
  • 网络Educational review;Education review
  1. 本文是以美国的一本教育杂志&《哈佛教育评论》为个案,对于自1931年到2000年发表在《哈佛教育评论》上的文章进行的实证研究。

    It is a demonstration research on articles in Harvard Educational Review from 1931 to 2000 .

  2. 情感在教育评论中的作用与调控教育评论方法及其它

    Method of Education Review and Some Related Issues

  3. 教育评论学研究的几个理论问题

    Some Theoretical Problems of Education Review Research

  4. 教育评论情境论

    On Situation of Educational Commentaries

  5. 美国教师教育评论

    Teacher education in America

  6. 教育史学评论初探

    COMMENTARY A tentative study of criticism of educational history

  7. 教育史学评论的学科性质和作用

    The Nature and Function of Historical Critique of Education

  8. 论教育史学评论的内容

    On the Content of Education Historiography Critique

  9. 教育史学评论的标准

    The standard of criticism on education historiography

  10. 教育史学评论是教育史学理论中一个既具批判性、又具建设性的重要分支。

    The criticism of educational history is a significant discipline of critical and constructive nature in the study of educational history .

  11. 中国戏曲学院的毕业生广泛活跃于中国的各类演出团体、媒体、影视制作以及戏曲教育及评论等领域。

    Since the1950s , past graduates are actively engaged in Chinese dramatic troupes , media arts , and filmmaking as well as theatrical education and criticism .

  12. 教育史学评论是以教育史学自身实践和成果为研究对象的史学理论分支学科,它所关注的是历史学研究的所有方面和全部过程。

    The education historiography critique is one subject of the embranchments of the historiography theory , its attention is all the aspects and the whole process of education historiography study .

  13. 教育史学评论的标准包括社会的和学术的两个方面,社会标准包括选题的现实性、成果的社会效用、研究著述在文化积累和传播中的地位和作用等;

    It has the social and academic aspects , social standard includes the practical character of the studying object , the social function of the studying out-coming , the effect of writing in culture accumulating and transmitting ;

  14. 教师安东尼-科迪在《每周教育》中评论到:人为教学的好处就在于我们当然都是感性的。

    Teacher Anthony Cody , writing in Education Week , commented : The wonderful thing about having human beings as teachers is that we are naturally empathetic .

  15. 教师安东尼-科迪在《每周教育》中评论到:“人为教学的好处就在于我们当然都是感性的。我们不需要皮肤电流传感器来检测学生什么时候昏昏欲睡,什么时候不感兴趣。我们环顾一下教室就知道了!”

    Teacher Anthony Cody , writing in Education Week , commented : " The wonderful thing about having human beings as teachers is that we are naturally empathetic . We do not need galvanic skin sensors to detect when our students are drowsy or disinterested we can look around the room in an instant and know ! "

  16. 附带地“部长对于教育改革有何评论?”“没说太多,他只是顺便提了几句。”4.dramaticallyadv.戏剧性地;引人注目地;显著的

    What did the minister say about educational reform ? " ' Not very much .

  17. 文章从依法治校、办学理念、健全管理系统、完善质量评估体系几方面对澳大利亚高等教育加以介绍和评论,以作为我国高等教育改革的参考。

    This paper attempts to present Australian education from the perspectives of structure , mission , management system and evaluation system as reference to the higher education reform in China .

  18. 部长在上周发布关于特殊教育需求规定的评论,以考虑如何确保家长可以将有特殊需要的孩子送到他们首选的学校。

    Ministers launched a review of special needs provision last week to look at how to ensure parents can send a child with SEN to their preferred choice of school .

  19. 论教育界学风与教育评论问题

    On the Study Style of the Educational Circle and Educational Critique

  20. 长期的应试教育背景下,有关中国基础教育的评论,各种批评是前所未有的多。

    In the long-term background of exam-oriented education , there are more criticisms and comments on Chinese fundamental education as never before .

  21. 教育的学术与审视&基于《北京大学教育评论》2003~2008年刊文的统计分析

    The Academic and Examination of Education & Statistical Analysis of Based on the Articles of " Peking University Education Review " Published in 2003-2008

  22. 刘智运,胡德海:“对教育本质的再认识”,载《北京大学教育评论》2004年第4期。

    Liu Zhiyun & Hu Dehai , A Review : the Nature of Education , 4 Peking University Education Review ,( 2004 ) .

  23. 教育管理科学论、教育管理主观论、教育管理批评论、教育管理价值论和教育管理整合论,构成了当代教育管理理论的主要流派。

    There are five theories of educational administration , such as scientific theory , subjective theory , critic theory , worth theory and combinative theory , which consist of main theory schools of the present educational administration .