
  • 网络Data roaming
  1. 一名用户声称,她尽管在美国的旅途中关闭了iPhone数据漫游功能,但回国后还是被收取了高达1500英镑的漫游费。

    One user said she was charged almost £ 1,500 even though she had turned off data roaming on her phone throughout her trip to the US .

  2. 上周在法兰克福,我最终还是开启了数据漫游,结果发现自己走错了方向。

    I did turn on my data roaming in Frankfurt last week . I was walking in the wrong direction .

  3. 如果开启了数据漫游功能,手机可以在你不知情的情况下更新应用软件。

    If your data-roaming facility is on , your phone can start updating your apps without your knowledge .

  4. 使用分块索引的金字塔模型技术解决了激光扫描仪点云数据漫游时数据调度慢等问题。

    Index of use of sub-block technology to solve pyramid model of the laser scanner point cloud data roaming slow when issues such as scheduling data . 3 .

  5. 当今越来越多的人开始使用手机上网,不过电信公司的人员提示数据漫游费用很高,用户须谨慎使用。

    More and more people are beginning to go online on their mobiles , but telecom companies are warning users to be cautious because data service roaming charges could be very high .

  6. 在欧洲历史上第一次有了数据漫游资费上限,这就意味着你的数据漫游资费有一个限额,这个限额可能不是由营运商制定的。

    And for the first time in the European history also there is now a cap on data roaming so that means that there is a limit which may not be asked for by operators when you roam with your data .

  7. 如果这项交易遭到阻止,根据一项反向分手费的规定,AT&T可能要向德国电信支付30亿美元,并交出额外的频段和无线数据漫游协议。

    Should the deal be blocked , AT & T could have to pay $ 3bn to Deutsche Telekom , as well as handing over additional spectrum and wireless data roaming arrangements , under what is known as a reverse break fee .

  8. 开放身份、开放信用、个人数据和漫游式认证

    Open identity , open reputation , personal data and roaming portable identity

  9. 研究了VR-GIS地质景观中基于图形交互技术的地质景观漫游机制,包括不同数据结构的漫游技术。

    The cruising mechanism of geology landscape in the VR-GIS based on the graphics interaction technology is studied , including the cruising technology of different data structure .

  10. 该模型已在自行开发的三维地形仿真系统(Sei3D)中得到成功的应用,并最终实现了海量地形数据的无缝漫游。

    This structure has been applied to 3D visual simulation system ( Sei3D ) successfully and the roaming of non-gap in a lot of terrain data is finally achieved .

  11. 一种海量地形影像数据的快速漫游算法

    An Effective Algorithm for Large Scale Image and Terrain Data Walkthrough

  12. 移动数据业务国际漫游与互通

    International roaming and interconnection of mobile data services

  13. 三维地形数据压缩及漫游

    Terrain Data Compression and Walkthrough

  14. 该系统集成了GIS、VRML、测绘等理论和技术,具有数据建模,场景漫游、属性查询等功能,再现了二维数字地图的三维景观。

    This system integrates many technologies such as GIS , VRML , and mapping , which provide the function of data modeling , scene cruise , attribute inquiry and the provision of a 3D impression of a 2D map .

  15. 该公司还将业务扩展至数据传输、手机漫游及其它移动电话服务领域。

    The company has also expanded into channelling data and providing roaming and other mobile phone services .

  16. 功能模块就是实现具体功能的构件,本文介绍了3种具体功能的嵌入实例,分别是大数据处理模块,自适应分辨率模块,数据漫游模块。

    Functional modules is to achieve specific functional components , the paper described three kinds of specific features of the embedded instance , were " large data processing module ", " adaptive resolution module ", " data roaming module " .

  17. 在目前地形数据简化算法的基础上,结合计算机硬件技术的发展,采用基于数据分块、部分数据常驻内存以及与视点相关的静态LOD模型实现了对任意格网大小海量地形数据的快速漫游。

    Based on current LOD algorithms and GPU technology of the computer , a fast walkthrough method with data block partition , out of core and static LODs is implemented .