
  1. 第三,加强中学青年教师教育教学基本技能的培训。

    Third , to strengthen secondary education and teaching young people basic skills , teacher training .

  2. 三笔字(指毛笔字、钢笔字和粉笔字)是师范生教学基本技能的主要内容。

    " The Three Kinds of Handwritings "( handwritings of brush pen , fountain pen and chalk ) are the basic skills of the normal school students .

  3. 本课题研究初步达到了对体育双语教学基本技能培养的目的,提高了学生的双语教学技能,培养了一定的教学创新能力,促进了学生对体育双语教学的认知水平和个性发展水平的提高。

    This study preliminary achieved the purpose of cultivating sports bilingual teaching basic skills , and improved students ' bilingual teaching skills . Students ' cognitive level and the level of personality development on sports Bilingual Teaching had been improved . But students ' English foundation is not strong .

  4. 高等师范教育教育学课程对培养学生正确的教育观和从事教育教学的基本技能具有积极意义。

    The education science course in the normal higher education has positive significance for training the college students'right educational senses and working for education .

  5. 随着研究性学习的不断深入,如何处理好课本知识教学、基本技能训练与培养学生探究能力、创新精神之间的关系,对于大多数教师来说,是一个亟待解决的课题。

    With the constant development of inquiry learning , how to strike the balance between the instruction of textbook knowledge . the training of basic skills and the cultivation of research ability and creativity , is still a problem for most teachers .

  6. 改革遗传学实验教学培养学生基本技能

    Reforming Experiment Teaching for Training Basal Skill of Students

  7. 目的:在药剂实验教学中进行基本技能训练,提高学生分析和解决问题的能力。

    Objective : Emphasizing the basic skills training in teaching pharmaceutics experiment to improve the students'ablity of analysis and solution the problems .

  8. 如今各大高校将计算机教学作为学生基本技能的重要培养课程,计算机信息技术课程是江苏省乃至全国各大高校非计算机专业一年级学生的必修课程。

    The computer information technology course is a compulsory subject for Grade-1 students of the non-computer specialty in colleges of Jiangsu Province and even the whole nation .

  9. 浅谈卫生专业教学中的基本技术技能训练

    On the Training of the Basic Skills in Medical Teaching

  10. 钢琴教学中的基本弹奏技能

    The Basic Playing Skills in Piano Teaching

  11. 听力是大学英语教学中四项基本技能之一,也是一个教学难点。

    In English language teaching , listening is one of the four basic techniques as well as a tough problem to be resolved .

  12. 写作是高中英语教学最重要的基本技能之一,也是高考必考项目之一,因为写作能够比较客观地反映学生综合运用语言能力。

    Writing , a major item in the College Entrance Examination , is one of the most important language skills , which can reflect students ' comprehensive language ability .

  13. 对外汉语写作教学作为四项基本技能教学中的重要输出技能,近些年在专业实践领域和教学法方面也得到了很多语言学家的关注。

    Foreign Language writing teaching skill as an important output of the basic skills teaching in the field of professional practice and teaching methods in recent years has also been a concern of many linguists .

  14. 实验课教学应加大基本操作技能考核力度,开展第二课堂活动等培养学生的化学分析技能,以培养学生的基本职业能力;

    Through the experimental teaching , the check on basic operating skills will be enhanced ; through the second class activity , the students'skills in the chemical analysis and their basic vocational ability will be developed ;

  15. 旨在为地理教师提供实践对话教学所需要的基本技能和策略,搭建对话教学理论和对话教学实践之间相互沟通的桥梁,并企图在实践中发展、完善对话教学理论。

    This thesis is designed to provide geography teachers with basic skills and strategies for dialogue teaching , and build a bridge between theory and practice . Meanwhile , I attempts to develop and improve theories of dialogue teaching .

  16. 房地产方向学生核心能力培养是十分重要的,通过对房地产项目开发程序的分析,设置了工程管理专业房地产方向的主干专业课程,确定了其主要教学内容和基本专业技能。

    The core abilities to develop of real estate directional students is very important , passing analysis to development procedure of the real estate item , establishing main professional course for real estate direction of construction management , confirm main content of course and basic profession technical abilities .

  17. 微格教学训练实践与师范生教学基本技能训练的一般模式相互结合、取长补短,可以提高微格教学的效果。

    The training mode in Microteaching can be combined with the general training mode of basic teaching skill of the normal school students in a reinforcing way so that the effect of the microteaching mode can be improved .

  18. 知识经济时代进行创新教育,对教师在教育观念、教学模式、教学理论和教学基本技能等方面均提出了更新更高的要求。

    It is expected to practise innovation education at the age of knowledge economy , more newer and higher demands are being put forward for teachers in regard to teaching views , teaching modes , teaching theories and basic teaching skills etc.

  19. 用该方法对5位教师的教学内容、教学方法、教学态度、教学基本技能及教学效果进行评价和计算,评价准确性较高。

    Five teachers ′ teaching contents , methods , manner , basic training and effect are evaluated , and precise results are obtained .

  20. 即第一段为期2年,在学校学习,以理论为主,辅之以实验、实习等实践教学,完成高技能人才系统性的基础教学和职业基本技能训练。

    Namely , the first stage is two-year , when students mainly study theory in school with the basic skill training .

  21. 因此,培养学生的地图技能既是中学地理教学极其重要的一项任务,也是国家地理课程标准所规定的地理教学的基本技能之一。

    Therefore , the cultivation of the students ' skills in both high school geography teaching map extremely important a task , it is also the national geography curriculum standard prescribed by the geography teaching basic skills of one .