
  • 网络cultural development;culture development;cultural progress;Literacy Development
  1. 文化发展是一个累积的过程。

    The process of cultural development is additive .

  2. 感谢重庆纸老虎文化发展有限公司对TOUCH意纸·记事本标志征集活动的大力支持。

    Thank Chongqing paper tiger and Cultural Development Corporation to sign the notebook TOUCH assembly of strong support .

  3. 它已成为人类文化发展的绊脚石。

    It has become a stumbling block to the progress of human civilization .

  4. 加入WTO与企业文化发展

    WTO and Enterprise Culture

  5. 结合ABC集团的发展历程,选择合适的战略,采用系统平衡思想,并结合企业的文化发展,提出有效的战略管理方案;最后对ABC集团的战略管理有效地实施提出对策。

    Finally , combining with the development course of ABC group and its culture , a countermeasure is presented for ABC group to carry out an effective strategic management .

  6. 冲突是中国文化发展的持久动力;

    Second , collision is the power of Chinese cultural development ;

  7. 黄河流域宗教文化发展论略

    Development of Religious Culture in Area along the Huanghe River

  8. 推动高校图书馆先进文化发展,实现高校图书馆科学管理的现代化

    The modernization of the scientific management of college libraries must be realized

  9. 试论社会经济发展与校园文化发展的关系

    On Relationship between Developments of Human Economy and Campus Culture

  10. 对西部民族地区文化发展的思考

    Thoughts on the Cultural Development of Multi - ethnic Areas in West China

  11. 当代文化发展的产业化潮流及其双重效应

    Industrialization of the Contemporary Culture and Its Dual Effect

  12. 推动了纳西族社会的文化发展;

    Enhancing the cultural development of the Naxi society ;

  13. 略论韩国文化发展及其对现代化的影响

    Comment on the Republic of Korea Cultural Development and Its influence on Modernization

  14. 十运会对我国竞技体育文化发展的伦理启示

    The Inspiration from 10th National Games about the Ethical Development of Sports and Culture

  15. 面向新世纪的文化发展战略

    Development Strategy of Culture in the New Century

  16. 其中国内政治、经济和文化发展不平衡是其主要原因。

    The main reason is unequal development of internal politics ^ economy and culture .

  17. 文化发展与南京城市形象建设

    Cultural Development and Nanjing City Images Building

  18. 先锋浪潮是中国当代文化发展到特定阶段的产物,是文学创作界、研究界和整个文坛环境互相刺激作用的结果。

    Pioneer tide was an outcome of China contemporary culture in its specific developing stage .

  19. 其中,大学生文化发展随年级的升高大致呈现出直线下降趋势,二年级和三年级为发展的关键年级。

    University student cultural development demonstrates the downward trend as the rising with the grade .

  20. 社会的精神生产和文化发展

    Social Spirit Production and Development of Culture

  21. 地理环境比较封闭,经济文化发展相对落后。

    Living in a remote area , its economic and cultural development is comparatively backward .

  22. 后现代精神和中国大众文化发展

    Postmodern Spirit and Chinese Mass Culture

  23. 中国音乐史是一门阐述我国音乐文化发展历史的学科。

    Chinese music history is a subject that expounds the development history of our music literature .

  24. 小城镇体育文化发展的主要影响因素研究

    The Study of Main Influence Factor That the Develops in the Small Towns , PE and Culture

  25. 全文共分为四个部分共九章。第一部分包括第一、二、三章,主要介绍未来文化发展有限公司概况、行业背景以及公司营销渠道现状。

    Part one , including chapter 1,2,3 , introduces the development history and present situation of Future Cultural Co.

  26. 休闲文化发展的质量标准,将定位于人的全面发展。

    The quality of the leisure culture will depend on people 's all-round development with morality as the base .

  27. 元好问在东平的活动对金末元初的文化发展做出了突出贡献。

    The action of Yuan Haowen in Dongping did a great contribution to the culture development between Jin and Yuan .

  28. 新时期文化发展的第一大根本性转变是由阶级本体论向文化本体论的转变;

    From the class departmentalism to the culture departmentalism is the first fundamental change of cultural development in new period .

  29. 先锋文学浪潮的兴起是时代、社会与历史文化发展的必然。

    The rise of Xiang-feng literature is of necessity of the development of the times , society and historical culture .

  30. 本文从建筑文化发展史的角度,通过分析日本的传统文化及当今的时代特点,指出伊东丰雄独特的建筑形式语言,尝试分析其来龙去脉,并论证其与建筑学现代主义和新陈代谢的思想关联。

    I also try to analyze its context , and demonstrate its relation to the modernism and " metabolism " .