4. 文学价值的实现要受一定条件制约。

    The realization of literature value is restricted by some conditions .

  5. 删除了这些就损害了原文的文学价值。

    The excision have destroy the literary value of the text .

  6. 全球化与新时代的文学价值导向

    Globalization and the Orientation of Literary Value in the New Epoch

  7. 论《西狭颂》摩崖的文学价值

    The Literary Value of the Cliff Engravings Ode to Xi Xia

  8. 试论秦观诗研究的文学价值

    On the Literary Values of Studying QIN Guan 's Poems

  9. 古典诗词的文学价值和历史价值是有目共睹的。

    Its literary and historical value are seen by all .

  10. 关于文学价值嬗变、平衡的思考

    Contemplation on the Evolution of Literature Value and its Balance

  11. 文学价值观念和文化价值取向是多元的。

    The value of literature and the tendency of culture is diverse .

  12. 论20世纪中国文学价值与真理的冲突

    The Conflict Between Truth and Value in the Twentieth Century Chinese Literature

  13. 《盐铁论》的主要思想及其文学价值

    The Main Thoughts and Literary Value of Yan Tie Lun

  14. 每一个部分都很简单,文学价值不高。

    Each part hnd simple plot and had little value in literature .

  15. 试论《武当风景记》的道教文学价值

    Taoist and Literary Values of Scenic Spots in Wudang Mountain

  16. 从接受主体看文学价值的永恒性

    Eternity of Value of Literary Works Seen form Accretive Subjective

  17. 第二部分论述文学价值的一般理论特性。

    Chapter two is on the general theoretical characteristics of literary value .

  18. 《兰亭诗》《序》的思想底蕴及文学价值

    Ideological Details and Literary Value of Poems Written Around Orchid Pavilion and Preface

  19. 研究的焦点主要集中在莎士比亚戏剧的文学价值上。

    The major focus of the study is in the field of literature .

  20. 论韩非政论的文学价值

    On Literary Value of Han Fei 's Political Essay

  21. 《风俗通义》的文学价值

    Literary values of Annotation of Literature and Customs

  22. 其四是文学价值。

    The fourth is the value of literary .

  23. 论谶纬学说的文学价值

    On the Literary Values of the Theory of the Divination Combined with Mystical Confucian Belief

  24. 从文学价值观念看林语堂30年代的小品文理论

    Theory of Lin Yutang 's essay in 1930 's from the idea of literary value

  25. 从宗教意识看《简·爱》的文学价值

    To Comment on the Value of Literature of the Novel Jane Eyre under Religious Consciousness

  26. 作为山药蛋派的代表作,《李有才板话》具有很高的文学价值。

    As the representative of the Potato School , it is of high literary value .

  27. 文学价值的文化时空结构

    Time and Space Structure of Literary Value

  28. 《撒克逊劫后英雄略》的文学价值及其影响

    Literary Value and Influence of Ivanhoe

  29. 《晋书》的文学价值

    The Literary Value of Jin Shu

  30. 人物描写非常细致,语言生动活波,具有很高的文学价值。

    The figure description is vivid and the language lively , which presents great literature value .