
  • 网络Policy market
  1. 以此得到形成中国股市政策市的深层次原因。

    Then the reason for the formation of the policy market is obtained .

  2. 中国政策市的行为思考

    Behavioural reflection on Chinese policy market

  3. 政策市是中国证券市场一大特色;

    China stock markets is famous for its changes with policies .

  4. 中国股票市场政策市现象之研究&一个制度分析框架

    On Phenomenon of " Policy Market " in China 's Stock Market

  5. 中国股市政策市的统计研究

    Statistical Studying of the " Policy Stock Market " of the Chinese Stock Market

  6. 本文从中国股票市场政策市的根源出发,分析政策对股票市场的影响。

    The text analyze source of policy market .

  7. 中国股市往往被称为政策市。

    Chinese markets are often described as policy-driven .

  8. 第四,政策市增加了政府政策实施的成本。

    Fourth , the " policy stock market " increasing the cost of government policy .

  9. 中国股市的过度反应与政策市现象实证研究

    Empirical Study on the Phenomenon of Over-reaction and " Policy Market " in Chinese Stock Market

  10. 然后对这一分析进行扩展,在更广泛的范围内讨论中国股市的政策市演进方向。

    In the following , an extensive analysis for the evolving direction of China 's stock market is presented .

  11. 中国股票市场是政策市,外国专家和国际投资基金游资是看不懂!

    Chinese stock market is the city policy , foreign experts and international investment funds are capital can not read !

  12. 在政策市中,政策周期对股市周期起着直接的决定作用。

    In the policy market , the policy cycle plays a di - rect decision role to stock market cycle .

  13. 第一,“政策市”弱化了股市的信息传递和资源配置功能。

    First , the " policy stock market " weakens the function of the stock market information dissemination and resource allocation .

  14. 13年来,我国股市的一个最基本的特征是政策市。

    Over the past 13 years , a most basic character of the stock market is that the policy is heavily controlled .

  15. 中国股票市场充满了非理性现象,被许多人士称作政策市、投机市和赌博市,如今已经陷入进退两难的危局。

    There are full of irrational phenomena in Chinese stock market , which is called policy market 、 speculation market or gambling market .

  16. 政府对股市干预过强,表现出明显的政策市特征。

    The authority intervenes in the stock market deeply , and the stock market performance according to a " Policy Market " characteristic .

  17. 中国股市带有明显的政策市特征,其根本原因在于股市内在机制的不合理。

    The Chinese Stock Market ( CSM ) is distinctively characteristic of a policy market which is rooted in its unreasonable internal mechanism .

  18. 这种状况导致政府对证券市场的影响被不断反复强化,使市场成为典型的政策市和消息市。

    This strengthens the influence of the government to security market and makes the market become typical " policy market " and " information market " .

  19. 政府对股市不适当的角色定位,使得我国股市成为政策市,造成对企业的隐性担保格局。

    Secondly , the unsuitability role of government cause that the stock market become the policy market , and result in the hidden hypothecation of government to corporation .

  20. 政策市扭曲投资理念和价格信号,影响股市资源配置功能效率,加大投资风险、助长违规违法、降低管理权威等危害。

    The policy market deforms investment rules and price signals , which affects market efficiency in resource allocation , increases investment risk , furthers irregularities and reduces management authorities .

  21. 但政策市带来的后果是证券市场有效配置资源功能的丧失和市场风险的加剧,而且证券市场所能形成的对企业经营的监督机制也因此失效。

    As a result , the function of the stock market , such as allocation of the resources and supervision of the corporate management , is jeopardized and market risk increases .

  22. 因此市场也被称为赌市、政策市和圈钱市,而受到社会各界的诟病。

    As a result , the market is also known as " the gambling market "," policy market " or " money market " which has been criticized by the society .

  23. 中国股市是一个“政策市”,政策因素是造成我国股票市场收益(价格)跳跃性行为的最重要的原因。

    China 's stock market is considered as a " policy market ", policy is the most important factor to cause the jump of stock returns ( price ) in China .

  24. 理论方面从我国股市系统风险的概念入手,分析了股市系统风险的构成要素,指出我国股市最大的特色是政策市;

    Theoretically it begins with the concept of stock market system risks , the thesis checks over its components , and lists the Government Decree Position as the most unique characteristics of the market ;

  25. 而中国股票市场是一个新兴的资本市场,素有政策市的称号,与西方成熟的股票市场相比,其制度对市场的波动影响比较显著,从而表现出一定的阶段性。

    But China stock market is an emerging capital market and known as the policy market . The system make an greater impact on volatility of stock market compare with the western stock market .

  26. 一般而言,商店的政策市是只是在购买时日起7日之内按照近期的价格对某件商品进行差额退款。

    Normally , the store 's policy is to refund the difference between an item 's purchase price and a later sale price only if it goes on sale within seven days of the purchase .

  27. 分析师有时喜欢将内地股市称作“政策市”,这是政府对股价短期走向有巨大影响力的一种委婉说法。

    Analysts sometimes like to refer to the mainland market as being " policy-driven " which is a polite way of saying that the government has a huge influence over the short-term direction of share prices .

  28. 由于投资者畸形结构与政策市等更深层次的原因使得我国证券投资者存在着严重的过度投机行为偏差和显著的羊群行为偏差。

    Because of the investors ' deformational structure and many other reasons in deep lever such as " policy Market " and so on , the serious excessively speculative behavior and the obvious herd behavior lie in the security market in China .

  29. 山东省东部海岸城市青岛,在本周一开始实施72小时的国际游客免签政策,市政府想以此政策来促进旅游业和商业的发展

    Qingdao , an eastern coastal city of Shandong province , started to offer 72-hour visa-free entry for international transit passengers on Monday as a move to boost tourism and business .

  30. 本文使用Granger因果检验说明变量不显著的原因,并对这一原因进行分析,认为与我国贸易政策、天津市贸易商品结构等因素有关。

    In this paper , we show that Variables are indistinctive , and explained the reasons by Granger-causality test .