
  • 网络data map
  1. 因此,此数据地图ID对每个用户和页面的组合而言也是惟一的。

    Therefore , the data map ID is unique for each user and page combination .

  2. 这类数据地图的每个条目和元素都包含JSF输入组件的值,其ID是数据地图的键。

    Each entry and element of such a data map contains the value of a JSF input component whose ID is also the key in the data map .

  3. 注意:数据地图包含JSF组件的值,而根据JSP规范,它们必须是可序列化的。

    Remember that data maps contain the values of the JSF components , which must be serializable according to the JSF specification .

  4. 若针对ctx参数的数据地图已经存在,hasDataMap()方法返回true,而且clearDataMap()方法会从存储库删除数据地图。

    The hasDataMap () method returns true if a data map exists for the ctx parameter and the clearDataMap () method removes a data map from the repository .

  5. 自组织数据地图用于近海水质分析的研究

    Study on coastal water quality analysis by the SOM

  6. 基于辅助惯性导航的数据地图特征分析

    Data Map Characteristic Analysis Based on Aided Inertial Navigation

  7. 每个数据地图保存单个表单实例的用户输入。

    Each data map maintains the user input of a single form instance .

  8. 因此,很自然地会将所有这些数据地图都放到一个存储库地图内。

    Therefore , it is natural to keep all these data maps in a repository map .

  9. 在示例应用程序中,存储库所能存储的数据地图的实例是有限制的。

    In the sample application , the repository has a limit of data map instances it can store .

  10. 当达到这个限值时,最旧的那个数据地图会从存储库中删除,以便进行垃圾收集。

    When this limit is reached , the oldest data map is removed from the repository and becomes eligible for garbage collection .

  11. 该文通过对分布式虚拟战场环境中仿真实体及其应用研究的开发应用,对光栅图像地图转化成矢量数据地图的方法进行研究。

    In this article a method for converting raster image into vector drawing is introduced based on the application of simulated entity in distributed virtual battle field environment .

  12. 原始的存储库和其副本均包含同样的数据地图对象,这是因为数据地图是不能修改的,这一点在本文稍后的部分介绍。

    Both the original repository and its copy will contain the same data map objects , which is correct because data maps cannot be modified , as you 'll see later in this article .

  13. 这些副本都包含与原始存储库相同的数据地图对象,这一点没错,因为数据地图在用表单数据创建和填充之后不会被修改。

    These copies , however , contain the same data map objects as the original repository , which is OK because data maps are not modified after being created and populated with the form data .

  14. 基于GIS的空间基础地理数据在地图编制中的应用

    Application of Spatial Basic Geographical Data Based on GIS in Mapping

  15. 整合后GML空间数据的地图表达-SVG,SVG格式地图中动态交互性问题。

    , the dynamic intercommunion in SVG map .

  16. 本研究将异构空间数据、地图服务、业务系统等以Web服务的形式发布,解决了特种设备安全监察系统中存在的共享和互操作问题,对空间信息服务相关的研究工作具有借鉴意义。

    The research publishes heterogeneous spatial data , maps and functions as Web Services and solves the sharing and interoperability problems of current systems . It also has certain significance for research on SIS .

  17. 采用空间数据制作地图,就是要将DLM转化成DCM(数字制图模型),这其中有很多问题的存在。

    There are many problems in the process of transform from space data to map , which is transformation from DLM to DCM ( digital cartographic model ) .

  18. 在对城区内GPS定位误差进行了系统分析的基础上,提出了一种融合GPS技术和结合历史数据的地图匹配技术的车辆路径定位方法,并通过对实验的统计分析证明了方法的有效性。

    Based on the systematical analysis of GPS positioning errors , the vehicle route positioning technique is proposed , that combine the GPS technique with the map matching technique using the history data . And its validity is checked by the statistical analysis of an experiment data .

  19. 根据考古学数据,地图,考古研究。

    Based on archaeological data , maps , anthropological research .

  20. 多图幅海量数据电子地图快速显示的研究与实现

    Research and realization on speedy display of electronic multi-maps with macro data

  21. 基于大规模浮动车数据的地图匹配算法

    Map Matching Algorithm of Large Scale Probe Vehicle Data

  22. 本文主要研究了在室内环境下移动机器人基十激光扫描数据的地图创建问题。

    The problem of the map building based on laser scanning data is mainly researched in this paper .

  23. 从大处方面说,这是一个阿富汗选举数据与地图的合成。

    Larger scale , this is a mash-up of the data which was released about the Afghan elections .

  24. 因此,只能检索用户配置文件中在元素中包含有效位置数据的地图数据。

    Therefore , map data can only be retrieved for user profiles that contain valid location data in the element .

  25. 利用该技术,我们可以将数据与地图绑定在一起,以可视化的形式显示数据。

    Make use of the technique , we can bind together the data and maps to the form of visual display data .

  26. 文中从野外采集数据和地图数字化两个方面分析了影响大比例尺数字地形图数据质量的因素,讨论了数据质量控制的方法。

    This paper analysis diathesis which would influence the quality of the large scale digital topographic map from two aspect , and discusses the methods of the controlling data quality .

  27. 以此模型为基础设计实现了两种栅格地图投影变换的算法,并设计了一个基于矢量和栅格数据的地图投影变换实验系统,实现了栅格地图的多种投影变换。

    Based on this model , the author designs two algorithms for raster data map projection transformation , and also implements a map projection transformation experimental system for raster and vector data .

  28. 地图匹配是车辆导航定位系统中提高定位精度的一种方法,其精度受定位数据、地图数据质量及坐标系转换关系的影响。

    Map matching is a method which can improve the positioning precision in Vehicles Navigation Positioning System . Its precision is influenced by positioning data , GIS data quality and transformation between coordinate systems .

  29. 在文章中论述了矢量化电子地图的制作原理,实现了矢量化电子地图的基本操作,完成了将定位数据在地图上的显示(即实现了车辆的监控)。

    This article discuss the producing principle of vector electronic map , making it reality to accomplish the basic operation on map , completing the position data display on map ( that it is , to realize monitoring vehicle ) .

  30. 已有迹象表明,今年苹果准备制造一款汽车。它聘用了汽车技术和车辆设计领域的专家,询问了一个自动和互联汽车的测试站点何时有空展开测试,并收购了一家大数据分析地图公司。

    Apple has shown signs of preparing to create a car this year , including recruiting experts in automotive technology and vehicle design , asking a test site for autonomous and connected cars when they had availability for a test and buying a big data analytics mapping company .