
wén tǐ xué
  • stylistics
  1. 思维风格(mindstyle)在文体学研究中专指认知状态在语言形式上的表现。

    In stylistics , mind style refers to human cognition represented in language forms .

  2. 文体学的历史在欧洲可以追溯到古希腊时期的修辞学(rhetoric)。

    The history of stylistics in Europe could be traced back to " rhetoric " in ancient Greece .

  3. 寓言思维理论(简称PMT,ParabolicMindTheory)就是认知文体学中的一个重要理论。

    The theory of parabolic mind ( PMT for short ) or parabolic projection is one of the valuable cognitive stylistic theories that have inspired literary analysts .

  4. G威多森在它的专著《实用文体学》中,以其本人对诗歌作为语言创作形式的本质理解,就诗歌教学作了一番深入的论述。

    In his book Practical Stylistics , based on his understanding of the nature of poetry as the creative form of language , Widdowson made a thorough study on style in the view of poetic teaching .

  5. 本文从理想化的角度讨论了文体学中Jakobson的诗学特征和语言学中以Chomsky为代表的形式主义;

    This article aims to discuss the formalist nature of Jakobson 's poetic features in stylistic study and Chomsky 's minimalist program in linguistic study .

  6. 以短篇小说TheYellowWallpaper为例,探讨了文体学中的mindstyle是如何通过作者在作品中的语言选择来实现的,包括词汇、结构、上下文和衔接等。

    This paper , taking The Yellow Wallpaper as an example , illustrates how the mind style in a literary work is realized through the language choices by the author . The analyses are made in terms of vocabulary , structure , context and cohesion .

  7. 第三章探讨该研究的理论框架,详细介绍了文体,文学文体学及其内涵,Leech和Short的文体分析方法,以及文体分析在文学翻译中的重要意义。

    Chapter three looks at the theoretical framework of this study , which gives a detailed introduction of style literary stylistics and its implication , a checklist for stylistic analysis proposed by Leech and Short and the significance of stylistic analysis in literary translation .

  8. 认为文体学和语言学研究虽然不在同一层次上,但Jakobson和Chomsky的思想却是典型的形式主义。

    Stylistics , a branch of linguistics , is not on the same level as the study of linguistics , but Jakobson and Chomsky do share something in common in their respective theory .

  9. 文体学和语言学研究中的形式主义&评Chomsky的最简说和Jakobson的投射说评点的涵义和性质

    Formalism in the Study of Stylistics and Linguistics & On Jakobson 's Poetic Features and Chomsky 's Minimalist Program Meaning and nature of ' commentaries and markings ' in Chinese poetic and prose works

  10. 依据文体学的理论来界定,商务英语是一种英语语体。

    Stylistic theories view business English as a variety of English .

  11. 文学文体学研究语言在文学中的运用情况。

    Literary stylistics probes into the application of language in literature .

  12. 但很少有人从文体学的角度分析和评价文学作品的翻译。

    It has rarely been considered in relation to literary translation .

  13. 戏剧文体学是一门正在发展中的学科。

    Drama stylistics is a relatively new interdisciplinary area of study .

  14. 第四,中国文体学研究存在的问题。

    Fourth , there are problems in Chinese study of stylistics .

  15. 文体学与英语专业高年级精读教学

    Stylistics and Teaching of Intensive Reading Course for Senior English Majors

  16. 文体学语言功能的应用

    Application and Cognition of Language Functions in Physical Education at Universities

  17. 法律英语句法特征的文体学分析

    The Stylistic Analysis of the Syntactic Features of Legal English

  18. 文体学中的有关理论为本研究提供了新的角度和方法。

    Some theories of stylistics provide us with new methods and angles .

  19. 小说史研究中的文体学方法

    The stylistic approach to the study of history of fiction

  20. 相比于文学文体学,普通文体学发展的势头及研究的深度和广度都比较缓慢。

    Compared with art stylistics , popular stylistics develops slowly .

  21. 从文学文体学角度论述《傲慢与偏见》的风格翻译

    A Literary Stylistic Approach to the Style Translation in Pride and Prejudice

  22. 《京华烟云》汉译之文体学研究

    A Stylistic Study of the Translation of Moment in Peking

  23. 文体学理论在提高学生口头交际能力方面的应用研究

    Developing Students ' Oral Communicative Competence from a Stylistic Perspective

  24. 话轮转换是新兴的戏剧文体学分析方法。

    Turn-taking analysis is a method to study drama stylistic .

  25. 西方现代文体学百年发展历程

    A review of the development of Western stylistics in the 20th century

  26. 功能文体学视角下英文商务合同的文体特征分析

    Stylistic Features of English Business Contracts from the Aspect of Functional Stylistics

  27. 用文体学理论促进大一《现代大学英语》精读教学

    On the Freshman Contemporary College English Teaching Promoted by Stylistics

  28. 从文体学视角论英文商务合同的翻译

    Translation of English Business Contracts : In the Perspective of Stylistic Features

  29. 文体学随着现代语言学的发展而发展。

    Stylistics has grown with the development of modern linguistics .

  30. 第四章从词汇和语法方面探讨了文体学在听力理解中的作用。

    Chapter Four is the discussion from the syntactical level .