
  • 网络osteopathy;osteopathic;Osteopath
  1. 非正统医术包括针灸、顺势疗法、整骨术、催眠疗法等治疗方法。

    Alternative medicine includes treatments such as acupuncture , homeopathy , osteopathy and hypnotherapy .

  2. 现在只有整骨疗法和脊椎指压治疗法两种辅助疗法被完全纳入了法律监管范围。

    Currently , osteopathy and chiropractic are the only alternative treatments fully regulated by law .

  3. 在病人决定是否就诊之前,注册整骨医师会很乐意告知其收费标准。

    A Registered Osteopath will be pleased to tell you his scale of fees before you decide on a consultation .

  4. 德克萨斯州坦普尔市的整骨医师布莱恩·兰(BryanLane)提醒家长们,他们应当了解孩子们书包中放了哪些物品,同时对孩子该把哪些留在家里,哪些带去学校提出建议。

    Dr. Bryan Lane , an osteopath in Temple , Tex. , urges parents to peek inside their children 's backpacks and suggest items that could be left at home or at school .

  5. 整骨机器人中股颈骨折自动整复的研究

    Development of Robot for Automatic Fracture - Resetting of Femoral Neck Fracture

  6. 推拿整骨综合疗法治疗扭转性颈椎病1例

    Massage and Osteopathy for 1 Case of Torsion Cervical Spondylopathy

  7. 现代西医与传统中医医学模式之比较研究蒙古族传统整骨术的医学人类学解读

    Comparative Study on Medical Models of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Modern Western Medicine

  8. 整骨医士正给她治疗受伤的背部。

    An osteopath has been treating her injured back .

  9. 整骨理筋疗法治疗慢性膝关节痛症的效果评估

    Evaluation on the effect of zhenggu lijin treatment for chronic pain of knee joint

  10. 闭合整骨复位外固定器治疗锁骨骨折

    The closure bone plastic reducing outside fixer to treat the fracture of collarbone with

  11. 结果显示:整骨试件不同部位其断裂强度不同;

    The result showed that the breaking intensity in different part of the bone was different .

  12. 蒙医传统整骨术与小夹板外固定治疗四肢骨折临床研究

    Clinical Research on Osteopathy of Traditional Mongolian Medicine and Fixation with Small Splint to Fracture of the Extremities

  13. 目的研究中国蒙医整骨术的骨折固定生物宏观特征及其准则。

    Objective To study the biological macrofeatures and criterion thereof for fracture immobilization in Chinese Mongolian traditional osteopathy .

  14. 一旦被诊断为跟腱炎卡伦尝试各种治疗,包括理疗,针灸,整骨疗法。

    Once it was diagnosed as Achilles tendonitis Karen tried various treatments including physiotherapy , acupuncture and osteopathy .

  15. 很高兴邀请您参加第78届美国整骨疗法、产科医师及妇科大学年会。

    It is our pleasure to invite you to the78th Annual Conference of the American College of Osteopathic Obstetricians and Gynecologists .

  16. 蒙医传统整骨术的整骨疗法系统模型及其数理表述方法

    Systematic models and mathematical expressive method for the traditional Mongolian dynamic reduction A Preliminary Approach to the Andrology of Mongolian Medicine

  17. 其中观察组42例,采用正骨疗法治疗;蒙医传统整骨术中的整体观思想与生物力学原理

    The treatment group received bone setting manipulation . Total body consideration and principles of biomechanics in bone setting manipulation of traditional Mongolia medicine

  18. 本文从数理观点和方法出发,对蒙医传统整骨小夹板外固定疗法所蕴寓着的几何动稳定结构与力学动稳定平衡特征进行了探析。

    The geometrical stable structure and mechanics stable balance characteristic in Small splints of boneselting outer fixing therapy of trad : tional Mngolian medicine and Studied .

  19. 结论:整骨理筋疗法能解除肌痉挛和肌挛缩,消除压痛点、改善患者疼痛和不适的自觉症状,效果确切。

    CONCLUSION : The zhenggu lijin treatment can eliminate the tenderness of muscular spasm and muscle contracture , and improve the subjective symptom such as pain and discomfort effectively .

  20. 昨日特里接受英格兰整骨医生的治疗。医生被派往切尔西训练场地,去帮助背部受伤的队长特里进行恢复治疗。

    John Terry had treatment from the England osteopath yesterday , Sunday , who was brought down to the Chelsea training ground to help the captain recover from his back stiffness .

  21. 纽约上西区一位专攻“综合药学”的整骨医生莱昂内尔•毕松说,他是在金融危机来袭时首次注意到人们对睾丸素补充疗法的需求的。

    Upper West Side osteopath Lionel Bissoon , who now specialises in " integrative medicine , " says he first noticed demand for testosterone replacement therapy when the financial crisis hit .

  22. 整骨医师的高超的手感使其能判断这种运动并且通过熟练的双手实施整骨手法治疗。

    It is the osteopathic physician 's highly developed sense of touch that allows the physician to palpate ( feel ) this motion and , through skilled hands , to administer osteopathic manipulative treatments .

  23. 力学因素参与了整个过程,通过骨吸收与骨形成的相互作用来调整骨的形状、大小及有机组成,使得骨骼结构能够适应不断变化的力学环境。

    Mechanical factors involve in the whole process . To make the bone structure to adapt to changing mechanical environment , the interaction between bone resorption and bone formation adjusts the bone shape , size and organic composition .

  24. 医用整骨机器人是一个用于骨折整复的,集计算机技术、医学理论、控制理论、图像处理技术、数据库和信息管理理论等多学科领域知识,具有精密机械结构新一代医疗综合性系统。

    Medical robot for resetting of fracture is a novel medical compositive system for resetting of fracture , based on the knowledge in many fields , for example , computer technique , medical science , modern control theory , digital image processing technique , database and information management theory .